Do we let Nazis emigrate to america?

Text Drivers are Killers

Biden likes little girls
So why should we let muslims? Islam is NOT a religion. It's a hateful political movement that would love to destroy america and Trump is clearly right to say no more. In fact, we should kick out the ones we have.
We not only let Nazis emigrate to America, we facilitated it. Ever hear of Wernher Von Braun?

HAHAHAHA. That's ancient history, you moron. We don't allow nazis in now. THINK, you miserable america-hating wretch.

They're mostly dead now.

But we'd still let them in if they weren't, wouldn't we?

And the ones we welcomed got benefits.

Here's the proof:
HAHAHAHA. That's ancient history, you moron. We don't allow nazis in now. THINK, you miserable america-hating wretch.

So I'm going to cut right to the chase, here.

You advocate banning an entire group of people because of their faith. That is unconstitutional, anti-American and makes you most unpatriotic and an absolute hater of what it truly means to be American.

And while you are telling others they are morons, you should consider the following:

"Ancient History" is things like Rome, Greece, Byzantium, and so on. World War II and the Nazis are about 100 years old, so slightly antique. So you're not only an unpatriotic America hater, you're also clearly uneducated and deeply ignorant to the point of delusion.

I have read the idiocy and nonsense you post on these forums on a regular basis for some time, now, and I think if you ever want to be taken seriously you should engage in just a tiny bit of education on anything you ever speak of here.

Because at this point, you deserve absolutely no respect from anyone with even the slightest intellectual acumen.

I've really had it with all of you Constitution-hating, anti-American, unpatriotic hypocrites constantly raging about how much you love America when every word you speak shows your contempt for it.

Have an evening.

But not a pleasant one.