Do We Need Mooslim sympathizers in the highet level of government?


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Considering the fact that Islamic Jihadists are one of the main threats(if not the main threat) to America does it make any kind of sense for our Commander-in-Chief to go to a mosque and exhibit sympathy for a violent religion?

Now of course...........the liberal narrative remains that Islam is a religion of peace....George Bush trotted around the globe proclaiming that...and we all know what a genius he was...with a i.q. even higher than our current genius in the White House.

Never mind all the above....the question of the moment being.....will there be an ISIS attack on the Super Bowl?....I think if they are to maintain their current threat status...they will feel compelled to make some kind of effort....will the extraordinarily high level of security being put in place to protect all the morons who will show up there --be enough-- to thwart an attack?

It depends really not on the quality of the security net being put in place(how good are a bunch of rent-a-cops anyhow) but more realistically on whether or not there are any devotees of ISIS willing to sacrifice their lives to mount an attack on this event? I do not know what their capability is nor do I (or most likely anyone else) know how many ISIS supporters are out there plotting some sort of attack. The truth of the matter matter how good the security if someone is willing to die for their cause they can attack. Will they?

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