Do you own a Gun?

Ill go first, I own an antique shotgun my grandfather gave me. I have never shot it and I doubt it works as it likely has not been shot since the 60's.

It is dated 1908.
I own a gun. In fact I own several. Most are for hunting, but I do have some handguns that are for home protection. The police cannot respond to a call in our area very quickly at all, one must be proactive in their protection. It is more than protection against people, I have used a shotgun to stave off a night raid by coyotes on my livestock...
Do you own a gun and if so why?

Not anymore. I used to have a rifle for target shooting.

My wife used to own a handgun.

I kinda got bored of target shooting. And where we live, I've never heard of a home-invasion situation, and there hasn't been a murder in over a decade. I figured the risk of having an accident with one of the guns at home outweighed any "protection" value they had.

My best friends father, who was a avid hunter, shot himself to death cleaning one of his guns.
I own over 10.
several were passed on from father, grandfather, grandmother (yes I have her pistol). I use my guns for varmit protection (2 and 4 legged) and target shooting. I don't hunt, just buy all my meat on styrofoam trays for now, but have 3 calves destined for the freezer this year :)
I have killed humans (legally) and hope to never have to do that again. but will to protect myself , friends and family if needed.
I also have a concealed carry permit.
We have a shotgun, unloaded, in a remote closet. My husband has talked of getting a handgun for protection, primarily in the trailer at the dragstrip (we stay over when we can). I'm insisting that if we do go that route, we both take lessons and practice so that we can use it properly if and when needed, but mostly to avoid hurting anyone by accident. Whether or not he'll follow through on this idea remains to be seen. I do have some reservations but understand where he's coming from on this.
Yeah traveling into bad neighborhoods is why I have a concealed carry permit. I think I only have carried a pistol twice with it. but it also makes it legal for me to have a cut down ball bat under my car seat. I would prefer not to shoot anyone, and would much prefer to only thump them good if possible.
Of course if they are alone and have no weapon I will just kick their butt, but am getting a bit old and decrepit for that ;)
I've owned guns in the past though hven't any at the moment. I do own a couple of swords, but I don't think those count as weapons of personal destruction in the modern world. I enjoy shooting, especially black powder pieces of the mid-nineteenth. Hit something with one of those and you know you've done good -- or been really lucky.

Frankly, I think the whole concept of owning a gun for "protection" is quaint and somewhat cute. Another example of superstition overriding rationality, but a relatively harmless one.

Personally, most people that I know that own a gun for protection are people that didn't before, but they had what I call "the Incident". Where they find that they were either close to being or were under serious danger that circumstance where their own protection was mandatory because the police would not have been there in time.

In my case, it was when the only thing that kept an armed rapist running from the police on foot from coming into my house was that the back door had been locked by a Realtor when they had shown the house earlier in that day. The man ended up caught in our back yard, actually in the dog run, the gun found by me and turned over to the police the next day. (I didn't move it, just called them to come and get his firearm and put it into evidence).

We knew he tried to enter, only because of our small dog. The police were a Loooooooong time in getting there, I couldn't imagine what would have happened had he gained entry...
Ornot, I refuse to put myself fully at the mercy of criminals and the state (govt) police system. Both are often inept.
Of course in the area I live in a reputation is as good as a gun in preventing crime. No one seems to want to mess with "that crazy old Nam vet" who would just as soon shoot ya as look at ya. ;)
Reps do not work nearly as well in larger urban areas though, more random crime there.
Personally, I own one handgun... in the past I have used it to go to the range. Haven't done so in the past couple of years though. I am single with no kids, so I will likely continue to keep the gun. As for personal protection, I would probably use a bat as a first option. The gun would only be used if the crook was armed.
Personally, most people that I know that own a gun for protection are people that didn't before, but they had what I call "the Incident". Where they find that they were either close to being or were under serious danger that circumstance where their own protection was mandatory because the police would not have been there in time.

In my case, it was when the only thing that kept an armed rapist running from the police on foot from coming into my house was that the back door had been locked by a Realtor when they had shown the house earlier in that day. The man ended up caught in our back yard, actually in the dog run, the gun found by me and turned over to the police the next day. (I didn't move it, just called them to come and get his firearm and put it into evidence).

We knew he tried to enter, only because of our small dog. The police were a Loooooooong time in getting there, I couldn't imagine what would have happened had he gained entry...
This is just what I mean by superstition. ;)

Statistically, you're safer not owning a gun. Buying a gun for protection is like driving faster to avoid accidents.
A gun is a tool just like any other. It all depends on how you use it.
They are also fun to shoot.

Ornot you votin for Ghoulianie ? he is pro gun control. I don't think that will fly very well with Republicans though.
This is just what I mean by superstition. ;)

Statistically, you're safer not owning a gun. Buying a gun for protection is like driving faster to avoid accidents.
*sigh*, so speaks the man who has yet to see "the Incident".

Statistically, those who purchase guns for protection who do not take classes on how to properly use it for home protection have more accidents. However, the idea that a cop can protect you when you live in an area like mine is foolish. I have also already stated that I have used one of my guns to protect my property from predators. Without it many of my goats would have been killed by a coyote...

So, let's get real here. The myth stands on both sides. The idea that you are somehow safer without a gun can be true, or untrue. I can depend on where you live and what you have done to understand the weapon's dangers.

Your "myth" can often be a "myth" of its own.
Yes if someone does not "know" guns and goes out and buys one for defense...well that is very dangerous.
I grew up with Guns around though, hunted with them, used them in Nam, etc...
I also have a few swords, numchucks, etc...
I've got over 20 guns......that whittled down from over 30 when I got married. I am a collector and an avid shooter and hunter.....squirrel, rabbits, deer, coyotes. I have both long guns and pistols, black powder and modern, single shots and semi-automatics....and plenty of ammunition for each one. I have a concealed carry permit as well. We went behind the house and shot over 500 rounds shooting skeets this past Saturday. So, yes, I own guns.