do you people here think im a snob

I'd have to go with yes on this one rob:

#1) You're rants about riff raff
#2) You're rants about people working at low paying jobs
#3) The Clarion marriage thing
#4) and some other stuff I can't think of now.

Keep in mind, I love the posts though, they always make me laugh, so keep 'em coming you snob!
I think you're all taking what 'dawg posts far too literally. Methinks he says outrageous things now and then just to see who's too tightly wound up that day.
IHateGovernment said:
Looking down upon people because of their social status is the definition of snobbery.

Right. Laughing at people because they do menial labor... That is a form of snobbery.

Just thinking you look good while not thinking less of another if they don't would not be snobbery. Being vain is not necessarily a sign of also being a snob.
IHateGovernment said:
Looking down upon people because of their social status is the definition of snobbery.
Certainly. If you look at that thread, though, he all but admitted that he initiated it just to bait people.
OrnotBitwise said:
Certainly. If you look at that thread, though, he all but admitted that he initiated it just to bait people.
well the clarion thing is true enough, and about having open bar at a wedding... tiana got me there... i don't think anyone should have their wedding at basically a truck stop.
OrnotBitwise said:
I think you're all taking what 'dawg posts far too literally. Methinks he says outrageous things now and then just to see who's too tightly wound up that day.

Hmm... ok... kinda like toby .. , I can agree to that ...
robdastud said:
everyone on Fp thinks im this coldhearted scumbag. its unreal.

I think you should try letting go of your hate towards Christians.
If you promise to do that, I promise to tone down my rhetoric. ;)

I also think you come across as an elitist. For example, you judge people based on their income.
robdastud said:
well the clarion thing is true enough, and about having open bar at a wedding... tiana got me there... i don't think anyone should have their wedding at basically a truck stop.

Well, to be fair, I agreed with your assessment, so what does that make me?
I don't see you as a snob. A snob is someone who looks down upon others, and has a good rationalization for doing as such. You aren't a snob. You're laughable.