Do you smell what Barack is cooking ...


He walks up to the podium.. one eyebrow cocked upwards ...turns his head to the right and then back to the left ... and he says ... " Finally Barack has come back to Denver.. to carry the torch into November... Finally the People Candidate has arrived!"

He goes on to say ... "John McCain ... how dare you... you little jabrony .. come on to Baracks stage, come on to the people stage and run your mouth about how you are going to bring change..., run your mouth about how you are the experienced one... to bring change. Well if you are the real one... you need to go back to the drawing board because your idea of change sucks!! Bottom line McCain, Barack is going to stick his size 14 peoples shoe sideways up your ass!!!"

Do You smmmeeeelllllll what Barack is cooking!!!!

Hmmm.. is this the change we are in for? The USE? The United States of Entertainment?

Seriously though... If Colin Powell and Chuck Hagel endorse Obama.. the game is over before it has begun.
Obama is laying the ground work real smart... moving center-- aligning with the likes of Sam Nunn and Dick Gephardt ... while pissing off his far left constituency.. after all..what are they going to do? Vote for McCain? Unlikely.

But what are we in for? The economy? How is expanding Government going to cure Economic woes? A Democratic president with a Democratic Congress means that Government Controlled Health Care is on its way. Means that the Dept. of Education is going to expand beyond belief. Means that the Government role in energy regulation is likely to gain momentum. Means that a Global Warming Tax is on its way. Means that Inflation, Higher Taxes ... ie. misery index is going to take a beating.

Do you smeeellllll what Barack is cooking ...?
geez....IF MEMORY SERVES ME....wasn't it the Republican lead congress and this republican president that lead the charge and passed THEIR Medicare Pill Bill....the LARGEST entitlement program increase since SS?

With NO ABILITY to negotiate with the Pharma industry on bulk rate discounts and no opportunity to buy from Canada?


After almost 8 years of the Bush continuously spewing bullshit at us about everything from Valerie Plame and the firing of USA's to Iraq and Afghanistan, I couldn't possibly smell what anyone was cooking.
After what the republicans have done to the country I just cant understand how any of these idiots can even pretend that they are the fiscal party any more?

Klat the myth is dead. Your party are facsists who will hand every part of this government over to the corporations.

How after these last eight years can anyone be so stupid as to think any conservative can be believed about this total bullshit line?
Desh, these last 8 years have certainly been republicans but they have not been conservatives. They have been politicians, bought and sold, that had an idiot at the helm and money whispering in his ear.

I don't agree with Obama's fiscal plans, but you correct that the right has no room to talk.
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geez....IF MEMORY SERVES ME....wasn't it the Republican lead congress and this republican president that lead the charge and passed THEIR Medicare Pill Bill....the LARGEST entitlement program increase since SS?

With NO ABILITY to negotiate with the Pharma industry on bulk rate discounts and no opportunity to buy from Canada?



It is probably the second worst decision made by Bush & Co.

First would have to be the war in Iraq, followed by an ongoing stream of other bad decisions. In 2000 when Clinton left office our Federal budget was 1.8 Trillion. Now it is in excess of 3 Trillion. And this man claims to be a Republican?

Clinton was more fiscally conservative than Bush! What an embarrassment.

I like Bush on a personal level, but he is not nor was he ever qualified to be President. The past eight years have been surreal, to say the least.

Desh said:
After what the republicans have done to the country I just cant understand how any of these idiots can even pretend that they are the fiscal party any more?

I agree. Hell, I'd rather have McCain than Obama, but to claim that the Republican Party is the bastion of fiscal restraint is intellectually dishonest at the very least.
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It is probably the second worst decision made by Bush & Co.

First would have to be the war in Iraq, followed by an ongoing stream of other bad decisions. In 2000 when Clinton left office our Federal budget was 1.8 Trillion. Now it is in excess of 3 Trillion. And this man claims to be a Republican?

Clinton was more fiscally conservative than Bush! What an embarrassment.

I like Bush on a personal level, but he is not nor was he ever qualified to be President. The past eight years have been surreal, to say the least.

I agree. Hell, I'd rather have McCain than Obama, but to claim that the Republican Party is the bastion of fiscal restraint is intellectually dishonest at the very least.

Thank you for saying such....even my husband, who has been a lifelong republican, (we have a mixed marriage, me a Dem and him a Repub :D)admits as much, or really is totally pissed about it all....the war, the spending, even some things he believes were lies....

the economy, hmm lets see Barack significantly reduces institutional racism.
uhhm, what could happen. Shit productivity goes way up, middle class have more pay and healthcare. GDP goes way up cause Barack fixes the easy shit first. HE DOESN'T JAIL 700,000 COOL PEOPLE FOR PUFFING A LITTLE PAIN MEDICINE.:clink:
It is probably the second worst decision made by Bush & Co.

First would have to be the war in Iraq, followed by an ongoing stream of other bad decisions. In 2000 when Clinton left office our Federal budget was 1.8 Trillion. Now it is in excess of 3 Trillion. And this man claims to be a Republican?

Clinton was more fiscally conservative than Bush! What an embarrassment.

I like Bush on a personal level, but he is not nor was he ever qualified to be President. The past eight years have been surreal, to say the least.

I agree. Hell, I'd rather have McCain than Obama, but to claim that the Republican Party is the bastion of fiscal restraint is intellectually dishonest at the very least.

Where in my post did I claim that the Republicans are the bastion of fiscal restraint?
After what the republicans have done to the country I just cant understand how any of these idiots can even pretend that they are the fiscal party any more?

Klat the myth is dead. Your party are facsists who will hand every part of this government over to the corporations.

How after these last eight years can anyone be so stupid as to think any conservative can be believed about this total bullshit line?

Although I did vote for Bush... partly because I could never vote for a schmuck like Kerry...and partly because there was no one else to vote for... I am not a Republican .... lets put that to rest desh. Being critical of or questioning Obama does not make one a Republican...and especially a Bush Neo-Con, nor does it make one a Topspin was trying to spin.
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geez....IF MEMORY SERVES ME....wasn't it the Republican lead congress and this republican president that lead the charge and passed THEIR Medicare Pill Bill....the LARGEST entitlement program increase since SS?

With NO ABILITY to negotiate with the Pharma industry on bulk rate discounts and no opportunity to buy from Canada?



Care .. you can attack Bush and huis Neo Cronies all day.. you will not find me defending them