Do you think their SS Agents still have jobs?


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Argentina confirms theft of Bush daughter's purse

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (Reuters) - One of U.S. President George W. Bush's daughters had her purse stolen while visiting the Argentine capital accompanied by Secret Service agents, an Argentine official confirmed on Wednesday.

"The daughter was touring a typical tourist place, left her bag on the floor and it was robbed," Interior Minister Anibal Fernandez told reporters.

"I don't want to talk more about this issue," he said without identifying which of Bush's twin daughters were involved.
What a dumb cow, leaving her purse on the floor.

I hope the SS don't get fired for the stupidity of this girl....
"The daughter was touring a typical tourist place, left her bag on the floor and it was robbed," Interior Minister Anibal Fernandez told reporters.

The SS is charged with protecting her life. Not keeping track of her purse.

Its her fault if she left her purse laying somewhere, and it got pinched.