Do You Understand Jury Nullification?


New member
Have you ever served on a jury? Do you plan on serving, if called upon? Do you support our justice system ... our laws? How about our Founders? Brilliant men, wouldn't you say? Not perfect. But, wise enough to understand human nature. They understood that governments generally always turn into tyrannical abusers. That's why they created a system of checks within our justice system. The greatest "check" we have is the jury system. We are ALL entitled to trial by jury. Why? Because, jurors are NOT instruments of the court. They are our friends and neighbors who are placed in the jury box to PROTECT THEIR FELLOW HUMANS from government abuses. No, they aren't there to protect the lawyers ... or the judges ... or the laws. Judges are supposed to tell you why you are there, when you serve on a jury. But, they started omitting that crucial bit of information several decades ago. And, by the way, WHO chooses the jury pool? That's right ... the government. NOT your attorney. NOT you. Your attorney only gets to eliminate a few potential jurors, before the trial, that were furnished by ... the government. Did you know ... that your job ... your DUTY ... as a juror, is to judge the law that is being applied ... not just the guilt or innocence of the accused. So, the next time you serve on a jury, remember that you are there to PROTECT YOUR FELLOW HUMANS FROM GOVERNMENT ABUSES. If the accused is non-violent, if there is no victim ... there is no crime. And, don't let them try to convince you that the taxpayers are the victims. They victimize themselves when they pay oppressive taxes. Anyone who refuses to pay oppressive and unconstitutional taxes ... IS NOT YOUR VICTIMIZER! The 16th Amendment WAS NOT RATIFIED!
Have you ever served on a jury? Do you plan on serving, if called upon? Do you support our justice system ... our laws? How about our Founders? Brilliant men, wouldn't you say? Not perfect. But, wise enough to understand human nature. They understood that governments generally always turn into tyrannical abusers. That's why they created a system of checks within our justice system. The greatest "check" we have is the jury system. We are ALL entitled to trial by jury. Why? Because, jurors are NOT instruments of the court. They are our friends and neighbors who are placed in the jury box to PROTECT THEIR FELLOW HUMANS from government abuses. No, they aren't there to protect the lawyers ... or the judges ... or the laws. Judges are supposed to tell you why you are there, when you serve on a jury. But, they started omitting that crucial bit of information several decades ago. And, by the way, WHO chooses the jury pool? That's right ... the government. NOT your attorney. NOT you. Your attorney only gets to eliminate a few potential jurors, before the trial, that were furnished by ... the government. Did you know ... that your job ... your DUTY ... as a juror, is to judge the law that is being applied ... not just the guilt or innocence of the accused. So, the next time you serve on a jury, remember that you are there to PROTECT YOUR FELLOW HUMANS FROM GOVERNMENT ABUSES. If the accused is non-violent, if there is no victim ... there is no crime. And, don't let them try to convince you that the taxpayers are the victims. They victimize themselves when they pay oppressive taxes. Anyone who refuses to pay oppressive and unconstitutional taxes ... IS NOT YOUR VICTIMIZER! The 16th Amendment WAS NOT RATIFIED!

Got you ass handed to you, in Court, HUH!!