Do you want healthcare…

Don't be ridiculous.

Here's how reform will likely affect the healthcare industry:

Insurance companies will be required to insure people with pre-existing conditions in return for a mandate requiring healthy citizens to carry insurance. Then will come downward pressure on rates.

The big drug companies will reduce prices of drugs.

Some inefficient hospitals will close as Medicaid reimbursements decline.
I was told by a Republican that the homeless choose not to have a home.
Don't be ridiculous.

I am not being ridiculous. The government that you want to be in charge of healthcare is the same government that mandated digital TV. I have a digital TV with an outdoor antennae, but I don’t have cable TV or a satellite service. But since the digi-switch my TV reception has been garbage. Half the time now I don’t even turn the TV on because I cannot count on being able to watch anything.
Yeah and digital cell phones suck on range compared to the old analog ones. But the phone companies make lots more money off of them than the old analog ones.
Yeah and digital cell phones suck on range compared to the old analog ones. But the phone companies make lots more money off of them than the old analog ones.

Are analog cell phones still around? If not, then it is only natural that digital cell phone companies make more money than analog cell phone companies do- the market doesn’t give the consumer any alternative. But did the digital switch in the cell phone industry come due to a government mandate?

BTW: Even if the cell phone industry switched to digital technology without a government mandate, it still shows the power that big business has over the market. When the cell phone industry decided to offer only digital service consumers had no choice but buy digital service or do without. Big business can keep small business out of business and by preventing competition gain control over what goods and services will be provided for sale- and thereby control what consumers will buy. Big business may lose money when it offers a product or service that consumers end up not wanting. But as long as consumers have money to spend they will end up spending it on something that big business will offer for sale. All money in circulation eventually ends up in Bentonville or Atlanta.
Don't be ridiculous.

Here's how reform will likely affect the healthcare industry:

Insurance companies will be required to insure people with pre-existing conditions in return for a mandate requiring healthy citizens to carry insurance. Then will come downward pressure on rates.

The big drug companies will reduce prices of drugs.

Some inefficient hospitals will close as Medicaid reimbursements decline.
LOL What a fucking droon.

First, you actually claim that making healthy people pay for the costs of insurance regulations is a good thing? Bet a lot of healthy people who choose to not purchase health insurance would disagree that this is a fair plan. I'm tempted to take up smoking, drinking in excess, eating high carb fatty foods, and sitting around all day doing nothing just so I get my moneys' worth from your fucked up piece of lousy federated authoritarian system.

Big drug companies will stop producing new drugs as the system makes development more expensive than allowed sales can make up for. So much for finding new cures and treatments. Guess all the people with incurable/untreatable diseases can just lump it. Can't have those pesky profits motivating people to invest in the high risk world of pharmaceutical development.

Hospitals will close, alright. And that will put more pressure on the remaining hospitals. Enter the realm of long lines, waiting periods for "non-emergency" treatments, and all the other auspices of regulated, rationed health care services.

Such a good plan you have there.