Does Anybody Like The Truth Unforbidden?

? mean you're prepared to force me to read it?.....

No. What I meant is that if given the choice between truth and lies, you seem to be the type who would choose lies. And being brainwashed that way, any choice you think you may have is just an illusion. You would choose lies every time.
if that were true, wouldn't I be reading your book?.....

No, you wouldn't. Because you prefer lies. Need proof? Download the book and read at least the first chapter. It is only twenty three pages. Or if you prefer, choose a shorter chapter. See if you can find something in whichever one that is a lie. Though if you can't, read the rest of them until you find something.
No, you wouldn't. Because you prefer lies. Need proof? Download the book and read at least the first chapter. It is only twenty three pages. Or if you prefer, choose a shorter chapter. See if you can find something in whichever one that is a lie. Though if you can't, read the rest of them until you find something.

how much do you get if you convince someone to click your me twice what you get and I will critique it for you......I don't work for free.......
how much do you get if you convince someone to click your me twice what you get and I will critique it for you......I don't work for free.......

As far as getting paid for anything, I don't. The only thing I would get out of it is having at least one more person on the planet that isn't a form of Cenobite. (In relation to the Hellraiser movies) Next, I don't want you to read it. I don't want you to critique it. Just download it and scroll down the pages as quickly as you feel like. There are only about 100 pages. So it should take no more than thirty seconds. That is if you don't stop for a longer look. I would be willing to bet you would. That would be your doing and to your advantage. Call that "work" if you want to. Care to give it a try?
As far as getting paid for anything, I don't. The only thing I would get out of it is having at least one more person on the planet that isn't a form of Cenobite. (In relation to the Hellraiser movies) Next, I don't want you to read it. I don't want you to critique it. Just download it and scroll down the pages as quickly as you feel like. There are only about 100 pages. So it should take no more than thirty seconds. That is if you don't stop for a longer look. I would be willing to bet you would. That would be your doing and to your advantage. Call that "work" if you want to. Care to give it a try? might give me cooties...... might give me cooties......

You already have them. The cooties of ignorance. Worse yet, you like them! Even then, it's hard to believe that you could be afraid of looking at some pictures. Also, ever think of choosing a different username? Because no "Prophet" has ever had anything but bullshit to spout. Deny that and I'll be forced to recommend another book to you. One that doesn't have any pictures and will require a lot more reading.
You already have them. The cooties of ignorance. Worse yet, you like them! Even then, it's hard to believe that you could be afraid of looking at some pictures. Also, ever think of choosing a different username? Because no "Prophet" has ever had anything but bullshit to spout. Deny that and I'll be forced to recommend another book to you. One that doesn't have any pictures and will require a lot more reading.
thank you Dr. Seuss......
I don't care if you download it or not. If you don't, it is your loss. But it would be nice if you did and found something in it that you disagree with. I might even be able to discuss it with you here.

I disagreed with about everything. It is a rant against Jews, blacks, the U. S., the Holocaust, etc. The writer, a white separatist, hates everyone except Adolph Hitler.
I disagreed with about everything. It is a rant against Jews, blacks, the U. S., the Holocaust, etc. The writer, a white separatist, hates everyone except Adolph Hitler.

From what you say, I take it you downloaded it and looked at it. Tell me. Was there any "rant" that you think is untrue? After all, that's the whole fucking point. What is true or untrue. If you dislike it so much and disagreed with so much, surely you can give me at least one "for instance" of what is untrue.
From what you say, I take it you downloaded it and looked at it. Tell me. Was there any "rant" that you think is untrue? After all, that's the whole fucking point. What is true or untrue. If you dislike it so much and disagreed with so much, surely you can give me at least one "for instance" of what is untrue.

I disliked all the hatred against Jews and others. I doubt the veracity of picture of the Jewish guy who has $500 trillion dollars and owns most of the central banks of the world. It doesn't make the Holocaust untrue just because the book said it is. Its attempt to prove it listed stuff like the Russians built the gas chambers after the war, but gave no evidence to support those claims.

Anybody who calls people "niggers" is ignorant. Any writer who bases information on "I have been told" is not reliable. Anybody who thinks "species" (race)
" mixing among different species of human is bestality and an abomination!" is a bigoted, judgmental fool.

The guy preaches hate against all groups except whites but he doesn't even like whites if they are Jewish. His world would be a terrible place to live.
From what you say, I take it you downloaded it and looked at it. Tell me. Was there any "rant" that you think is untrue? After all, that's the whole fucking point. What is true or untrue. If you dislike it so much and disagreed with so much, surely you can give me at least one "for instance" of what is untrue.

Well, here are his recommendations for action:

"After first declaring martial law, remove all non-whites from all military instillations and police departments. Then give all non-native non-whites three months to get the fuck
out of the U.S. (And cut free places like Puerto Rico) After that time, any White person can shoot any non-white with no repercussions. At the same time, start rounding nonwhites up that haven’t left yet. For the spicks, for the ones that can be captured alive, impale them. Make a wide forest of impaled spick bodies along the U.S.- mexico border. At the same time, to prove a point, send some spicks back over the border using one of these two devices [catapults]."

If you are comfortable with this "final solution," the book is for you.