Does anybody remember David Frum?


New Nicotine Free Version
Staff member
David Frum was a speechwriter for Bush...

Anyway, he has come up with a pretty darned well-thought out and implementable plan.

THE North Korean nuclear test — if that indeed is what it was (he's referring here to the fact that it appears more and more as if the nuke was in fact a dud and that seismic activity was actually natural) — signals the catastrophic collapse of a dozen years of American policy. Over that period, two of the world’s most dangerous regimes, Pakistan and North Korea, have developed nuclear weapons and the missiles to launch them. Iran, arguably the most dangerous of them all, will surely follow, unless some dramatic action is soon taken.

It is, alas, an iron law of modern diplomacy that the failure of any diplomatic process only proves the need for more of the process that has just failed. Thus those who have long supported negotiating with North Korea are now calling for the Bush administration to begin direct talks with the Kim Jong-il regime. Sorry, but all this would accomplish would be to reward an actual proliferator in order to preserve the illusion that the world still has a meaningful nonproliferation regime.

Some even suggest, in worried tones, that the North Korean test might provoke Japan to go nuclear, as if the worst possible consequence of nuclear weapons in the hands of one of America’s direst enemies would be the acquisition of nuclear weapons by one of America’s best friends.

more at link...
The second paragraph says it all.

Its this stupid idea that you must keep talking and talking that's wrong with the whole diplomatic system. Once the talks fail its time to get out the guns. Not start the talks over again.
I'm unlikely to take adivice from a rightwing pundit who's only experience is writing columns for the national review and speeches for the Chimp. The dude has no relevant experience in asian affairs, diplomacy, or military matters.

And prudence and wisdom suggest we do the exact opposite, of what anyone who cheerled us into the disastourous Iraq War suggests.
The second paragraph says it all.

Its this stupid idea that you must keep talking and talking that's wrong with the whole diplomatic system. Once the talks fail its time to get out the guns. Not start the talks over again.

What are the main purposes of talks as you see them, two by four boy???
I don't think Gaffer has been here since you posted your question. Give him a bit more time.
Who posed a question. All I see are your postings and mine. Any other posts in here so far are irrelevant. My ignore list is pretty substantial. The other two posters in here hate Bush, I know that. They never say anything else. Therefore the ignore list.
Looks like you are SOL on an answer there, Prakosh. You are on his ignore list.
Who posed a question. All I see are your postings and mine. Any other posts in here so far are irrelevant. My ignore list is pretty substantial. The other two posters in here hate Bush, I know that. They never say anything else. Therefore the ignore list.


What a loser! You have virtually everyone on ignore, except for Damocles!

What an idiot! Why do you even come here, fool?
Lol for debate.....duh....lmao

Anyways..I think we should abandon Iraq and liberate NK for real.

yes I do come for debate and see very little here. Just name calling and ihatebush rhetoric.

As for nk I believe we should go after them. The rest of the world isn't going to do anything as usual. But iraq is important too. we are fighting iran there, no matter what anyone else says, that's who is stirring up the troubles in that area.They are behind all of it and nk is just another useful idiot for them.
yes I do come for debate and see very little here. Just name calling and ihatebush rhetoric.

As for nk I believe we should go after them. The rest of the world isn't going to do anything as usual. But iraq is important too. we are fighting iran there, no matter what anyone else says, that's who is stirring up the troubles in that area.They are behind all of it and nk is just another useful idiot for them.

Given the content of this post I guess I am not missing anything now that two by four boy has me on Ignore. He shows that it is true what some say, force intrudes where the ability to articlate language fails.