Does anyone here need their dick sucked?

Very few people -- certainly none on this board -- believe in God. The Christianity that people around here preach is more of a cultural club than a divine set of moral beliefs. If people actually believed in the divine laws, they wouldn't break them, and wouldn't elect a president who violates most of them.
If you are Christian (or muslim) who do you think would have a better idea of exactly what "god" is. You, or a follower of the religion that created your idea of god. Namely, judaism. I will show you a picture with a quote of what one prominent jew thought "god" is. Being jewish, he would naturally have a better idea of it. And being jewish, he would have far less reason to lie about such a thing.


dear fucking idiot,

you wish the world to hate non whites

you failed

the world hates you fucking piss brained racist rat shit heaps.

you lost already

build a bunker

climb on in

shut the fucking hatch

fuck you very much