Does this Marine count?

Of course he counts as a war casualty. A particularly courageous and caring person as well.

Is there anyone anywhere claiming he is NOT a war casualty?

I guess I'm missing her point here as well. Why would he not count? There is probably a conspiracy theory of some sort behind the question.
Because others who have so obviously died later as a result of their injuries have not been counted as a war casualtys.
I don't know if these were also counted as war casualties, but they should be: yesterday evening Olbermann reported the deaths of a total of six soldiers electrocuted in their barracks showers by improperly (or un-) grounded wiring as a result of shoddy work done by the American contractors, a Halliburton subsidiary, in 2003. Apparently this was reported and brought to the attention of the command no later than 2005, but nothing still has been done.

How many other such incidents are there?