Doing nothing is not an option

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If costs keep growing at their current rate, health care will consume 20% of all spending in the U.S. by 2018.

The federal government is expected to spend $1 out of every $5 in its budget on health care this year.

The biggest chunk -- $425 billion -- will go to Medicare.

The health care reform bill moving through the House would increase the federal health care budget by about 11%, adding a little more than $1 trillion in spending over 10 years, the Congressional Budget Office projected. Some of the new spending would go into Medicare, raising payments to providers and supplying more coverage for prescription drugs.

The right steps include shifting from the current fee-for-service approach, which pays by the procedure, to one that encourages doctors and hospitals to focus on prevention and perform the most effective treatments.

Other necessary changes include better coordination among primary-care doctors, specialists, hospitals and clinics; improved systems for sharing records and monitoring follow-up care; and more research comparing the effectiveness of treatments, drugs and devices.

The bills moving through Congress try to reshape the system along these lines, albeit gradually.,0,378257.story
The right steps include shifting from the current fee-for-service approach, which pays by the procedure, to one that encourages doctors and hospitals to focus on prevention and perform the most effective treatments.

this one almost slipped through my radar......what part of the current bill supposedly accomplishes this?......
BS is an apt moniker for someone commited to the reckless obstructionism that would sacrifice the health of American children on the altar of CEO bonuses.
BS is an apt moniker for someone commited to the reckless obstructionism that would sacrifice the health of American children on the altar of CEO bonuses.

reckless obstructionism--- nice phrase.

Ramming vague legislation through on behalf of corrupt corporations and corrupt power hungry politicians is more reckless.
i thought the dems were complaining we are NOT spending ENOUGH on healthcare....the troll dnc even whined about the wars and how that money could have gone to everyone's gov. insurance or was that waterdeath
Only 7% of the projected deficit increase between 2009-2012 is attributable to the stimulus package President Obama signed.

Only 3% of that is due to the president's health care, energy, education, and other proposals.

The rest is a Bush hangover.
Only 7% of the projected deficit increase between 2009-2012 is attributable to the stimulus package President Obama signed.

Only 3% of that is due to the president's health care, energy, education, and other proposals.

The rest is a Bush hangover.

don't forget bailouts and additional unfunded man-dates.