Donald Trump at Moms for Liberty says Ivanka ‘hired millions of people’

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
Donald Trump has claimed that when he was president he wanted to appoint his daughter, Ivanka, as America’s ambassador to the UN but she opted to instead to work on job creation and hired “millions of people”.

The Republican nominee for president in 2024 made the bizarre comments during a “fireside chat” on Friday night in Washington at the annual gathering of Moms for Liberty, a national nonprofit that has led efforts to get mentions of LGBTQ identity and structural racism out of classrooms.

In a long, zigzagging and at times incoherent conversation, Trump ricocheted between topics including his parents’ marriage, Scotland, his reality TV show The Apprentice, Elon Musk (“a super genius guy”), his debates against Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden and his upcoming contest with rival Kamala Harris,

Daffy wanted to put her in as UN ambassador. That is a spot for experienced diplomats. He said she was perfect in every way, so she should do it. Trump is a shallow person who learns pretty much nothing.