Donald Trump claims that schools are performing gender-affirming surgery on students


“It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown”
Some maga moron on here said the same thing, Now we know he gets his news from trump.

In a bizarre rant during a discussion with an extreme anti-LGBTQ+ organization, Donald Trump claimed that schools are performing surgery on students in order to make them transition. This is false.

“The transgender thing is an incredible thing,” Trump said at a “fireside chat” with Tiffany Justice, one of the co-founders of the anti-LGBTQ+ Moms for Liberty (not the one caught having sex with other women). “Your kid goes to school and comes home a few days later with an operation. The school decides what’s gonna happen with your child.”
@Goyboy here..

make it easier for you

В странной тираде во время дискуссии с экстремистской организацией, выступающей против ЛГБТК+, Дональд Трамп заявил, что школы проводят операции ученикам, чтобы заставить их совершить переход. Это неверно.

«Трансгендерность — это невероятная вещь», — сказал Трамп в «беседе у камина» с Тиффани Джастис, одной из соучредителей организации «Мамы за свободу», выступающей против ЛГБТК+ (не той, которую поймали на сексе с другими женщинами). «Ваш ребенок идет в школу и через несколько дней возвращается домой с операцией. Школа решает, что будет происходить с вашим ребенком».
Trump exaggerates, but his basic point is the a dark age where almost no one will speak the truth.
Claiming schools are performing sex change surgeries is more than an exaggeration. Its a flat out lie. I agree with you on this topic, many do but when you lie you lose people who would support you. Stop it
Some maga moron on here said the same thing, Now we know he gets his news from trump.

In a bizarre rant during a discussion with an extreme anti-LGBTQ+ organization, Donald Trump claimed that schools are performing surgery on students in order to make them transition. This is false.

“The transgender thing is an incredible thing,” Trump said at a “fireside chat” with Tiffany Justice, one of the co-founders of the anti-LGBTQ+ Moms for Liberty (not the one caught having sex with other women). “Your kid goes to school and comes home a few days later with an operation. The school decides what’s gonna happen with your child.”
His brain is gone. There's no other way to explain such stupidity.
Some maga moron on here said the same thing, Now we know he gets his news from trump.

In a bizarre rant during a discussion with an extreme anti-LGBTQ+ organization, Donald Trump claimed that schools are performing surgery on students in order to make them transition. This is false.

“The transgender thing is an incredible thing,” Trump said at a “fireside chat” with Tiffany Justice, one of the co-founders of the anti-LGBTQ+ Moms for Liberty (not the one caught having sex with other women). “Your kid goes to school and comes home a few days later with an operation. The school decides what’s gonna happen with your child.”
He's becoming unglued at the seams. Soon his brains will start leaking out of his ears or he ends up shooting an intern.
You know they are brainwashing our young to become sexual perverts.
Wrong thread.
Agreed. Accusations about sexual perverts belong on the "Trump's Pedos" thread.
