“Donald Trump Doesn't Respect or Care to Help Veterans. He Just Wants Our Votes”


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“In Trump's case, he has never felt or shown respect for the U.S. military or its veterans. He has thought only of how he could use them for his own purposes.”

“Lest nostalgia for Trump's presidency obscure the facts, let me remind you of several:”

  • When running for president in January 2016, Trump skipped a Republican presidential debate for a "fundraiser" for veterans. Although he received roughly $5 million in donations and pledged an extra $1 million of his own cash, he sent the money to veterans' charities months later only after investigative reporters revealed he had not donated the funds. Trump was fined $2 million by a judge for deceptive practices tied to the event.
  • As president, he canceled a visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery near Paris in 2018. Although he falsely claimed his helicopter could not fly in the rain and the Secret Service couldn't drive him there, the truth wasthat keeping his hair dry was more important than honoring American war dead, as reported by The Atlantic. Trump reportedly told staffers, "Why should I go to that cemetery? It's filled with losers."

Trump doesn't, and never will, understand how a person can be true to an ideal for which he does not receive a financial reward in return. On Memorial Day 2017, while standing in front of the grave of 1st Lt. Robert Kelly, the son of Gen. John Kelly who died in Afghanistan in 2010, Trump turned to Gen. Kelly and said, "I don't get it. What was in it for them?"
Trump was similarly mystified why U.S. flags should be lowered to half-staff after Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., died, saying the "guy was a f---ng loser."

During that same trip, he also told senior staffers that the nearly 2,000 U.S. Marines who were killed at the World War I Battle of Belleau Wood were "suckers" for getting killed. American Marines, whose motto "Semper Fi" means "always faithful," are not suckers when dying for their country.

But he is pretty good at generating applause from the lemmings for humping flags at his rallies
trump is the only President elect since the Civil War to refuse to meet with the major veterans groups. he sent "omarosa" in his stead, explaining that he believe veterans really just want to see a celebrity. It really was a multi-level disrespect.
trump is the only President elect since the Civil War to refuse to meet with the major veterans groups. he sent "omarosa" in his stead, explaining that he believe veterans really just want to see a celebrity. It really was a multi-level disrespect.
you keep wanting more wars and more fronts to blow up more people in your forever war profit machine of evil.
trump is the only President elect since the Civil War to refuse to meet with the major veterans groups. he sent "omarosa" in his stead, explaining that he believe veterans really just want to see a celebrity. It really was a multi-level disrespect.
The Daily Beast noted that Trump was not officially scheduled to meet with the group of veterans on Tuesday, but they attended an authorized event in the West Wing and expected to meet him. He acknowledged them and sent some surrogates in his place. He may have been justifiably busy — after all, he is commander-in-chief — but the group was still disappointed. In his place were Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin and, most surprisingly, Omarosa, which left some scratching their heads:

If you are expecting WALT to tell the truth well then you are a moron.
It's also just a matter of priorities, Dems want unlimited funds for Ukraine, while doing nothing to enforce or protect our own border.

Typical symptoms of globalist misaligned values and "America Last" - ism.

that's the real crux of the crime.
“In Trump's case, he has never felt or shown respect for the U.S. military or its veterans. He has thought only of how he could use them for his own purposes.”

“Lest nostalgia for Trump's presidency obscure the facts, let me remind you of several:”

  • When running for president in January 2016, Trump skipped a Republican presidential debate for a "fundraiser" for veterans. Although he received roughly $5 million in donations and pledged an extra $1 million of his own cash, he sent the money to veterans' charities months later only after investigative reporters revealed he had not donated the funds. Trump was fined $2 million by a judge for deceptive practices tied to the event.
  • As president, he canceled a visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery near Paris in 2018. Although he falsely claimed his helicopter could not fly in the rain and the Secret Service couldn't drive him there, the truth wasthat keeping his hair dry was more important than honoring American war dead, as reported by The Atlantic. Trump reportedly told staffers, "Why should I go to that cemetery? It's filled with losers."

Trump doesn't, and never will, understand how a person can be true to an ideal for which he does not receive a financial reward in return. On Memorial Day 2017, while standing in front of the grave of 1st Lt. Robert Kelly, the son of Gen. John Kelly who died in Afghanistan in 2010, Trump turned to Gen. Kelly and said, "I don't get it. What was in it for them?"
Trump was similarly mystified why U.S. flags should be lowered to half-staff after Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., died, saying the "guy was a f---ng loser."

During that same trip, he also told senior staffers that the nearly 2,000 U.S. Marines who were killed at the World War I Battle of Belleau Wood were "suckers" for getting killed. American Marines, whose motto "Semper Fi" means "always faithful," are not suckers when dying for their country.

But he is pretty good at generating applause from the lemmings for humping flags at his rallies
The real insult to Veterans is giving away the nation they fought and died for, like dems are.
The real insult to Veterans is giving away the nation they fought and died for, like dems are.
Democrats are not willing to fight for the USA, and are too willing to fight for the USA, and everything in-between... Your complaints are all over the place. Pick a complaint and stick to it.
Democrats are not willing to fight for the USA, and are too willing to fight for the USA, and everything in-between... Your complaints are all over the place. Pick a complaint and stick to it.
no they aren't.

Dems are willing to do wars and spend money, but only for their corrupt personal profit.

actual national security is still in the gutter....

to put it so plain an idiot like you can get it:.....

Dems care more about ukraine's borders than america's.

Do you understand now, dumbass?
The party that sings "bomb bomb Iran" is the anti-war party?
Only one person did that, and he was a joking rino who in the end, exposed himself as a petty man. :palm:

The fact you claim the WHOLE PARTY did it just shows what a Liar you are, and how weak your position is.
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The Republicans as a bunch of peaceniks... It is an image that will never be placed.
Socialist Democrats led us into ALL 4 major U.S. wars of the 20th century.

Socialist democrat FDR created the MIC and the Bomb and J. Edgar Hoover. Those are truths.

Brainwashing is the repetition of a Lie until the subject believes it. The weak minded fall first. White Libs are extremely weak minded.
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The party that sings "bomb bomb Iran" is the anti-war party?
that was the early eighties dude.

a lot has changed, unfrozen caveman lawyer.