Donald Trump donated to Kamala Harris' campaigns twice while he was a private citizen, records show


“It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown”


  • Donald Trump contributed $6,000 to Kamala Harris when she ran for California attorney general.
  • Trump donated $5,000 to her 2011 campaign and $1,000 in 2013 as a private citizen.
  • Joe Biden dropped out of the 2024 presidential race on Sunday and endorsed Kamala to replace him.


  • Donald Trump contributed $6,000 to Kamala Harris when she ran for California attorney general.
  • Trump donated $5,000 to her 2011 campaign and $1,000 in 2013 as a private citizen.
  • Joe Biden dropped out of the 2024 presidential race on Sunday and endorsed Kamala to replace him.
Not too surprising, he was regularly palling around with the likes of her, the Clintons, etc., until he decided to run for the other party and had to pretend he wasn't buddies with them all.


  • Donald Trump contributed $6,000 to Kamala Harris when she ran for California attorney general.
  • Trump donated $5,000 to her 2011 campaign and $1,000 in 2013 as a private citizen.
  • Joe Biden dropped out of the 2024 presidential race on Sunday and endorsed Kamala to replace him.
Six thousand dollars is not chump change.
Trump was a Democrat and at that high level many people put business interests over ideology (meaning they will donate to multiple people in both parties when they feel it serves their interests.)
It’s proof he sees her as well qualified for public office.
Is that necessarily the case? If a business person is trying to win influence with a particular legislator and donates money couldn't they also say the person they are giving money to is an f'ing idiot?

Anecdotally I've worked with developers who have donated money to politicians who's support they needed to get approval for their projects. I've heard them say they think this politician is the dumbest S.O.B. on God's green Earth but you have to play that game.

I don't pretend to know Trump's reasoning for the donation but through experience I know it's not always proof the person donating thinks highly of whom they are giving the donation too.
Is that necessarily the case? If a business person is trying to win influence with a particular legislator and donates money couldn't they also say the person they are giving money to is an f'ing idiot?
He can say that if he wants to suggest his own donors are idiots. That they are idiots is beside the point.
He can say that if he wants to suggest his own donors are idiots. That they are idiots is beside the point.
I’m speaking about the people giving the money (making these types of statements) about the politicians they are donating to.

Some of us give for ideological or strategic reasons (for example liberal PACs donated millions to #MAGA candidates in Republican primaries because they felt they would be easier to beat in general). I feel pretty safe in saying these PACs probably don’t think these #MAGA folks are well qualified for public service, they were making a strategic donation.

Businessmen do the same. I can’t speak to Trump’s motives but plenty of evidence out their shows political donations aren’t all proof the donor thinks who they are giving too is well qualified for public service
This thread does not address the problem that private donations represent. We should have public financing of elections with zero outside money. The rich and corporations make money off donations to politicians.