Don't Be A Chump. Vote For TRUMP!


There are many things wrong with our politicians. One of the biggest things is that they are so easily bought and paid for. But Trump is already a multi billioniare. Which would make it harder to bribe him. On that standpoint alone, you should vote for Trump. Also, many republicans are apparently against him. That PROVES he must be doing something right. Another thing is that though Trump may not be perfect, he is a hell of a lot better choice than globalization Hillary.
There are many things wrong with our politicians. One of the biggest things is that they are so easily bought and paid for. But Trump is already a multi billioniare. Which would make it harder to bribe him. On that standpoint alone, you should vote for Trump. Also, many republicans are apparently against him. That PROVES he must be doing something right. Another thing is that though Trump may not be perfect, he is a hell of a lot better choice than globalization Hillary.
ah another chump that doesn't know a sales pitch when they hear one.
He says that he has well over 10 billion, and you believed him. You're a chump. He says he can't release his tax returns until the IRS finishes auditing him, and you believed him. You're a chump. He says that he is self-funding his campaign, yet you don't understand that he is only LENDING his campaign millions. You're a chump. He said you wouldn't believe what his investigators in Hawaii were finding out about Obama's birth. Yet, you believed him. You're a chump. He says that he can't be bought because of his wealth, and what you don't understand is that he is the lobbyist. You're a chump. The fact that he pisses off almost everyone, including his own party does not PROVE that he must be doing something right. It PROVES that you are a chump. So, yeah, be my guest, chump, and vote for Drumpf.
There are many things wrong with our politicians. One of the biggest things is that they are so easily bought and paid for. But Trump is already a multi billioniare. Which would make it harder to bribe him. On that standpoint alone, you should vote for Trump. Also, many republicans are apparently against him. That PROVES he must be doing something right. Another thing is that though Trump may not be perfect, he is a hell of a lot better choice than globalization Hillary.

Two felon candidates! Be a chump and vote!
He says that he has well over 10 billion, and you believed him. You're a chump. He says he can't release his tax returns until the IRS finishes auditing him, and you believed him. You're a chump. He says that he is self-funding his campaign, yet you don't understand that he is only LENDING his campaign millions. You're a chump. He said you wouldn't believe what his investigators in Hawaii were finding out about Obama's birth. Yet, you believed him. You're a chump. He says that he can't be bought because of his wealth, and what you don't understand is that he is the lobbyist. You're a chump. The fact that he pisses off almost everyone, including his own party does not PROVE that he must be doing something right. It PROVES that you are a chump. So, yeah, be my guest, chump, and vote for Drumpf.

If you allow yourself to get caught up in largely meaningless side issues, you ARE a chump. Also, I couldn't give a damn if he has 10 billion or only one billion. Next, republicans suck! (Just a little less than democrats) If you think pissing off republicans is bad, again, you ARE a chump.
If you allow yourself to get caught up in largely meaningless side issues, you ARE a chump. Also, I couldn't give a damn if he has 10 billion or only one billion. Next, republicans suck! (Just a little less than democrats) If you think pissing off republicans is bad, again, you ARE a chump.

Exactly where did I say that pissing off Republicans is bad? I simply said that it does not prove that he is doing something right, like you alleged. You also claimed that since Trump is a 'multi billionaire' it would be hard to bribe him. Well, exactly no one wants to bribe Trump. They want to NOT be bribed BY him. See the difference? If you're worried about a fox in the hen house, I don't think it's a good idea to elect one as the manager.
It's interesting to see how poor people rationalize idolizing a billionaire and supporting their political aspirations. This one is probably the best argument, since poor people supported the "common man" Thomas Jefferson (because, I guess they didn't realize he was a rich aristocrat, in contrast to Adams, who had been born poor).
If you think Trump is getting rid of illegals, you're a chump.

As I said to someone else, he may not go through with it. After all, politicians are well known for breaking the promises they made while trying to get ellected. But at least Trump made such a promise. It sure beats licking latino ass. Hillary on the other hand is likely to break down the U.S. - Mexico border more. One way is with that North American free trade zone crap.
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Exactly where did I say that pissing off Republicans is bad? I simply said that it does not prove that he is doing something right, like you alleged. You also claimed that since Trump is a 'multi billionaire' it would be hard to bribe him. Well, exactly no one wants to bribe Trump. They want to NOT be bribed BY him. See the difference? If you're worried about a fox in the hen house, I don't think it's a good idea to elect one as the manager.

It would be better to have somebody in the white house who does the bribing rather than somebody who accepts bribes. Do you see the difference there?
It's interesting to see how poor people rationalize idolizing a billionaire and supporting their political aspirations. This one is probably the best argument, since poor people supported the "common man" Thomas Jefferson (because, I guess they didn't realize he was a rich aristocrat, in contrast to Adams, who had been born poor).

Let's get the story straight. I don't idolize Trump because he is a billioniare. I just prefer him because he wants to get rid of the worthless illegal beaners. Another thing I like about him is that he seems to be more interested in fair trade rather than free trade. For example, look at China. Our yearly trade imbalance with them is anywhere from 300 billion dollars to over 700 billion dollars.

Also, take the trade imbalance with mexico. Where around 65 billion more dollars goes to mexico from the U.S. than comes back. Add the drug trade to that, and there is no easy way of telling what it is. But the U.S. can't come up with 2 billion dollars to fight the Zika virus? As to Thomas Jefferson, he made one good observation. Which basically was that from time to time, the tree of liberty would need to be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots.
Cruz Accuses Trump (democrat light) of Supporting Amnesty, and Hiring Illegal Aliens and and Foreign Workers

There are many things wrong with our politicians. One of the biggest things is that they are so easily bought and paid for. But Trump is already a multi billioniare. Which would make it harder to bribe him. On that standpoint alone, you should vote for Trump. Also, many republicans are apparently against him. That PROVES he must be doing something right. Another thing is that though Trump may not be perfect, he is a hell of a lot better choice than globalization Hillary.

So, you're an idiot then.

Got it.
It would be better to have somebody in the white house who does the bribing rather than somebody who accepts bribes. Do you see the difference there?

I most certainly do. Your claim that lobbyists have undue influence is not resolved by the idea that electing one forestalls special interests. This is not a nuanced situation. If Trump is elected and is allowed to quash any journalistic effort to keep him honest, if he is allowed strip the constitutional rights of any minority that upsets him, if he can arbitrarily ban offshore wind farms that he believes would interfere with his 'beautiful golf resort' (like he tried and failed to do in Scotland), if he can encourage Japan, South Korea and Saudi Arabia to acquire nuclear weapons, if he can use our nuclear strength against the Muslim world, if he decides to use nuclear weapons in Europe (he wouldn't take that possibility off the table), then he is not only his own 'special interest', he is a real and present danger to the entire human race. You may not like politicians, you may not like lobbyists, and you may not want our next president to be bribable, but electing a spoiled brat with megalomania is not the solution. Do you seriously want a petulant tyrant to have our nuclear codes? I'll take the Hildebeast and Wall Street corruption any day.
Let's get the story straight. I don't idolize Trump because he is a billioniare. I just prefer him because he wants to get rid of the worthless illegal beaners. Another thing I like about him is that he seems to be more interested in fair trade rather than free trade. For example, look at China. Our yearly trade imbalance with them is anywhere from 300 billion dollars to over 700 billion dollars.

Also, take the trade imbalance with mexico. Where around 65 billion more dollars goes to mexico from the U.S. than comes back. Add the drug trade to that, and there is no easy way of telling what it is. But the U.S. can't come up with 2 billion dollars to fight the Zika virus? As to Thomas Jefferson, he made one good observation. Which basically was that from time to time, the tree of liberty would need to be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots.

You Trumptards idolize Trump completely. That's why you excuse everything he says and does. Also, what's wrong with freedom?
I most certainly do. Your claim that lobbyists have undue influence is not resolved by the idea that electing one forestalls special interests. This is not a nuanced situation. If Trump is elected and is allowed to quash any journalistic effort to keep him honest, if he is allowed strip the constitutional rights of any minority that upsets him, if he can arbitrarily ban offshore wind farms that he believes would interfere with his 'beautiful golf resort' (like he tried and failed to do in Scotland), if he can encourage Japan, South Korea and Saudi Arabia to acquire nuclear weapons, if he can use our nuclear strength against the Muslim world, if he decides to use nuclear weapons in Europe (he wouldn't take that possibility off the table), then he is not only his own 'special interest', he is a real and present danger to the entire human race. You may not like politicians, you may not like lobbyists, and you may not want our next president to be bribable, but electing a spoiled brat with megalomania is not the solution. Do you seriously want a petulant tyrant to have our nuclear codes? I'll take the Hildebeast and Wall Street corruption any day.

Putting aside your flawed point that Trump would do any if those things, consider this. Trimp would be elected president. Not dictator. He would have congress to deal with. Also, ever watch the documentary, "The Corporation?" Corporations are psychopathic and sociopathic entities. (Along with other highly unplesant things) All the lobyists and all the politicians who do their bidding need to be taken out and shot! Even if Trump was every bad thing you said he was, he would be miles above where things stand now.
You Trumptards idolize Trump completely. That's why you excuse everything he says and does. Also, what's wrong with freedom?

Your lies show you to be the "tard." Also, freedom sucks. For one reason, our "freedoms" give people like illegal aliens and organized crime plenty to hide behind.