Don't Count Hillary Out!

Virtually every fair-minded political pundit has written Hillary off. O'Reilly says she is done, Rasmussen says it will take a miracle, and with just a few more primaries left, it appears she would need a miracle to win the nomination.

If it were any other politician, I would probably buy the early reports of her demise, but this is Hillary Clinton. I will not believe Obama is going to be the nominee until I see it happen at the convention. If he ultimately does win it, I will have completely underestimated the Clinton political machine.

Almost on que, over the course of the primaries, we have been given these tid-bits of dirt on Obama. Geraldine Ferraro's comments were planned and orchestrated, it was what the Clinton camp wanted to say, but couldn't. They wanted the voter to think it, but they didn't want to be associated with it, so they let GF 'take one for the team' to plant that into the mind of the voting public. The picture of Obama in a turban, that came from the Clinton folks, as did the exposure of Rev. Wright. Other bombshells about past associations with people of questionable character have come up, all instigated from the Clinton campaign. It has been textbook Clinton politics, with the dramatic 'grande finale' yet to be played out. Hillary still has the ace up her sleeve.

Now, many of you may ask, why wouldn't she have played this ace early on and sealed the deal? Because the Clintons are masters of playing the game, and if the ace were revealed too early, Obama would have time to overcome it. Plus, she needs an unquestionable excuse to allow the super-delegates to support her instead of him, because this is the only legitimate way for her to get the nomination. What could it be that she has on Obama? I don't know, maybe a picture of him having sex with his mother? Maybe they will find Chandra Levy's body in his yard? Maybe a recording of him talking to Bin Laden on September 10th? But The Clintons have something on him, and it will be something that will allow the super-delegates to support Hillary... for the "good" of the people, don't ya know.

I personally think they have had something on him all along, and have been waiting for just the right moment to release it. The Clintons were instrumental in endorsing Obama as the keynote speaker at the last convention. They praised him and marveled at his message, and created the beginnings of Obama-mania. They set this guy up as the inexperienced patsy Hillary could beat. I don't think they figured on him doing as well as he has, and The Plan didn't originally entail swinging the super-dels, they figured it would be a much closer race, perhaps with Hillary in the lead. But the Ace is still there, waiting to be played, you can bet on it.
Surely anyone who believes this nomination isn't over must also be one of the 28% of Americans who still support George Bush.

Only they could be that completely out of touch with reality.
Surely anyone who believes this nomination isn't over must also be one of the 28% of Americans who still support George Bush.

Only they could be that completely out of touch with reality.

It's that, and it's wishful thinking on the part of the right. Naturally, they don't want the race to be over. Their pipe dream is that Hillary will go to the convention w/ her supporters & tear it apart, and riots will flood out into the streets.

That's all it is, though; wishful thinking.
It's that, and it's wishful thinking on the part of the right. Naturally, they don't want the race to be over. Their pipe dream is that Hillary will go to the convention w/ her supporters & tear it apart, and riots will flood out into the streets.

That's all it is, though; wishful thinking.

I see .. wishful thinking .. like they'll find WMD in Iraq.

They seem unaware that Hillary has already given a swan song .. thread in Current Events.
Virtually every fair-minded political pundit has written Hillary off. O'Reilly says she is done, Rasmussen says it will take a miracle, and with just a few more primaries left, it appears she would need a miracle to win the nomination.

If it were any other politician, I would probably buy the early reports of her demise, but this is Hillary Clinton. I will not believe Obama is going to be the nominee until I see it happen at the convention. If he ultimately does win it, I will have completely underestimated the Clinton political machine.

Almost on que, over the course of the primaries, we have been given these tid-bits of dirt on Obama. Geraldine Ferraro's comments were planned and orchestrated, it was what the Clinton camp wanted to say, but couldn't. They wanted the voter to think it, but they didn't want to be associated with it, so they let GF 'take one for the team' to plant that into the mind of the voting public. The picture of Obama in a turban, that came from the Clinton folks, as did the exposure of Rev. Wright. Other bombshells about past associations with people of questionable character have come up, all instigated from the Clinton campaign. It has been textbook Clinton politics, with the dramatic 'grande finale' yet to be played out. Hillary still has the ace up her sleeve.

Now, many of you may ask, why wouldn't she have played this ace early on and sealed the deal? Because the Clintons are masters of playing the game, and if the ace were revealed too early, Obama would have time to overcome it. Plus, she needs an unquestionable excuse to allow the super-delegates to support her instead of him, because this is the only legitimate way for her to get the nomination. What could it be that she has on Obama? I don't know, maybe a picture of him having sex with his mother? Maybe they will find Chandra Levy's body in his yard? Maybe a recording of him talking to Bin Laden on September 10th? But The Clintons have something on him, and it will be something that will allow the super-delegates to support Hillary... for the "good" of the people, don't ya know.

I personally think they have had something on him all along, and have been waiting for just the right moment to release it. The Clintons were instrumental in endorsing Obama as the keynote speaker at the last convention. They praised him and marveled at his message, and created the beginnings of Obama-mania. They set this guy up as the inexperienced patsy Hillary could beat. I don't think they figured on him doing as well as he has, and The Plan didn't originally entail swinging the super-dels, they figured it would be a much closer race, perhaps with Hillary in the lead. But the Ace is still there, waiting to be played, you can bet on it.

I think you are wrong. You have a pretty good track record for being wrong.
It's that, and it's wishful thinking on the part of the right. Naturally, they don't want the race to be over. Their pipe dream is that Hillary will go to the convention w/ her supporters & tear it apart, and riots will flood out into the streets.

That's all it is, though; wishful thinking.

LOL... Yeah, most Conservatives I know are wishfully hoping Hillary will be the candidate, even though they mostly see her as the Antichrist. That makes sense! Actually, I think Hillary has a better chance against McCain than Oabama, she may actually siphon off some of his conservative vote.

As for your convention, I am just hoping they figured out how to make the balloons drop on que.
"LOL... Yeah, most Conservatives I know are wishfully hoping Hillary will be the candidate, even though they mostly see her as the Antichrist."

I assume you've heard of "Operation Chaos"?
Virtually every fair-minded political pundit has written Hillary off. O'Reilly says she is done, Rasmussen says it will take a miracle, and with just a few more primaries left, it appears she would need a miracle to win the nomination.

It will take a miracle if you believe that she will need to actually beat Obama with the number of delegates based on the popular vote in the Primary. Such is not the case. Why do you think there are the Super Delegates? They are there to ensure that they can override the popular vote if they believe that the public is stupid and does not know what they are doing. In other words, in case they do not like what the American people have decided. And this is within their right.

If the Super Delegates do not want Obama running because of whatever reason, make your own decision on the reason, then Hillary will be the nominee and vice-versa. Do not underestimate the power and influence of the Super Delegates. The race is so close that the other votes from the people do not really matter. It all comes down to the Super Delegates and whatever they want based on whatever backroom deals have been promised to them.

I wonder what behind the scenes deals have been brokered???
It will take a miracle if you believe that she will need to actually beat Obama with the number of delegates based on the popular vote in the Primary. Such is not the case. Why do you think there are the Super Delegates? They are there to ensure that they can override the popular vote if they believe that the public is stupid and does not know what they are doing. In other words, in case they do not like what the American people have decided. And this is within their right.

If the Super Delegates do not want Obama running because of whatever reason, make your own decision on the reason, then Hillary will be the nominee and vice-versa. Do not underestimate the power and influence of the Super Delegates. The race is so close that the other votes from the people do not really matter. It all comes down to the Super Delegates and whatever they want based on whatever backroom deals have been promised to them.

I wonder what behind the scenes deals have been brokered???

More likely than not...Edwards for AG,Hillary for Secretary of matter John McCain...will be the next President anyhoo!:cof1:
It will take a miracle if you believe that she will need to actually beat Obama with the number of delegates based on the popular vote in the Primary. Such is not the case. Why do you think there are the Super Delegates? They are there to ensure that they can override the popular vote if they believe that the public is stupid and does not know what they are doing. In other words, in case they do not like what the American people have decided. And this is within their right.

If the Super Delegates do not want Obama running because of whatever reason, make your own decision on the reason, then Hillary will be the nominee and vice-versa. Do not underestimate the power and influence of the Super Delegates. The race is so close that the other votes from the people do not really matter. It all comes down to the Super Delegates and whatever they want based on whatever backroom deals have been promised to them.

I wonder what behind the scenes deals have been brokered???

Well, if the Super Dels just up and vote for Hillary because they don't like Oabama, the voting democrat public would be so outraged, it would never fly. This is where my theory comes into play. As I said, there is an "ace up the sleeve", I don't know what it is, but it will be bad enough to allow the Super Dels an out, to let them vote for Hillary because... well, the public didn't know this about Obama when they voted... we must do the right thing! You see?

Think about it objectively... The Clintons set Obama up as the new star on the horizon, and allowed him to gain enough momentum to be her challenger for the nomination. They figured he would be weaker and they could contrast her lack of experience against his, and make Hillary look like a statesman. Plus they figured the Dems would never nominate a black man. As Obama has overtaken Hillary's lead, the Clinton camp has been spoon-feeding us these little stories about Obama... ties to terrorists... radical pastor... pictures of Obama in a turban.... the Geraldine Ferraro comments... but there is one final trump card which hasn't been played. Whatever it is, they have known all along that it would destroy his campaign and give her the win by default, it's why they allowed Obama to get as far as he has. At this point, they have to wait until the primaries are completed, so the excuse of Super Dels swinging their votes to Hillary will work. Look for this bombshell to drop sometime before the convention.
Well, if the Super Dels just up and vote for Hillary because they don't like Oabama, the voting democrat public would be so outraged, it would never fly. This is where my theory comes into play. As I said, there is an "ace up the sleeve", I don't know what it is, but it will be bad enough to allow the Super Dels an out, to let them vote for Hillary because... well, the public didn't know this about Obama when they voted... we must do the right thing! You see?

Think about it objectively... The Clintons set Obama up as the new star on the horizon, and allowed him to gain enough momentum to be her challenger for the nomination. They figured he would be weaker and they could contrast her lack of experience against his, and make Hillary look like a statesman. Plus they figured the Dems would never nominate a black man. As Obama has overtaken Hillary's lead, the Clinton camp has been spoon-feeding us these little stories about Obama... ties to terrorists... radical pastor... pictures of Obama in a turban.... the Geraldine Ferraro comments... but there is one final trump card which hasn't been played. Whatever it is, they have known all along that it would destroy his campaign and give her the win by default, it's why they allowed Obama to get as far as he has. At this point, they have to wait until the primaries are completed, so the excuse of Super Dels swinging their votes to Hillary will work.

Look for this bombshell to drop sometime before the convention.

The 1st Law of Dixie Prediction Theory (technical term: Pulling-It-Out-Yo-Ass theorem) : If Dixie predicts it, assume the exact OPPOSITE will occur!

-Dixie Prediction Update
Back on the 1st of December 2005, Dixie predicted that we would be out of Iraq before we lost 500 more American troops in battle.
Dixie Prediction Update - Just Plain Politics!

-Another Dixie prediction goes down the toilet bowl
In 2005, Dixie predicted that the troops would be coming home SOON from Iraq, because the job was ALMOST COMPLETE
Another Dixie Prediction Goes Horribly Wrong - Just Plain Politics!

-JPP - Dixie Prediction Wildly Off Base-June 2006
Zarqawi killed and Dixie Predicts it marks the end for Al Qaeda and the Insurgents in Iraq Election Prediction Goes Way Askew
Dixie predicts Democrats won't gain any seats in Congress in 2006
(was that the bet he welched on paying to Maineman?)

-Another Dixie Election Prediction Blows up in his Face
Fullpolitics-Dixie Predicts "GOP congressional corruption" won't be an issue in 2006 election.
The 1st Law of Dixie Prediction Theory (technical term: Pulling-It-Out-Yo-Ass theorem) : If Dixie predicts it, assume the exact OPPOSITE will occur!

-Dixie Prediction Update
Back on the 1st of December 2005, Dixie predicted that we would be out of Iraq before we lost 500 more American troops in battle.

-Another Dixie prediction goes down the toilet bowl
In 2005, Dixie predicted that the troops would be coming home SOON from Iraq, because the job was ALMOST COMPLETE

-JPP - Dixie Prediction Wildly Off Base-June 2006
Zarqawi killed and Dixie Predicts it marks the end for Al Qaeda and the Insurgents in Iraq Election Prediction Goes Way Askew
Dixie predicts Democrats won't gain any seats in Congress in 2006
(was that the bet he welched on paying to Maineman?)

-Another Dixie Election Prediction Blows up in his Face
Fullpolitics-Dixie Predicts "GOP congressional corruption" won't be an issue in 2006 election.


you could make a good living betting against Dixie's prognostications...but you would have to make that living off of someone else, because Dixie himself would never pay up!
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