Don't Vote Democrat: Why Progressives Should Abandon the Dems

I'm Watermark

10 reasons not to vote for democrats in their next election.

1. They use your taxes to uphold the empires of the rich. Next time your money goes to your bosses in the form of "bailouts", or "subsidies", remember who elected those politicians... I'll give you a hint: it wasn't you.
2. They wear the masks of doves, while continuing the Bush policies of preventative detention, and fattening up the military.
3. It took a slip of Biden's tong for our "progressive" president to come out for SSM.
4. They want to let your own medical decisions, while passing national health legislation. Because it isn't communities that have the onus, it's Washington partisans
5. Election finance reform isn't anything close to a priority for our buddies over at the DNC. I wonder why that is? Politicians can be bought at the register.
6. Getting reelected is more important than doing their jobs. Lobbyists say nationalizing health care and education is bad, so it doesn't matter how much good it would do to publicly support these initiatives.
7. We know marijuana's safe, and legalization just doesn't make their list. But they sure do love that tobacco... industry.
8. The benefits and successes of collectivism are widely know. Plenty of progressives call for it. Democrats, however, wouldn't dare oppose their buddies in the PS.
9. Poverty. They sure love throwing money at it, but that's about it.
10. When the government won't take your side, who will? It's time to stand up against the power systems used to assail the very notions of freedom, democracy, and morality. When a structure isn't self justifying, it needs to go. That includes this wolf in sheep's clothing.
Gosh Sycamore, you actually brush with sound reasoning on a couple of these points. Of course, you're still a communist, therefore, you are to be largely ignored. ;)
They can't abandon the DNC for the same reason the conservatives can't abandon the GOP - there's nowhere else to go. The Green, Socialist, (un)American CP, and other parties are fringe groups with no strong support, just like the Constitution, Reform, and Libertarian parties.
Gosh Sycamore, you actually brush with sound reasoning on a couple of these points. Of course, you're still a communist, therefore, you are to be largely ignored. ;)

Oh, so I'm a communist? Gosh. That's interesting. What else can I learn about myself from you? ;)

But in all seriousness, I'm not a communist. I'm not that radical.