Don't Vote

Kamala Trump

Verified User
As long as we keep holding our noses and voting for one of the two parties who both advocate the same internationalist fascist destruction of america, we will see no change in america's political landscape; nor will we see a reversal in our trend towards globalist destruction.

We must reject the "lesser of two evils" logic that allows the globalist hegemony to allege popular support.

Don't Vote!

Don't rock the vote!

Protectionism Now!

Populism Forever!
A lot of folks may be feeling like politics is something that they get involved with every four years when there's a presidential election, but they don't see why they should bother the rest of the time.

I need everybody here to go back to your neighborhoods, to go back to your workplaces, to go to the churches, and go to the barbershops and go to the beauty shops, and tell them we've got more work to do.

Tell them we can't wait to organize.

Tell them that the time for action is now.

It's not surprising given the hardships that we're seeing across the land that a lot of people may not be feeling very energized, very engaged right now.

We have to finish the plan you elected me to put in place.

Remember, the other side has a plan too.

It's a plan to turn back the clock on every bit of progress we've made.
A lot of folks may be feeling like politics is something that they get involved with every four years when there's a presidential election, but they don't see why they should bother the rest of the time.

I need everybody here to go back to your neighborhoods, to go back to your workplaces, to go to the churches, and go to the barbershops and go to the beauty shops, and tell them we've got more work to do.

Tell them we can't wait to organize.

Tell them that the time for action is now.

It's not surprising given the hardships that we're seeing across the land that a lot of people may not be feeling very energized, very engaged right now.

We have to finish the plan you elected me to put in place.

Remember, the other side has a plan too.

It's a plan to turn back the clock on every bit of progress we've made.

You're so naive.

both parties merely implement the same interntionalist fascist program.

You're not anti business, liar.