Dorner manhunt: $1-million reward offered in bid to end 'terror'

Cancel 2018. 3

<-- sched 2, MJ sched 1
Dorner manhunt: $1-million reward offered in bid to end 'terror'

Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa on Sunday announced a $1-million reward for information leading to the arrest and capture of fugitive ex-cop Christopher Jordan Dorner, who is suspected of killing three people and wounding two others.

“We will not tolerate anyone undermining the security of this community,” Villaraigosa said at a news conference at LAPD headquarters downtown. “We will not tolerate this reign of terror.”

as much as i am loathe to admit i was wrong, STY is right, there is no way this award would be offered if the guy did not go after officers.

just think of the snipers a few years back etc....

you win this ONE and only ONE, time STY...the rest of the time i'm always right :D

truth be told, the only reason this reward is being offered is to try to limit the millions of dollars the city is going to have to pay out for the 3 lawsuits they will inevitably face, not including anyone whose house was searched with no warrant or vehicle stopped and searched. and should the police continue their manhunt for revenge and shoot anyone else at random, it will get exponentially more expensive.
and the excuses are starting as the chief plays up the 'incredible tension' the officers face........barf.,0,7478164,full.story

In an interview with The Times on Friday, LAPD Chief Charlie Beck outlined the most detailed account yet of how the shooting unfolded. Margie Carranza, 47, and her mother, Emma Hernandez, 71, were the victims of "a tragic misinterpretation" by officers working under "incredible tension,"

Beck and others stressed that the investigation into the shooting is in its infancy. They declined to say how many officers were involved, what kind of weapons they used, how many bullets were fired and, perhaps most important, what kind of verbal warnings — if any — were given to the women before the shooting began.

Law enforcement sources told The Times that at least seven officers opened fire. On Friday, the street was pockmarked with bullet holes in cars, trees, garage doors and roofs. Residents said they wanted to know what happened.

"How do you mistake two Hispanic women, one who is 71, for a large black male?" said Richard Goo, 62, who counted five bullet holes in the entryway to his house.

Though Beck said he does not doubt the women did not hear any verbal commands, he emphasized that it was still possible the officers did attempt to stop the vehicle before opening fire. And, while not commenting specifically on this shooting, Beck said it was not difficult to imagine how officers who were already on edge could make the mistake these officers did.

"As an officer, you look for cues. You know how someone drives normally and then you see someone coming at you slowly, driving in the middle of the street, stopping and starting. That can be misinterpreted," he said.

Beck said he had not yet received a detailed briefing, which typically occurs a few days after officer-involved shootings to give investigators time to collect evidence and put together the basic summary of what happened. But he did say that the gunfire occurred in two bursts: The first came from an officer positioned down the block from the LAPD official's residence, and the second when Carranza accelerated away from the gunfire and toward other officers.

After the investigation is completed, Beck and an oversight board will decide if officers were justified in the shooting or made mistakes that warrant either punishment or training.

Jonas estimated that the officers fired between 20 and 30 rounds. Photographs of the back of the truck showed at least two dozen bullet holes. Neighbors, however, suggested there were more shots fired.

A day after the shooting, residents in the street surveyed the damage.

Kathy Merkosky, 53, was outside her stucco home pointing out the six bullet holes in the bumper and grill of her silver Acura MD-X. She knew her truck was damaged when she spotted it on television and "saw fluid flowing into the street."

Her Ford Focus was hit as well — a bullet shattered the windshield and another flattened a front tire.

how's that 'expert training' working out now zappa???????
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He will never be taken alive; because it was reported that they are now reviewing his firing and rthere is no way that they're going to let him live to testify in the firing investigation.
They also caved to his "terrorism" and are looking back into the investigation that caused his firing... I mean, WTH?
and the excuses are starting as the chief plays up the 'incredible tension' the officers face........barf.,0,7478164,full.story

how's that 'expert training' working out now zappa???????

Well gee, shouldn't I be waiting till all the facts come in? That's what you said earlier...

at this point, I don't have a position of defending or condemning him. The circumstances leading up to his firing have been sealed again, so no information is forthcoming. What I do know is that the LAPD has gone on an execution mission, not seeming to really care much if they garner collateral damage or not.

damn straight. I would think it should be admirable that somebody is withholding judgement until all the facts are actually in, but no lets not have any of that intelligent crap. lets all knee jerk and instantly condemn him while at the same time blaming innocent civilian deaths at the hands of cops on the family members that committed the crimes. try not to be so blatant in y'alls hypocrisy, k?

I guess you aren't ready to afford me the same rights you give yourself.

So to recap...

Waiting for all the facts before rendering judgement on the cop killer=OKAY.

Waiting for all the facts before rendering judgement on the LAPD for the shootings=NOT OKAY.
Well gee, shouldn't I be waiting till all the facts come in? That's what you said earlier...
So to recap...

Waiting for all the facts before rendering judgement on the cop killer=OKAY.

Waiting for all the facts before rendering judgement on the LAPD for the shootings=NOT OKAY.
Did you not say that 'cops are paid to be the experts'??????????

so, are they experts, or not?

Three members of a jazz band were shot by Los Angeles police Monday afternoon in relation to a massive hunt for an avenging ex-cop, police and witnesses said.

Police were reportedly acting on a tip in their search for Christopher Jordan Dorner when they stopped a van at an Arco station on La Cienega Boulevard near Interstate 405.The van was carrying three members of a Dave Brubeck tribute band and their manager.

Police then allegedly started shooting at the blue 1989 Ford Aerostar, hitting three men and riddling the van with bullet holes.

The three men, later identified as members of The Brubeck Ambassadors Jazz Band, were treated at the scene for gunshot wounds before being taken to an area hospital in stable condition, police said. The band’s manager was unharmed.

so, do all you statists approve of LAPDs 'shoot first, shoot second, shoot some more, and then figure out whats going on' strategy????
Nice job reserving judgement until all the facts are in...
facts like LAPD misidentified all three vehicles? that they never gave any directions or commands before opening fire? those facts? because it looks to me like those facts are already in and you're just trying to be a shitty trollish jackboot apologist.
facts like LAPD misidentified all three vehicles? that they never gave any directions or commands before opening fire? those facts? because it looks to me like those facts are already in and you're just trying to be a shitty trollish jackboot apologist.

There is just no pleasing you, is there?

I admitted that I believed Zimmerman is guilty of murdering Trayvon Martin and get scolded that I should "wait til all the facts come in"...

I state that I am waiting for all the facts to come in in this case and now that isn't good enough for you either.

Here's an's about you GFY??
He's out riding the horse he stole from the house after going through the tunnels... on his way to his next victim's house...

I seriously hope that the body they found in that house was his, this manhunt is creating more victims as the cops go along shooting at cars. The owner of the house talks about the underground passages and they found footprints near the barn with the horses.
He's out riding the horse he stole from the house after going through the tunnels... on his way to his next victim's house...

I seriously hope that the body they found in that house was his, this manhunt is creating more victims as the cops go along shooting at cars. The owner of the house talks about the underground passages and they found footprints near the barn with the horses.
are you blaming the actions of the LAPD on Dorner? does that make him responsible for those 6 injured people?
are you blaming the actions of the LAPD on Dorner? does that make him responsible for those 6 injured people?

There is no blame inherent in the statement. I just hope it is over for the sake of everybody else that isn't Dorner or kill-crazed cops who, apparently, are willing to shoot into vehicles before they even find out if Dorner is there.

Dorner is no hero.
