Down the memory hole

(The Savior, Lord) "Obama website's opposition to successful surge gets deleted"

"A funny thing happened over on the" (The Savior, Lord) "Barack Obama campaign website in the last few days. The parts that stressed his opposition to the 2007 troop surge and his statement that more troops would make no difference in a civil war have somehow disappeared."

No matter. The lemminglike fist-bumping lefties will still follow their Pied Piper, no matter how his tune changes.
No matter. The lemminglike fist-bumping lefties will still follow their Pied Piper, no matter how his tune changes.

There was a pretty big story the other day - reported on a variety of outlets, including CNN & Fox - that a large group of those on the "left" were growing extremely disenchanted with Obama, and were angry at him for his recent moves toward the middle & some of the statements he made.

Did you miss that? I can probably find it if you need help.
No matter. The lemminglike fist-bumping lefties will still follow their Pied Piper, no matter how his tune changes, because he's not Bush. Oh, and he's black.
No matter. The lemminglike fist-bumping lefties will still follow their Pied Piper, no matter how his tune changes, because he's not Bush. Oh, and he's black.

That's not really a response to my question.

If you want to keep just saying things like "lemminglike" and "Savior" with regard to Obama & his supporters, have at it. Don't let facts get in your way.

(cue indisputable finding a youtube clip of 1 supporter praising Obama effusively)
Your hatred for Bush has blunted your capacity to sense the Savior, Lord Obama's overarching willingness to do or say anything to get elected.

His flip-flops are legion, and the convoluted pretzel logic his lemminglike fist-bumping acolytes exhibit as they cling to his ever-changing positions is Gordian in it's complexity.
we have an old retiree who talks just like indiputabley uneducated does.
Says things like Barack Hussein, hitlary, communist. He too doesn't have a college degree.
You have no notion of anyone's identity or level of education. Your ad hominem attacks display a marked want of substantive intellect.

Here's your position as I see it:

The Savior, Lord Obama must not be opposed. It's racist! If you oppose him, you must be tarred with the brush of ignorance!
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Your hatred for Bush has blunted your capacity to sense the Savior, Lord Obama's overarching willingness to do or say anything to get elected.

His flip-flops are legion, and the convoluted pretzel logic his lemminglike fist-bumping acolytes exhibit as they cling to his ever-changing positions is Gordian in it's complexity.

I find that you tend to project psychologically. Because this is how you see the world, I have little doubt that you were & are lemminglike in your support of Bush (don't blame me; you brought up the "B" word first).

That's why you really can't respond to my question, either. It won't compute.
Your "findings" are irrelevant. You would support the Savior, Lord Obama no matter what he did or said. Why not admit it?

I'm not sure why you think Obama is the Savior. I merely think he's a better candidate than McCain.

It would be cool if he was more than that, and WAS the Savior. I hope you're privvy to some info that I don't have on that.
You have no notion of anyone's identity or level of education. Your ad hominem attacks display a marked want of substantive intellect.

Here's your position as I see it:

The Savior, Lord Obama must not be opposed. It's racist! If you oppose him, you must be tarred with the brush of ignorance!

only uneducated moron's talk like you do, I would love to get a laugh at the college you went to.
I remember Dixie is a Bama fan, doesn't mean he graduated from their. But some rednecks never outgrow it no matter the amount of education.:pke:
I find that you tend to project psychologically. Because this is how you see the world, I have little doubt that you were & are lemminglike in your support of Bush (don't blame me; you brought up the "B" word first).

That's why you really can't respond to my question, either. It won't compute.

I concur. A definite case of projection if I ever saw one. Though I doubt this is a concept irreputable can grasp.

Buy my question about irreputable is this. He's probably the worst wingnut troll to come along in a while. His debate style is so simple minded and, to borrow your phrase, lemming like, that he presents practically no challenge. Even wako wingnuts like little willie and Dixie are more articulate.

So my question about irreputable is this. If on-line debaters are rated from mouth-breather at the bottom and Kung-Fu masters at the top. Would irreputable be a dribbling, drooling mouth-breather?
I wish this guy would go back and take a look at the star struck Bushophiles who lapped up every lie the Bush campaign spewed about a kinder ,gentler Republican party?

They were the ones who refused to realize the guy was a total failure at everything he had tried in life.

Now they want to claim wanting to change the direction of the country is somehow being an Obama whorshiper?
Muskel und Hass! Wir sind eine hoeherwertigere Sorte. Die hoechst führer und Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei unaufhoerlich!!!!
only uneducated moron's talk like you do, I would love to get a laugh at the college you went to.
I remember Dixie is a Bama fan, doesn't mean he graduated from their. But some rednecks never outgrow it no matter the amount of education.:pke:

Topper, you should hear this idiot talk about "English Only". I'd be suprized if he graduated from high school.
As usual, you cannot rationalize your abject adoration of the Savior, Lord Obama without mentioning Bush.

Bush isn't running.

You have no idea who I am, who I voted for in the past, who I'll vote for in the future.

Who's "projecting"?
"You have no idea who I am, who I voted for in the past, who I'll vote for in the future.

Who's "projecting"?"

Okay. Prove me wrong.

1) Did you vote for Bush in 2000?

2) Did you vote for Bush in 2004?

3) Will you vote for McCain in 2008?

Have at it.
"You have no idea who I am, who I voted for in the past, who I'll vote for in the future.

Who's "projecting"?"

Okay. Prove me wrong.

1) Did you vote for Bush in 2000?

2) Did you vote for Bush in 2004?

3) Will you vote for McCain in 2008?

Have at it.

I'm guessing you're too spineless to answer these 3 questions honestly.

But I'll keep bumping them, just in case.