Drinking During the DNC Convention


Well-known member
I thought this was funny because as a drinker its true that altitude does have an effect on you, especially if you are not used to it, and if I ever went to a party convention I would treat it as a big booze fest.


DENVER -- New York state Democratic party devoted a page in its information packet with three separate warnings to its delegation about how hard booze hits the system in mile-high Denver.

On a page titled "high-altitude tips" in a packet sent to traveling New York Democrats, there were repeated reminders that the air up here is different.

"Please monitor yourself, and remember that drinks may go to your head faster than you're used to in New York," was the first cautionary paragraph. "We don't want any of our members to miss Delegation events or procededings, so please stay safe."

The rest of the advice was more along the lines of drinking plenty of water.

Personally I am betting that most ignore that good advice. How many times have you seen tourists out here that think it "won't affect them" or that they "can handle it"? They will drink, get drunk and make fools of themselves.... should be an entertaining week.
Personally I am betting that most ignore that good advice. How many times have you seen tourists out here that think it "won't affect them" or that they "can handle it"? They will drink, get drunk and make fools of themselves.... should be an entertaining week.

who wouldn't?? I get drunk all the time and im near sea level. its still legal to drink in the US isn't it?? or did bush holyroller reinstate prohibition?
who wouldn't?? I get drunk all the time and im near sea level. its still legal to drink in the US isn't it?? or did bush holyroller reinstate prohibition?

Dude relax, its not ripping on Democrats. I posted the article because I go to Lake Tahoe a lot and the altitude f*cks with you when you are there (whether you are drinking or not). I've seen many people try to drink as much in the altitude as they would at sea level and get just wasted.

It's smart the DNC was giving people reminders.
Seriously, if you live here you see the phenomena often. It also works in the opposite. You can go to sea level and have as much as you normally do, but hardly feel effects.
Seriously, if you live here you see the phenomena often. It also works in the opposite. You can go to sea level and have as much as you normally do, but hardly feel effects.

The altitude is why U.S. teams often train in Denver and other areas like it because its so much harder.
who wouldn't?? I get drunk all the time and im near sea level. its still legal to drink in the US isn't it?? or did bush holyroller reinstate prohibition?

It was the DEMS telling their people not to drink or to at least make them aware of the difference altitude makes. No one here is telling them not to drink... we want every dime we can get out of the tourists.
It is also why those of us who live here laugh at you sea dwelling folk who threaten to come here and inflict bodily harm upon us. :)

But as I mentioned I train at Lake Tahoe which is in the altitude so I know how to deal with you on your turf!
But as I mentioned I train at Lake Tahoe which is in the altitude so I know how to deal with you on your turf!
You train on occasion, we live here. You will be no problem for us superior human beings who choose to reside closer to Gawd!

I sound so elitist. But then I have only one house, so I can't be elitist....
But as I mentioned I train at Lake Tahoe which is in the altitude so I know how to deal with you on your turf!

LMAO... what do you spend... a couple weeks a year in Tahoe?

Side note... I was not aware you needed to go to altitude to train for sitting at a bar nursing a crown and coke while being rejected by every woman you attempt to hit on.
LMAO... what do you spend... a couple weeks a year in Tahoe?

Side note... I was not aware you needed to go to altitude to train for sitting at a bar nursing a crown and coke while being rejected by every woman you attempt to hit on.

I have to go to a meeting. This will be responded to!