Drs reporting gun owners to Feds?


New member
Obama orders drs to report gun owners to Feds, if they suspect mental illness or that children live in the house!

Such laws are always enacted improperly causing more problems/harm than they solve!

Pennsylvania has a requirement that Drs report those with a medical condition that impacts on their ability to drive.

Loose interpretation of that law caused unessesary difficulty for one PA driver.


Do we really need to have more busy bodies, spies and snitches?
I said this a week or so ago when one member was kvetching about being asked this question. The libs of course scoffed. And here I am right again
I said this a week or so ago when one member was kvetching about being asked this question. The libs of course scoffed. And here I am right again

Where does it say that in here?

"Clarify that the Affordable Care Act does not prohibit doctors asking their patients about guns in their homes."
Where does it say that in here?

"Clarify that the Affordable Care Act does not prohibit doctors asking their patients about guns in their homes."

It says that.

Note that in MA paediatricians refuse to allow kids of gun owners to become patients.

First question they ask parents when they register their child!!
Refusing to treat children because of a political dogma!!
You guys are dishonest and stupid. The ACA includes a section, added by Harry Reid, that specifically prohibits any collection of data about firearms.


‘‘(1) WELLNESS AND PREVENTION PROGRAMS.— A wellness and health promotion activity implemented under subsection (a)(1)(D) may not require the disclosure or collection of any information relating to—

‘‘(A) the presence or storage of a lawfully- possessed firearm or ammunition in the residence or on the property of an individual; or

‘‘(B) the lawful use, possession, or storage of a firearm or ammunition by an individual.

(2) LIMITATION ON DATA COLLECTION.—None of the authorities provided to the Secretary under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act or an amendment made by that Act shall be construed to authorize or may be used for the collection of any in- formation relating to—

‘‘(A) the lawful ownership or possession of a firearm or ammunition;

‘‘(B) the lawful use of a firearm or ammunition; or

‘‘(C) the lawful storage of a firearm or ammunition.

‘‘(3) LIMITATION ON DATABASES OR DATA BANKS.—None of the authorities provided to the Secretary under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act or an amendment made by that Act shall be construed to authorize or may be used to maintain records of individual ownership or possession of a firearm or ammunition.
It says that.

Note that in MA paediatricians refuse to allow kids of gun owners to become patients.

First question they ask parents when they register their child!!
Refusing to treat children because of a political dogma!!

There is no requirement to ask the question. The ACA goes even further specifying that it cannot be a requirement. However, they cannot prohibit a doctor from asking. Any provision in the ACA that did prohibit a doctor from asking the question would be null and void as it would be a violation of the doctors right to free speech.

But, remember if you are on the right you reject the idea that anyone has a right to privacy.
There is no requirement to ask the question. The ACA goes even further specifying that it cannot be a requirement. However, they cannot prohibit a doctor from asking. Any provision in the ACA that did prohibit a doctor from asking the question would be null and void as it would be a violation of the doctors right to free speech.

But, remember if you are on the right you reject the idea that anyone has a right to privacy.

My sons paediatricians first question was 'do you own/keep firearms in the house'?

For what possible reason would they ask?
Other than to refuse to treat the children of gun owners.

Your messiah said earlier this week that no law prevented a dr from asking and reporting who owns guns etc!

My sons paediatricians first question was 'do you own/keep firearms in the house'?

For what possible reason would they ask?
Other than to refuse to treat the children of gun owners.

Your messiah said earlier this week that no law prevented a dr from asking and reporting who owns guns etc!

If I was your son's doctor I'd ask the same question. Right before taking action to have him removed from your home.
My sons paediatricians first question was 'do you own/keep firearms in the house'?

For what possible reason would they ask?
Other than to refuse to treat the children of gun owners.

Your messiah said earlier this week that no law prevented a dr from asking and reporting who owns guns etc!

Your doctors question has nothing to do with Obama.

He was clarifying the ACA. Not prohibiting does not equal requiring.

They can not prohibit a doctor from asking as the courts have already properly ruled such laws to be a violation of free speech.
My sons paediatricians first question was 'do you own/keep firearms in the house'?

For what possible reason would they ask?
Other than to refuse to treat the children of gun owners.

Your messiah said earlier this week that no law prevented a dr from asking and reporting who owns guns etc!
Maybe he's smart and doesn't want to associate with gun nuts like you!
And there was nothing in the statement about reporting any information about possession of firearms. The ACA specifically states that there can be no government program that requires disclosure and that collection of any information on firearms by the government is prohibited. That does not mean your doctor can't ask you on his own.
There are several drs in the practice.
They ask the question of all who register.
There is no point to the question, so why ask ?

They may want to talk with you about gun safety. If you don't like it don't answer. Go get another doctor.

Are you hypocrites unaware of the ways Republicans have sought to force doctors to discuss abortion with patients? Again, you don't believe in a right to privacy, so even if the government were requiring such questions, which they are not, you have no basis on which to object.
They may want to talk with you about gun safety. If you don't like it don't answer. Go get another doctor.

Are you hypocrites unaware of the ways Republicans have sought to force doctors to discuss abortion with patients? Again, you don't believe in a right to privacy, so even if the government were requiring such questions, which they are not, you have no basis on which to object.
You hypocrites?
Who is that?
I'm pro choice!
I can see no relevance to my gun ownership and which Dr I pay to deliver care to my child.
Every paediatrician in Boston asks this question.

It is a pointless question, completely and utterly irrelivant to their job!

Shut the fuck up , do the fucking job I pay you to do and do it well.
I'm paying you enough!!

They act like they are doing you a favor!!
I'm the fucking customer, I'm right !!
Some of these Drs are getting beyond themselves, getting drunk on power!!
The power drs enjoy in socialised MEDCINE!