Dulles Airport should keep its name, and Trump can have Rikers


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I agree, Trump does not rate having an airport name after him?!! I don't have problem naming Rikers Island after him, after all it's a shithole too?!!

[FONT=cnn_sans_display]CNN — [/FONT]
[FONT=cnn_sans_display]The news is mostly tragic these days, with destructive wars in Gaza and Ukraine, the usual drumbeat of mass shootings and climate disasters. I’m often hesitant to turn on the radio when I wake up. What next? The arrival of some needed comic relief, unexpectedly, in the form of a Republican proposal to change the name of Washington Dulles International Airport to Donald J. Trump International Airport.

[FONT=cnn_sans_display]And this was not “Saturday Night Live.”[/FONT]

[FONT=cnn_sans_display]Republican Rep. Guy Reschenthaler of Pennsylvania, the chief deputy majority whip in the House, introduced this hilarious bill this week with six other Republicans: Michael Waltz of Florida, Andrew Ogles of Tennessee, Chuck Fleischmann of Tennessee, Paul Gosar of Arizona, Barry Moore of Alabama and Troy Nehls of Texas.

[FONT=cnn_sans_display]“Freedom. Prosperity. Strength. That’s what America stood for under the leadership of President Donald J. Trump — the best president of my lifetime,” Reschenthaler wrote in , formerly Twitter.

[FONT=cnn_sans_display]It never fails to shock me how GOP officials seem endlessly willing to grovel at the feet of their master, hoping to curry favor with a man whose ego is beyond satiation.

[FONT=cnn_sans_display]Trump must be laughing at them. I certainly am.

[FONT=cnn_sans_display]I travel a lot, and was at Dulles last week. Believe me, it could use some attention — not with congressional rebranding, but with an influx of public funds. It’s a nightmarish hub, with a tram system that feels wildly outmoded and slow: Walking often seems faster than riding from gate to gate. I often fly out of Dulles rather late in the day, and there isn’t a place to get a sandwich or cup of coffee after about 9 p.m. Going through customs and passport control at Dulles is [/FONT]arduously slow[FONT=cnn_sans_display]. The [/FONT]customer reviews[FONT=cnn_sans_display] of this airport are not heartening.

[FONT=cnn_sans_display]Of the more than 25 million travelers who poured through this airport in 2023, many of them are international visitors. Can you imagine the impression it would make to arrive at something called Trump International?

[FONT=cnn_sans_display]Democrats reacted to the House bill quickly. The very notion of pasting the name of a twice-impeached and four-times-indicted former president on a major airport is beyond ridiculous. “Donald Trump is facing 91 felony charges,” Democratic Rep. Gerry Connolly, whose district includes part of Dulles, said in a statement. “If Republicans want to name something after him, I’d suggest they find a federal prison.”[/FONT]

I doubt Biden will be happy spending ten years at Trump's Island....

Republicans can find nothing to impeach him of. Not quite sure why he would even end up on Riker's Island, which is a New York State Jail, because Biden has certainly not broken any New York State crimes. Beyond that, it is a jail, not a prison, so meant only to hold people for months, not years.

trump has committed crimes, and those crimes have been in New York State. That being said, he would be sent to a prison, not a jail.
Republicans can find nothing to impeach him of. Not quite sure why he would even end up on Riker's Island, which is a New York State Jail, because Biden has certainly not broken any New York State crimes. Beyond that, it is a jail, not a prison, so meant only to hold people for months, not years.

trump has committed crimes, and those crimes have been in New York State. That being said, he would be sent to a prison, not a jail.

Wrong. The Republicans have plenty to work with. But unlike the Leftist 'tards in the Democrat party they're smart enough to not push charges--except for a few lunatics like MTG--until they have it sewed up 100%. For an impeachment to work, you need solid evidence, and bipartisan belief it needs doing.
Wrong. The Republicans have plenty to work with. But unlike the Leftist 'tards in the Democrat party they're smart enough to not push charges--except for a few lunatics like MTG--until they have it sewed up 100%. For an impeachment to work, you need solid evidence, and bipartisan belief it needs doing.

more importantly, you need control of the Senate......
Maybe it’s a good idea to name the massive federal spending project called Dulles after Trump.
more importantly, you need control of the Senate......

Not just control, but 60+ votes. That means a bipartisan effort to convict. Without it, it's a complete waste of time to bring charges like the idiot Democrats did with Trump. I get they hate the fucker, but it bought them NOTHING, hell, it probably made Trump more popular with his base, bringing charges against him with ZERO prospect of a conviction.
Democrats did not need 60+ members of the Senate to make Nixon's conviction certain. What Republicans need is evidence.

Pelosi didn't let a lack of evidence interfere with her plans.......what did that get you.......no, the reality is that we will be rid of Biden in November.....why bother with meaningless gestures like you did in 2020.......
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o didn't let a lack of evidence interfere with her plans.......what did that get you.......no, the reality is that we will be rid of Biden in November.....why bother with meaningless gestures like you did in 2020.......

If we get rid of Biden in November, Trump will get rid of America in January.
And America will more than deserve it.