"Dumb" Kamala


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I have literally never seen a campaign in my lifetime that was run so effectively.

People need to go back to a month ago: no one had much hope that anything would slow down the Trump train. Trump was going to win this election, going away. People were looking at a Reagan/Mondale type of map, potentially.

Check the polls today. Kamala Harris is leading nationally, and in most of the swing states (and, btw, NC is a swing state now).

Meanwhile, smarty-pants Trump is flailing. His campaign was caught flat-footed, somehow, because pretty much everyone knew after that debate that there was a strong chance of Harris being the candidate. But no - to the super-smart Trump team, it was a "sucker punch," that they're still trying to figure out. And they cannot keep their genius candidate on message, though many are PUBLICLY BEGGING him to try.

Trump's insistence on calling this formidable opponent "stupid" should be called out for what it is: pure misogyny. From a man who has a long, long record of hating & disrespecting women.
I had thought it was probably an act but I have been told by people I trust that know her well that she is spectacularly low wattage.

It makes me wonder if her being said to have passed the bar exam is a fraud.
This so called campaign is run by the Revolution....she has next to nothing to do with it.....she follows orders.
The same people who say that she is running her campaign are the same people who say that Biden is President running the world.

Dont B Dumb .
That said Trump is doing a great job, it wont matter because this so called election will be fake like the last one....the odds that the Regime declares him the winner are zero......but PATRIOT TRUMP is awesome.
I had thought it was probably an act but I have been told by people I trust that know her well that she is spectacularly low wattage.

And you think Donald Trump is higher wattage? The guy who paid someone to take his entrance exam for Wharton? The guy who recommended injecting househod cleaners for COVID. THAT GUY???

It makes me wonder if her being said to have passed the bar exam is a fraud.

Have YOU passed the bar exam?
That said Trump is doing a great job,

Then you must be giving Trump a "Participation Trophy". I would hardly call the steady stream of fuck-ups he's undertaken the past couple weeks as "doing a great job".

it wont matter because this so called election will be fake like the last one

It's always good to set up a "plausible deniability" condition for the time when you lose. That way you "innoculate" yourself from facing up to the fact that you might have backed a loser.

....the odds that the Regime declares him the winner are zero......but PATRIOT TRUMP is awesome.

PATRIOT Trump? How do you arrive at that? He dodged the draft in Vietnam, he attacked the family of a soldier killed in action, he attacked a POW for "getting caught", he called our fallen soldiers in WWI and WWII suckers. He also dodged taxes (so YOU end up paying more) and he doesn't know the first foreign thing about the US COnstitution (He even thought it gave him unlimited powers!!!! LOL)

If Trump is a patriot then the word "patriot" has no meaning anymore.

Trump couldn't care less about you or this country. Here's a big reveal for you: Trump is only interested in TRUMP. That's it. 100% down the line that's it. If you can't see that then YOU are primed to fall for his next fraud (like Trump University)