Dumb Things Said By Onceler: Part One


New member
I don't understand why people think this is a bailout for the rich.

Americans are about to learn some hard, hard lessons. The world markets are collapsing today. A huge # of people who are calling Congress to tell them to vote "no" are going to lose their jobs, their homes, their retirement, their pension. Every sector of our economy will suffer.

Wall Street IS Main Street. When a company loses money, they fire people; when they fire people, those people don't shop, or hire contractors, or buy cars, or whatever. It's all connected.

Yesterday was absolutely dumb.

This IS a bailout for the rich. The Democrats didnt get additions that they wanted in the bill such as judges reworking bankruptcy terms or that any profits should go to low income housing or that any money would go to alleviate homeowners.... The bill is not for everyday Americans....

Every sector of our economy is going to suffer? You follow President Bush too much.... This bill is a load of crap.... And the fact of the matter is the American People know it.... You are too stupid and have too much faith in these Politicians who dont serve your interest. Wake up!

Wall Street is NOT Main Street. You sounding more like a Republican these days....

So dont trumpet some scare tactic Bush slogans.... Its full of shit and you know it....

There is very little chance this bailout would be the last, it would be likely the first of many. And since there is very little public appetite for it (not to mention debt strains) it would be a waste of money.
This is unreal.

You don't think Wall Street is Main Street?

Watch the Dow tank another 700 pts. or 1,400 pts., and stay that way for awhile. Then tell me Wall Street isn't Main Street.
This is unreal.

You don't think Wall Street is Main Street?

Watch the Dow tank another 700 pts. or 1,400 pts., and stay that way for awhile. Then tell me Wall Street isn't Main Street.

Your unreal you fucken fraud.... The Dow is up 200 points from yesterday....

And guess what NOTHING HAS CHANGED....

Dumbass tool.... You really believe these dumbass politicians dont you? And you think Fox News is bad... Your pretty gullible yourself...

"And guess what NOTHING HAS CHANGED...."

Oh - that's good to know.

Thousands of people lost their jobs yesterday; hundreds of small businesses are cutting back as we speak. Some states are talking about a spending freeze.

If you don't know what the long-term implications of even these short-term actions are, I can't help you.
There is very little chance this bailout would be the last, it would be likely the first of many. And since there is very little public appetite for it (not to mention debt strains) it would be a waste of money.

This assumes that without this bailout the FED won't continue to take ad hoc actions to bailout particular firms. There is nothing to support that idea. Ratehr than taking the ad hoc approach, this was an attempt at a systemic fix. It failed. If agreement on a systemic fix isn't reached, expect to see more ad hoc nonsense that may end up costing more than this shitty bill.
"And guess what NOTHING HAS CHANGED...."

Oh - that's good to know.

Thousands of people lost their jobs yesterday; hundreds of small businesses are cutting back as we speak. Some states are talking about a spending freeze.

If you don't know what the long-term implications of even these short-term actions are, I can't help you.

Jobs have been losing for months now.... Before there was talk of the bailout.... So nice try but no cigar....

Long term implications LMAO....

You know what the American people have seen these scare tactic fear mongering before.....i.e. the Patriot Act and the Rush to War...

They aint falling for it no more but apparently dumb internet board posters still believe in these politicians that lie to the American people.... Good job Onceler.... They can always trust on you to follow them like puppets...

Oncler is not really wrong there. He does have a point. Many people do see this as a bail out for the rich. Also a Wall Street bail out. It is in a way that I think also, because I think if we let it fail--they wiill hurt more than us with money and their career. Shit---they may have to get a job in the private sector--and that would suck for them man--lol. No shit--that is a factor really.

I look at the bigger picture now though, because I have more information about it than the people who think it is only a wall street bail out. It is a bail out for socialism really. F&F was a socialism experiment---and of course, like all other US social gov programs-- it failed. This time--it just had more direct lines to your pocket book---if you need debt to live your life. Feed the pig--and more to come.

Ya better do everything you can to get out of debt, and learn to do something for a living because nobody can take care of you better than you. I know---it sounds crazy to you--loosing debt and gaining marketable skills,--a hard to grab concept for todays marxists liberials in the USA ---but it seems to work good for me right now.
Oncler is not really wrong there. He does have a point. Many people do see this as a bail out for the rich. Also a Wall Street bail out. It is in a way that I think also, because I think if we let it fail--they wiill hurt more than us with money and their career. Shit---they may have to get a job in the private sector--and that would suck for them man--lol. No shit--that is a factor really.

I look at the bigger picture now though, because I have more information about it than the people who think it is only a wall street bail out. It is a bail out for socialism really. F&F was a socialism experiment---and of course, like all other US social gov programs-- it failed. This time--it just had more direct lines to your pocket book---if you need debt to live your life. Feed the pig--and more to come.

Ya better do everything you can to get out of debt, and learn to do something for a living because nobody can take care of you better than you. I know---it sounds crazy to you--loosing debt and gaining marketable skills,--a hard to grab concept for todays marxists liberials in the USA ---but it seems to work good for me right now.

Can you speak in English? Thanks

This assumes that without this bailout the FED won't continue to take ad hoc actions to bailout particular firms. There is nothing to support that idea. Ratehr than taking the ad hoc approach, this was an attempt at a systemic fix. It failed. If agreement on a systemic fix isn't reached, expect to see more ad hoc nonsense that may end up costing more than this shitty bill.
No I am assuming that congress will try and garner approval for further bailouts down the road. There is no public appetite for that.

I read this morning that it is the "unsafe" seats that are voting No even if they wanted to Yes because they are hearing it from their constituents, they MIGHT turn around this first time with some arm twisting and earmark promises (another reason this bailout is bad). They certainly won't do so again.
No I am assuming that congress will try and garner approval for further bailouts down the road. There is no public appetite for that.

I read this morning that it is the "unsafe" seats that are voting No even if they wanted to Yes because they are hearing it from their constituents, they MIGHT turn around this first time with some arm twisting and earmark promises (another reason this bailout is bad). They certainly won't do so again.

You're not getting my point. My point is that without Congress acting the FED can (and will) pursue an ad hoc bailout approach as it has been over the past few weeks. In the end, that could prove more costly than this shitty bill.
You're not getting my point. My point is that without Congress acting the FED can (and will) pursue an ad hoc bailout approach as it has been over the past few weeks. In the end, that could prove more costly than this shitty bill.
I see now, sorry.
Then the correct thing to do is stop giving the fed the power to do that and let those companies with trouble go into bankruptcy. Bankruptcy does not mean the company disappears; it is just owned by someone new (as has occurred with several airlines). Bankruptcy punishes those who took excessive risks while preserving those aspects of a businesses that remain profitable.