Dumbass Conservative Students.....


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Cincinnati student is leading advocate for college kids to be armed

CINCINNATI, Ohio (CNN) -- "Would you rather just sit there and cower underneath a desk when someone executes you or would you rather have a chance to defend your life? That's what it really boils down to."

Michael Flitcraft says students should be allowed to protect themselves from potential killers.

Michael Flitcraft, a 23-year-old sophomore at the University of Cincinnati, has become a leading advocate for college students to carry weapons on campus. He's an organizer for Students for Concealed Carry on Campus, a grass-roots organization that was formed after last year's Virginia Tech massacre that left 32 college students and professors dead.

The group boasts more than 25,000 members.

Standing on the Cincinnati campus, Flitcraft calmly explained he is licensed to carry a weapon in Ohio. He wants to carry his gun on campus to defend himself from potential killers, but by law he can't.

"To me it makes no sense that I can defend myself legally over there," he said, pointing to the city streets. "But I am a felon if I step on the grass over here." Watch a growing movement for guns on campus »

The issue of guns on campuses has intensified over the last year in the wake of the Virginia Tech shootings and picked up again after the more recent killings at Northern Illinois University. Lawmakers in at least nine states are considering legislation to allow guns on campus. Other states have struck down legislation.

Utah is the only state to allow weapons at all public universities. Colorado allows students at universities to carry weapons, except the main university campus in Boulder. In Virginia, Blue Ridge Community College allows students with a proper concealed-weapons permit to be armed. See the status of guns on campus »

For many, allowing college students to carry a gun is a tricky and complex issue.

"I don't think the answer to bullets flying is to send more bullets flying," said Gene Ferrara, the police chief at the University of Cincinnati. "My belief is we ought to be focusing on what we do to prevent the shooting from starting."

Ferrara was a Cincinnati cop for more than a dozen years before he became chief of police at the university. He also said that there are practical concerns from a law enforcement perspective: If you're responding to the scene of a shooting, how do you sort out who is the bad guy and who is the heroic student with a permit?

"The other side of that, I shoot everybody with a gun who doesn't have a uniform on and I then I end up shooting somebody who was a citizen with a carry permit," Ferrara said.

At the University of Cincinnati, most of the students who spoke to CNN said the idea of guns on campus scares them. "I think that it is completely absurd," said senior Jacob Metz.

Freshman Lauren Reams added, "It shocks me."

Security officials insist that young adults are safer on campus than just about anywhere else. Since the so-called Texas Tower shootings at the University of Texas in 1966 when 17 people were killed, there have been about a dozen shootings at colleges or universities.

At Weber State University in Utah where students can carry concealed weapons, professor Ron Holt said a weapon provides added protection from potential gunmen. "I see carrying a concealed firearm as a kind of life insurance policy; 99.99 times you will never need it," he said.

Flitcraft and other students across the nation who support gun rights say they won't give up. Students for Concealed Carry on Campus has established a page on the social network site Facebook. They don't want all students to be armed; what they're pushing for is for students 21 and older who are licensed gun owners to have the right to carry guns on campus.

The group is busy planning a protest for later this month in which students who support guns on campus will come to school wearing empty holsters.

"What is a better situation: Someone coming in and shooting in a classroom [or] someone in that classroom having a chance to defend their life and take out that threat?" Flitcraft said

Dont you love conservative dumbasses....Yes lets make university campuses shooting ranges...

Brilliant idea..

The usual silly ideas from the usual silly people, not excluding the OP. And as usual, they ascribe silliness (or "dumbassedness", is that a word?) to the wrong people, and so give up any chance of solving the actual problem.

"Would you rather just sit there and cower underneath a desk when someone executes you or would you rather have a chance to defend your life? That's what it really boils down to."

Michael Flitcraft says students should be allowed to protect themselves from potential killers.

Michael Flitcraft, a 23-year-old sophomore at the University of Cincinnati, has become a leading advocate for college students to carry weapons on campus.
Though Flitcraft has a good point, he is mistaken that this is what it all boils down to.

The problem is not guns on campus. The problem is bad people using guns to do bad things on campus. That is what must be stopped, obviously, if at all possible.

Presently, as several tragic shootings have shown, the bad guys are assured they will have lots of time to blow away all the people they want to, time to reload, ability to move into whatever crowds they please, and do maximum damage before they finally kill themselves or get killed by cops.

"When life or death is a matter of seconds, the police are only minutes away."

If guns were allowed to be carried by responsible, law-abiding students, teachers etc., then most of them still wouldn't bother carrying. But a few would. And the mass murderers would then know there's a pretty good chance that, in the lecture hall with a hundred students they are planning to shoot up, there will likely be at least one person able and willing to shoot back. And they will have no idea which one(s) it will be, or from what direction the bullet(s) will come. So, they are a lot less likely to be able to rack up the score of dead bodies they wanted to. Two or three people might get dead instead of thirty or forty, and they will be unable to create the horrifying situation they want to any more, before they die.

And so, two good benefits immediately appear: (a) fewer people will be killed, and (b) the murderer might change his mind and not bother committing his murders at all, knowing that it probably won't make as many headlines after he's dead.

It's good that people be able to defend themselves. (In fact, it's the law, despite what ignorant state and city legislators think). And it's even better that such horrible crimes as mass murder, be prevented from happening in the first place. Both are accomplished by letting responsible, law-abiding people carry their own weapons when they feel like it. Though most still won't bother, the ones that do (especially in the wake of Virginia Tech and other such mass shootings) will help persuade the bad guys to not do their thing. Or, for the few that try it anyway, it will help ensure that instead of thirty innocent people getting killed, far fewer do.

This has been pointed out endlessly to the short-memory anti-gun-rights people, who have never been able to refute it. Apparently enough time has gone by since the last time, that they feel they can bring up their tired, long-debunked arguments yet again, apparently hoping that people will forget their previous drubbings and the reasons why "banning all guns" won't work.

BTW, guns were already completely illegal on the Virginia Tech campus, just like the wishful thinkers wanted. How many deaths did that prevent? Or did it give Cho the opportunity to kill even more?
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canadiangerber, I'm anti-gun but I were on campus in today's shooting gallery I'd be packing.

Wow I can't believe I'm going to agree with Top.

I don't think this kid is a dumbass. I think he's scared. I rode the LI railroad the day after the Colin Ferguson shootings. I remember what I felt like. Scared. Trapped. Defenseless.

I imagine that's what our kids feel like every day on campuses across the country. Now, I think that arming them would only increase shootings...but I understand their fear. And if I were attending university today...I think I'd go armed.
Wow I can't believe I'm going to agree with Top.

I don't think this kid is a dumbass. I think he's scared. I rode the LI railroad the day after the Colin Ferguson shootings. I remember what I felt like. Scared. Trapped. Defenseless.

I imagine that's what our kids feel like every day on campuses across the country. Now, I think that arming them would only increase shootings...but I understand their fear. And if I were attending university today...I think I'd go armed.

That's why I've been working out and drinking extra Jack. You should see the biceps now Darla. I can't walk on a campus because I would be charged with carrying two guns.
That's why I've been working out and drinking extra Jack. You should see the biceps now Darla. I can't walk on a campus because I would be charged with carrying two guns.


You're such a charmer Cawacko. It's so unusual in a conservative.
Wow I can't believe I'm going to agree with Top.

I don't think this kid is a dumbass. I think he's scared. I rode the LI railroad the day after the Colin Ferguson shootings. I remember what I felt like. Scared. Trapped. Defenseless.

I imagine that's what our kids feel like every day on campuses across the country. Now, I think that arming them would only increase shootings...but I understand their fear. And if I were attending university today...I think I'd go armed.

No fear needed, though it's not a bad motivator. Fear is something that happens AFTER people get dead. It's better to plan in advance, figure out what will reduce the number of deaths as much as possible (hopefully to zero, but is that possible in ANY way?), and then put that into effect.

No one has yet come up with a better method (though still less than "perfect") of preventing mass shootings, than concealed carry by responsible, law-abiding people. Though most people still don't bother carrying, a few do, and that's enough to let the bad guys know that they may not be able to make the big splash they want before they die.
Dont you love conservative dumbasses....Yes lets make university campuses shooting ranges...

Brilliant idea..


campuses are already shooting ranges because nobody has the ability to fight back. It's idiocy to force people to be potential defenseless victims simply for wanting a college education.
heck issue them all guns. I can mke money selling laptop bags with holsters in them.
Maybe 9mm flash drives too.