Early voting: Obama kicking ass

I read that up to a third of the votes could be early votes in the states where it's used. This is all good news, since Obama is up in the polls right now; I expect them to get tighter, but if enough people vote by the time they do, it might not matter.

Every time I start thinking "landslide" I remember my expectations the last few election cycles...
I read that up to a third of the votes could be early votes in the states where it's used. This is all good news, since Obama is up in the polls right now; I expect them to get tighter, but if enough people vote by the time they do, it might not matter.

Every time I start thinking "landslide" I remember my expectations the last few election cycles...

you'll have it this time you might as well go ahead and enjoy it.
you'll have it this time you might as well go ahead and enjoy it.

I'll enjoy it when Fox News calls the election for Obama. And then I'll enjoy it for a week or 2, until Obama does something I hate or picks someone for his cabinet that I can't stand.

I have happiness issues...
I can't help but feel like these people are going to hurt Obama. Just watch these rally videos. They really believe the bad stuff they say about him. It's disturbing.
It's all the mavericks, they all vote in droves. As a team of mavericks we all know that change is coming, don'tyaknow. There is a danger in counting your chickens that most don't know, and that is what America needs today. Like we did in Alaska we're going to turn this place around and then find rulings that we don't agree with and change them too!
Saturday there are going to be Obama Rallies all over Las Cruces (my home) where people meet then get on buses and go to the Country building to cast early ballots for Obama. No such rallies scheduled here for McCain. We actually have like 8 meeting places in the city itself. My bet is it is going to take a while to cast an early vote. I would recommend that in states where there is going to be a push by the Republicans to disqualify voters that people vote early. I have voted early before and found that there is almost no one there to challenge from either party most days.