Edwards is FDR with a Southern Accent


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I give this article a 7 out of 10.

The cheese factor is pretty high (Edwards might win Texas? LOL)

The parallel to FDR is a tad overstated.

But, given the abject failure of the republican party, and americans deep and profound dissatisfaction with republican stewardship of the economy (don't argue with me, look at the poll numbers), Edwards is potentially the most transformative of the democratic candidates. And his core opposition to the DLC democrats is not unlike the Bourbon Democrats and FDR.

Edwards is FDR with a Southern Accent

by Stephen Crockett

The Democratic Presidential candidate John Edwards is potentially the person most likely to realign the two major political parties for the next generation or two. Edwards is a Democratic political leader who is not only closely mirroring FDR as a historical figure but is doing so by following in the same political and economic traditions as FDR. The main differences are personal backgrounds and accents.

During the 1930’s, President Roosevelt essentially ended the dominance of the “Bourbon Democrats” in national Democratic politics and moved the Democratic Party solidly behind a political program of economic populism. As a result, the nation saw a couple generations of solid economic growth and mass prosperity. A vibrant middle class emerged from the policies promoted by FDR. The Democratic Party clearly replaced the Republicans as the stronger of the two major parties as a result.

Beginning with the election of Ronald Reagan, many Democrats in power drifted away from the core values of the Democratic Party and started running as “Republican-lite” candidates. They started trying to compete for corporate campaign money by permitting awful trade agreements that undermined the health of the American economy and weakened the American middle class while helping the economic elite become even more powerful.

Some Democrats playing footsie with Republicans and large corporations failed working Americans and the poor by letting the obscenely wealthy start paying much lower percentages of their incomes in federal taxes than the middle class majority. Many Democrats started turning their backs on some common sense elements of the Roosevelt tradition of having those able to pay higher taxes pay them. We call this progressive taxation. The rich pay should be paying higher tax rates since they have more influence on government policies and benefit more from them.

They completely abandoned our federal government commitment to preventing monopoly control by large corporations of many important aspects of everyday life. Price-gouging has become routine. Insider trading and excessive executive pay has become routine in the corporate world. Wealthy foreign corporations are often having more impact on government policies than the needs of average Americans. Media consolidation has blocked out almost all non-corporate voices in the discussion of public policy issues. Edwards wants less corporate control over everyday life and has specific programs in mind to move in that direction.

The wages of Americans have been suppressed. The ability to unionize in order to achieve higher standards of living has been attacked by federal legislation, right wing court rulings and harassment by oppressive federal government regulation by the Bush Administration. Edwards is the most labor-friendly Presidential candidate of the top-tier candidates. With Edwards, we have a candidate who both walks the walk and talks the talk. Edwards is strongly opposed to outsourcing American jobs and is committed to ending unfair international trade deals or tax policies that encourage corporations to move jobs out of the nation.

Poverty in America has largely been ignored by our political leadership since the 1980’s. We waste trillions of dollars fighting unnecessary wars but seem unwilling to seriously commit to eliminating institutionalize poverty. Edwards is the only candidate really talking about poverty in America. Poverty is a serious issue in many rural American communities and inner cities. Most candidates ignore the poor because they do not write big campaign donation checks. Edwards can give the poor hope and get them voting.

We remain the only nation out of the 75 most economically advanced nations not to have government guaranteed universal health insurance. We cripple our corporations in international competition by forcing them to provide for healthcare. As a nation we spend 17% of our economy on healthcare while our competitors spend 8%. Our competitors cover all citizens while we have 47 million uninsured citizens and even more underinsured. If we had not abandoned our FDR political traditions, this situation would have been corrected long ago. Edwards is committed to universal healthcare.

John Edwards is uniquely focused on returning Democrats to their FDR roots of economic populism. The Bush Republicans are committed to short-term “Greed Capitalism” that is as self-destructive as the Republican policies of the 1920’s. FDR saved American capitalism by reforming it with the New Deal. Edwards can do the same.

Edwards can restore the FDR coalition by running as an economic populist. He can win in places like North Carolina, Florida, Colorado, Virginia and Oklahoma. Edwards might even win in places like Texas. He can win without abandoning Democratic traditional values. Edwards can carry rural communities and small towns without going Republican-lite. Edwards will carry all the traditional Democratic areas and much more because he truly represents Main Street instead of Wall Street................

So where is the part where he rounds up the brown people and puts them in Kennels, sorry I mean Ghettos, ooops, I mean concentration camps?.. Dangit...

Well you know, what he did to the Japanese.
Cypress pry your lips away from FDR's cold dead ass long enough to see the irreparable harm that Nazi did to our country.
Many Democrats started turning their backs on some common sense elements of the Roosevelt tradition of having those able to pay higher taxes pay them. We call this progressive taxation. The rich pay should be paying higher tax rates since they have more influence on government policies and benefit more from them.

I fucking love this paragraph. It basically says:

"It's a progressive policy for the government to tax the rich a higher percentage than anyone else because they influence and benefit more from government policies!"

Ha! Clearly the rich aren't benefiting from this particular policy which they apparently influence so much. The rich are easily and frequently employed as a Democratic whipping boy.
FDR's policies (the japanese concentration camps and the civil rights record aside for the moment) were intended to pull the US out of a depression made to order by the wealthy in this country. Allowing people to buy on margin like they did, doing NOTHING to reign in predatory businesses and monopolies and allowing people to work in shitty conditions for little or no pay. But they should have ONLY been a band aid. The economic recovery of this country came at the hands of the mililtary industrial complex that went to war with hitler. When that was done we were hands down the industrial big man on campus. Europe was in ruins and Japan was still trying not to glow in the dark so much. This country needs an FDR in Edwards clothing like it needs a hole in its head. Edwards is the epitome of class envy and class warfare. His politics THRIVES on making hard working industrious people who risk their hard earned capital to create jobs and profit the monsters of American Society. God forbid if wins the nomination. As many of you have heard me say before, if he does I will NOT EVER vote for him. I have not EVER voted for anyone but a democrat in a presidential election but I swear on the lives of my children I will not vote for him. If he is running against Huckabee i will vote the rest of the races and leave the Presidential vote blank. And I am like many other mainstream middle class americans. Believe it or not Johnny boy but I want to be rich someday. Maybe even rich enough to own a 19000 square foot residential compound with a basketball court and a stage and a pool and a room where me and the fellas can sit around and smoke cigars and drink good microbrewed beer. Edwards tries to pretend he is the ONLY multimillionaire ambulance chaser in the whole fucking world that gives a shit about the little people. Vote for him you left wingers. Put him on your ticket and live with a Republican president for another 4 years at least. /rant
FDR's policies (the japanese concentration camps and the civil rights record aside for the moment) were intended to pull the US out of a depression made to order by the wealthy in this country. Allowing people to buy on margin like they did, doing NOTHING to reign in predatory businesses and monopolies and allowing people to work in shitty conditions for little or no pay. But they should have ONLY been a band aid. The economic recovery of this country came at the hands of the mililtary industrial complex that went to war with hitler. When that was done we were hands down the industrial big man on campus. Europe was in ruins and Japan was still trying not to glow in the dark so much. This country needs an FDR in Edwards clothing like it needs a hole in its head. Edwards is the epitome of class envy and class warfare. His politics THRIVES on making hard working industrious people who risk their hard earned capital to create jobs and profit the monsters of American Society. God forbid if wins the nomination. As many of you have heard me say before, if he does I will NOT EVER vote for him. I have not EVER voted for anyone but a democrat in a presidential election but I swear on the lives of my children I will not vote for him. If he is running against Huckabee i will vote the rest of the races and leave the Presidential vote blank. And I am like many other mainstream middle class americans. Believe it or not Johnny boy but I want to be rich someday. Maybe even rich enough to own a 19000 square foot residential compound with a basketball court and a stage and a pool and a room where me and the fellas can sit around and smoke cigars and drink good microbrewed beer. Edwards tries to pretend he is the ONLY multimillionaire ambulance chaser in the whole fucking world that gives a shit about the little people. Vote for him you left wingers. Put him on your ticket and live with a Republican president for another 4 years at least. /rant

You know socrates, I like you more and more each day.

Edwards, as you stated better than I ever could, is a phoney blowhard. The American Dream is not a sin.
AND if he is running against McCain I will vote for a Republican for president for the first time in my 24 years of being eligible to vote. And so will LOTS OF OTHER moderate independents and democrats. My father voted for Reagan, and Clinton that I know of. I am not sure who he voted for in 2000 but I am almost positive he did not vote for Mortimer Snerd in 2004 ( I knew Charley McCarthy, Charley McCarthy was a friend of mine. George W. Bush is NO Charley McCarthy). And what I do know is that if Edwards is the candidate, he will NOT vote Edwards. Do this dems and Rue the day. I promise.
AND if he is running against McCain I will vote for a Republican for president for the first time in my 24 years of being eligible to vote. And so will LOTS OF OTHER moderate independents and democrats. My father voted for Reagan, and Clinton that I know of. I am not sure who he voted for in 2000 but I am almost positive he did not vote for Mortimer Snerd in 2004 ( I knew Charley McCarthy, Charley McCarthy was a friend of mine. George W. Bush is NO Charley McCarthy). And what I do know is that if Edwards is the candidate, he will NOT vote Edwards. Do this dems and Rue the day. I promise.

McCain is Bush lite. He's in love with the war and he's not hidden the fact that he would put our country at war with Iran, if given the opportunity to do so. We don't need to go there, but McCain will in all likelyhood, have boots on the ground in Iran. How on Earth can you vote for this guy? How? Regardless of who the Dem nominee is, I would never, EVER vote for McCain. He's a war mongering neo con.

I'd vote for a third party if it was Edwars vs. McCain, but I WILL NOT EVER AGAIN vote for a gunslinging cowboy. I made that mistake in 2000, and I will never make it again.
McCain is Bush lite. He's in love with the war and he's not hidden the fact that he would put our country at war with Iran, if given the opportunity to do so. We don't need to go there, but McCain will in all likelyhood, have boots on the ground in Iran. How on Earth can you vote for this guy? How? Regardless of who the Dem nominee is, I would never, EVER vote for McCain. He's a war mongering neo con.

I'd vote for a third party if it was Edwars vs. McCain, but I WILL NOT EVER AGAIN vote for a gunslinging cowboy. I made that mistake in 2000, and I will never make it again.
Regardless of who wins in November we are going to be in Iraq for another 2 to 4 years. Unless Ron Paul parts the red sea and gets more voters to the polls in the next few weeks) I hate this war as much as the next guy and have since the day we announced we were invading Iraq. But I would vote for McCain because he has combat experience and I truly believe that UNLIKE Mortimer Snerd, he would listen to his generals and not put American troops in harms way willy nilly like Bush Cheney and McNamera um I mean the other guy that acts just like McNamera. Maybe I end up hating my vote as much as you do yours for Bush but I can at least vote for McCain and I know that my vote would be one more toward defeating Comrad Edwards.
Regardless of who wins in November we are going to be in Iraq for another 2 to 4 years. Unless Ron Paul parts the red sea and gets more voters to the polls in the next few weeks) I hate this war as much as the next guy and have since the day we announced we were invading Iraq. But I would vote for McCain because he has combat experience and I truly believe that UNLIKE Mortimer Snerd, he would listen to his generals and not put American troops in harms way willy nilly like Bush Cheney and McNamera um I mean the other guy that acts just like McNamera. Maybe I end up hating my vote as much as you do yours for Bush but I can at least vote for McCain and I know that my vote would be one more toward defeating Comrad Edwards.

If you share similar opinions on the Iraq was as me, and do not wish for another war in Iran, then it befuddles me as to why you would even entertain the idea of voting for McCain.

His combat experience is nice, but it is not going to keep us from more unnecessary war. And I will not give my vote to anyone, ANYONE, who wishes to extend the Iraq war. Period. Politics is ugly, but they don't own my vote, and I will not give it to the war mongers. I cannot, in clear conscience, vote for anyone who will continue to let our troops mediate this occupation and die while being a referee in a civil war. I will not do it, period.

I really don't care if I'm a voice in the wilderness on this, I wish I wasn't, but I won't vote for some washed up veteran who wants to continue warring and sending our guys out there to die. For what?

I will not be a part of it in any way anymore, ever.
Well I really hope I don't have to make this decision. I hope that someone I can vote for because I LIKE them and their ideas and politics is on the ticket in November.
Well I really hope I don't have to make this decision. I hope that someone I can vote for because I LIKE them and their ideas and politics is on the ticket in November.

Don't vote for a douchebag, period. Thats your choice. You can write in, you can vote third party, but don't vote for someone you detest. They don't own your fucking vote, you do.