

Thinking about it, there really isn't as much of a difference between the three leading Democratic candidates as people like to think. Hearing Cypress talking about Edwards had turned me off to the guy, but now that I've thought about it, there really wouldn't be much of a difference. Obama is a little more conservative. Hillary is a little more of an economic conservative. But overall, I don't see much of a difference in their presidencies, besides the fact that Edwards wants an immediate pullout, and Obama wants to bomb Iran.

Also, take a look at this quote:

"Do you think Americans want the same guys who bungled Katrina to run their healthcare?" - Edwards

Edwards just happens to poll better than the rest of them. Think about Edwards in the south vs. a guy like Romney. Romney is a Mormon who pretends to be pro-life. Edwards is a Baptist. Romney is from Massachuesettes. Edwards is from South Carolina. It's kind of surprising - but Edwards leads in fundraising from my home state. He would get 90% of the black vote - and the black vote is 33% in my state - and then he would poll MUCH better amongst the whites in my state than a black man, or another Clinton that just happens to be a woman. That's just a fact, and a reality. The whites in my state are religious, and don't really like the economic conservatives. The tolerate the economic conservatives. I could imagine Edwards pulling off a win in the south, and he'd win everywhere else Obama and Clinton would win. It's a win-win situation.

So, if the Democrats want a win, Edwards is probably their best bet.
Thinking about it, there really isn't as much of a difference between the three leading Democratic candidates as people like to think. Hearing Cypress talking about Edwards had turned me off to the guy, but now that I've thought about it, there really wouldn't be much of a difference. Obama is a little more conservative. Hillary is a little more of an economic conservative. But overall, I don't see much of a difference in their presidencies, besides the fact that Edwards wants an immediate pullout, and Obama wants to bomb Iran.

Also, take a look at this quote:

"Do you think Americans want the same guys who bungled Katrina to run their healthcare?" - Edwards

Edwards just happens to poll better than the rest of them. Think about Edwards in the south vs. a guy like Romney. Romney is a Mormon who pretends to be pro-life. Edwards is a Baptist. Romney is from Massachuesettes. Edwards is from South Carolina. It's kind of surprising - but Edwards leads in fundraising from my home state. He would get 90% of the black vote - and the black vote is 33% in my state - and then he would poll MUCH better amongst the whites in my state than a black man, or another Clinton that just happens to be a woman. That's just a fact, and a reality. The whites in my state are religious, and don't really like the economic conservatives. The tolerate the economic conservatives. I could imagine Edwards pulling off a win in the south, and he'd win everywhere else Obama and Clinton would win. It's a win-win situation.

So, if the Democrats want a win, Edwards is probably their best bet.

Yes this is the same conclusion I've come to. Congratulations Water, this now makes you a "marxist'!
Thinking about it, there really isn't as much of a difference between the three leading Democratic candidates as people like to think. Hearing Cypress talking about Edwards had turned me off to the guy, but now that I've thought about it..

LOL. Classic.

WM, one day you look back on these boards, and realize that Maineman and I were instrumental in turning you from a cornball, robber baron rightwing libertarian, into an economic populist.

Obama and Clinton are NAFTA, corporate centrist democrats. There is considerable differences between them and edwards.
Thinking about it, there really isn't as much of a difference between the three leading Democratic candidates as people like to think. Hearing Cypress talking about Edwards had turned me off to the guy, but now that I've thought about it..

LOL. Classic.

WM, one day you look back on these boards, and realize that Maineman and I were instrumental in turning you from a cornball, robber baron rightwing libertarian, into an economic populist.

Obama and Clinton are NAFTA, corporate centrist democrats. There is considerable differences between them and edwards.

An economic populist?

I'm more like a libertarian with a weak welfare state platform built in. And mostly, the welfare programs I support are more like insurance, designed to prevent people from dying, than plain wealth redistribution programs. Edwards populist rhetoric does sometimes turn me off, but his actual policies aren't so bad, and he's the best on getting out of Iraq and global warming. I wish they were all better on immigration and free trade, though... :cof1: