Egg on Klaatu's face!


Well-known member
Klaatu claimed I argued that tax exempt status should not be given to churches....

I never have argued such. I said people should not donate money to institutions that promote prejucide or sexism.

AGAIN, I CHALLANGE KLAATU to find a quote where I argued to end tax exempt status of churches!


A) Thats not exactly what I argued

B) If you search that particular discussion you will note that I responded to your challange with an answer.

C) Now.. How does that omelette feel smack dead in the middle of your kisser?
My first statement:

I think Churches that have institutionalized bigotry, racism, sexism or sexualityism should loose their following. But they wont because people are stupid!

Then I said:

Why do people still attend such churches?
Why do people give them money?
If the people would stop funding such madness it would end!

Then Care said:

you have got to be crazy to say that Alex.... Churches are the biggest charties in the world, helping the needy sick and poor....
Why the heck would you want us to stop donating to the organizations that help the LEAST AMONG US?
(shakes head)

To Witch I responded:

1) I did not say all churches, just the ones that are promoting such inequality and bigotry.

2) Cut the head off the church and there will be MUCH MUCH more money for the LEAST AMONG US. Have you seen the riches at the Vatican? Do you really belive the same percentage of you money given to the Catholic Church goes to charity as when you give to the Red Cross, the Salvation Army or even better directly to a homeless shelter or soup kitchen?

Care then said:

soooooooooooo, the Biggest Charity that there is in the world, the Catholic Charities, you want to change their tax status because they DO NOT HAVE WOMEN PRIESTS?
you are breaking the constitution to try to control private groups or churches in such a manner and why is it that YOU WANT TO DO THAT?
Why do you want to have our government control private groups or churches?
you are just wrong alex.....on this one.


WHO RUNS the homeless shelter or soup kitchens alex....? hahahaha....
gees louise...they are run mostly by churches....same with the salvation army....

SO I said:

I never said ANYTHING about changing anyones tax exempt status...
Ill wait for my apology.

Then Care said:

yes YOU said they should be cut off if they have discriminating practices....
Is no women allowed to be priests discriminating policy to you? it is to Tiana...
so, no apology given, unless you can explain what you are saying more clearly...

I said:

I am not saying cut out all churches... But I belive if you can get past the Church tax, if you can get past paying for guilded thrones for the Pope and new vestments you can get more bang for your buck. If you can donate directly to Catholic Charities, go for it... But instead you are funding a church who spends a percentage of the money money fighting for a political ideal you dont nessarly belive in. If you give money directly to the Catholic Church a small percentage goes directly to the needy. How do you think the Vatican got so many riches?


Show me anywhere where I ever said anything about changing anyones tax exempt status. I said people should stop giving their money to discriminatory institutions and give that same money directly to a charity!


Care you are being an idiot when you put words in someones mouth!

Care then said:

YOU are obviously not a member of the Catholic Church....there are two COLLECTIONS in every service, one goes to the Church and one goes to the poor, via their charities...
And once again, the majority of donations to a church goes directly to the needy, moreso than ANY OTHER CHARITIES OUT THERE.....

there are charitites out there that are not involved with Churches that only give 10 cents on the dollar donated to the poor...the rest they pay these high salaries to their workers at the top...
there is no such thing with Churches....
Why would you change that...?

I responded…

I know what the Bishop's appeal is and I understand what they say about the money in the general donation going to charities, but ask for an accounting and see if they will give it to you... They will NOT! I wonder why? Now where is my apology for the Tax exempt comment?

That’s when Klaatu chirped in with:

No.. you are an idiot .. you got caught in a lie ..and now you are trying to play word games... it aint woking Alex... the name change hasnt done a thing for you ...

BOTH CARE AND KLAATU are WRONG and owe me an apology for putting words in my mouth!

I ask you, anyone.. and CHALLENGE KLAATU to show the lie he claims I told.

Until then EGG on HIS FACE!
KLAATU's pittafull reply was this...

Alex .. first of all .. you need to watch what you post ... Care reponded to your post accordingly and then you tried to reword it ....


Originally Posted by Jarod
Why do people still attend such churches?

Why do people give them money?

If the people would stop funding such madness it would end!

Now those of us that are familair with you .. know that in the past you have made many derogatory statements towards Churches and people of faith ...
Sorry the entire thing!

Alex .. first of all .. you need to watch what you post ... Care reponded to your post accordingly and then you tried to reword it ....


Originally Posted by Jarod
Why do people still attend such churches?

Why do people give them money?

If the people would stop funding such madness it would end!

Now those of us that are familair with you .. know that in the past you have made many derogatory statements towards Churches and people of faith ...

Care4all responded with:
you have got to be crazy to say that Alex.... Churches are the biggest charties in the world, helping the needy sick and poor....

Why the heck would you want us to stop donating to the organizations that help the LEAST AMONG US?

(shakes head)


And then you tried to change the context :

Originally Posted by Jarod
1) I did not say all churches, just the ones that are promoting such inequality and bigotry.

2) Cut the head off the church and there will be MUCH MUCH more money for the LEAST AMONG US. Have you seen the riches at the Vatican? Do you really belive the same percentage of you money given to the Catholic Church goes to charity as when you give to the Red Cross,
the Salvation Army or even better directly to a homeless shelter or soup kitchen?

No.. you are an idiot .. you got caught in a lie ..and now you are trying to play word games... it aint woking Alex... the name change hasnt done a thing for you ...
Looks like your talking to yourself! LOL

You are well known for making up claims someone said something that they didn't say.
This is a lot of time to argue about something over semantics.

Why do people still go to churches

Why do people still go to such churches

Important difference but an easy oversight.
I think we know who we are dealing with here ...

‘We played the flute for you, and you did not dance; we wailed, and you did not mourn.’
I think we know who we are dealing with here ...

‘We played the flute for you, and you did not dance; we wailed, and you did not mourn.’


You put words in my mouth, a pet peeve of mine. DONT DO IT and you wont be hounded for an apology!