Elected Officials Catering To Wef Are Not Canadians Authority, Nor Do They Deserve Respect

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User

Elected Officials Catering To Wef Are Not Canadians Authority, Nor Do They Deserve Respect

They are sick jokes that belong in Prison!

Tyrants and traitors turning backs on Canadians, turning backs on democracy to cater to the dictatorship of the World Economic Forum deserve prison for tyranny (working for those out to divide and conquer Canada among many Western civilizations simultaneously in modern day with the same lies and deceptions) and for those sitting in elected seats and not within government treason and that they are not in prison reveals that our Canadian democracy has been infiltrated by the enemy of Canadians from within our own governing system and those assisting the enemy of Canadians with such, such as so called elected officials deserve the utmost punishment Canada has to offer I find unquestionable.

World Economic Forum dictatorship is not a democracy. Lobbyist dictatorship is not a democracy. What these dictatorships that our officials cater too are, are proof that our democratic system has been infiltrated while our so called officials continue to spout off like we still have a democracy to prop themselves up at the expense of Canadians who vote for pay them to stand up for Canadians, not lobbyists and the World economic forums shady narratives! It's betrayal!

I would love to see (because it would be justice) each and everyone one of them catering to the WEF's shady narratives and their families stripped of wealth and all assets such as the NDP and Liberals for starters (including trust fund money) and given back to Canada as they, but not their families, are made to spend life in prison while their families are made to endure what we all have to endure thanks to what these tyrants and traitors have done to Canada for this sick and filthy World Economic Forum. When their families face homelessness and starvation, they, like everyone else, have the tyrants and traitors who betrayed Canadians with a bunch of sick and filthy lies and deceptions guised as ideologies to be grateful for as they live with what they have done to us all as Canadian citizens just like everyone else has too and justly so.

I lieu of such coming to pass, justly they had better hope we can turn this mess around that they deliberately caused for the enemy of Canadians. It's not about balancing budgets, it's about getting rid of the deficit along with policies and legislation created to force lies upon Canadians, force oppression upon Canadians, force suffering upon Canadians while thrusting Canada into a ridiculous debt for their sick and filth lies and deceptions guised as ideologies! We can begin by hammering down on mass exports of natural gas and oil while refraining from importing any of it as we also focus on providing for ourselves as we focus more on self sustainability!

Why do the RCMP / Canadian police forces across Canada and Canadian armed forces do nothing you wonder? Well the punishment for tyranny was execution but since capital punishment was abolished there is now no punishment for tyranny. How convenient for the WEF and their infiltrators plaguing our governing system. That is right, the punishment for tyranny was never replaced so our police etc. do not anything about it while our so called elected officials even get away with murder for the WEF under many guises such as safe supply, such as a carbon crisis hoax, such as losing your job / not being allowed to go places for not getting a jab that isn't even a vaccine which has lead to Canadians being forced to get such jabs which have lead to deaths and many medical problems among many suffering Canadians regarding covid.

But hey tyrants and traitors infiltrating Canadian office give themselves raises and try and pass legislation, and hide behind redundant policies an enactments, to try and make criminals out of citizens seeking justice such as the Trucker convoy.

They make policies and legislation to make Canadians become enraged with their sick behavior, label citizens raising awareness to their sick behavior as the ones inciting hatred and violence then start labelling Canadians justly infuriated with their sick behavior as haters while they try and make becoming infuriated with their sick behavior a crime as they attempt to label such as hate while they keep deliberately doing things to infuriate Canadians in the first place to try and make criminals out of Canadians to use to further force their oppressive rhetoric upon Canadians under threat of prison and fines for not complying with their sick and inexcusable behavior while also attempting to evade being held accountable for their own sick and filthy actions in the first place. It's totalitarianism being fully attempted!

For the WEF, these sick infiltrators like the Punk Man of Canada infiltrating our PM's chair make policies such as school boards only get funding only if they are willing to force factually proven foundations of sick and filthy lgbt lies and deceptions upon children in schools to assist the WEF with sterilizing Canadian's children reproductive organs! Again they then attempt to label citizens raising awareness to their sick policies and legislations as the ones inciting hatred or violence for simply revealing what these tyrants and traitors are doing to our system. They are the one's inciting hatred and violence by forcing a bunch of sick and filthy lies and deceptions under many guises but try to hide behind you raising awareness to their sick behavior is what incites hate or violence to attempt to evade being held responsible for their sick and filthy actions! They support factually proven foundations of lgbt lies and deceptions, as as they parade these sick, repulsive and filthy lies and deceptions upon Canadians they make tax payers fund security for it as they use any pathetic excuse to drive Canada further in debt while Canadians are starving and going homeless! Such a parade is one of the most sick and shameful displays I have ever heard of and not one of them has even just one valid reason to be proud of a man humping a man or a woman humping a woman in the first place because all this group does is lie and deceive compulsively and obsessively! If they stopped lying too and deceiving Canadians there would obviously be no need for security but Trudeau wants to waste tax dollars on rubbish for any excuse quite obviously as this is yet more proof of such!

Oh they must be so proud of sterilizing innocent little children's genitals for the world economic forum's replacement narrative, perhaps they'll have a parade about that too! (If they succeed with the dividing and conquering of Canada, perhaps they have that intention)

I wouldn't be surprised if the liberals and their sick and filthy policies to promote divisive lies and deceptions upon Canadians are the one's behind the sick and filthy Collingwood Libraries policies where they advocate that it is ok for underaged students to work at a public library with their privates hanging out of their skimpy outfits! Then they have the nerve to attack responsible and caring adults who let the underaged student know that their privates are exposed so that the underaged student can do something about it to prevent others from seeing it as these radicals are quite obviously that desperate to try and drag decent and responsible adults down to their sick and disgusting and shameful level. Those librarians have every reason to be ashamed of themselves for advocating such inappropriate behavior. This girls parents should be ashamed of themselves for allowing her to work at a public service in such inappropriate attire and anyone who supports such disgusting policies is quite obviously a sick pervert and ought to be ashamed of themselves too!

(continued ...)
I heard most recently that Tyrant Trudeau is paying illegal invaders over two hundred dollars per day, per individual just for claiming asylum in Canada meanwhile single homeless Canadian citizens on subsidy only get 350.00 per an entire month to try and survive on. What this does is assuring Canadian citizens remain homeless while illegal invaders get enough money to rent a place, afford groceries, new clothing, cars etc. Again then they have the nerve to try and make citizens raising awareness to what these tyrants are doing as the ones inciting hatred and violence when it is quite clearly what they tyrants are doing that incites any kind of violence! More proof of the WEF's replacement narrative being carried out in Canada!

Hey Pierre Poilievre, why is it that when Trudeau gores on about his lies to do with the climate change narrative used to rob Canadians of a future especially with this carbon tax scam do you not ask him to prove that 3% of the Earth's surface area occupied by humans raises the Earth's atmospheric temperature 0.000001 degree? He stands there lying about it, going on with the narrative that humans are the cause for the climate change crisis yet not one of these radicals has backed their lies fabricated as ideology by simply sharing proof that 3% of the Earth's surface area occupied by humans raises the Earth's atmospheric temperature 0.000001 degree! The climate change crisis is a hoax and instead of contesting it Pierre, you go along with the WEF's divide and conquer narrative and in this instance, just not the tax! You not standing against it by seeking them to back their claims of which not one of them is obviously capable Pierre is proof of you go along with the WEF's LGBT divide and conquer narrative while you attempt to deny directly interacting with them which accomplishes what, pulling the wool over some voters eyes? Snap out of it Pierre, you're not fooling me.

What kind of sick and deranged individual claims that a human fetus is not human? Oh right, a liberal! Gee that comes as a surprise.

I could go on and on about many issues but since this is getting a little lengthy, I just state in my 24 years of being in contact with the officials of Canada and fighting the good fight for the well being and sanity of current and future generations, I have never been so ashamed of what has become of our system as I have watched Canada soar into red flag danger under a bunch of lies and deceptions guised as ideology. These days that is what liars do, call their lies ideology to try and keep getting away with lying when not anything is ever justified with so much as a shred of validity. Justice would be tyrants and traitors rotting in prison and again with their wealth and assets stripped from them and their families so their families can suffer what they have done to Canada just like the rest of Canadians as they watch and rot from prison for this! Sickening! Inexcusable and unforgivable! Liars do not deserve to be respected with or without a federal title and are not any authority of mine and same goes with those catering to the WEF's dictatorship! If you respect liars, that is on you and shame on you for it!

Oh right I almost forgot, about safe supply. I wonder if Olivia Chow was offered a cut into Big Pharma Profits at tax payers expense since the federal Minister claims to be working with the requests of jurisdictions to keep making more and more tax funded dependent addicts out of Canadians and in this instance Torontonians at tax payers expense while Canada's debt grows even more under the guise of some radical ignoramuses claim that they cater to collaborative request of jurisdictions with her branch of the Federal excuse for government! Oh right, a Federal Minister who is kept in the dark as she tries to make it seem thus why have such a Minister at all?!! Oh right to scam tax payers while trying to make as many Canadians addicts as they can for the WEF's divide and conquer initiative as she tries to make herself appear unaccountable for what goes on under her watch! Shame!!!

MP Melissa Lantsman YouTube Vid:




Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Burlington Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good, be strong!
I heard most recently that Tyrant Trudeau is paying illegal invaders over two hundred dollars per day, per individual just for claiming asylum in Canada meanwhile single homeless Canadian citizens on subsidy only get 350.00 per an entire month to try and survive on. What this does is assuring Canadian citizens remain homeless while illegal invaders get enough money to rent a place, afford groceries, new clothing, cars etc. Again then they have the nerve to try and make citizens raising awareness to what these tyrants are doing as the ones inciting hatred and violence when it is quite clearly what they tyrants are doing that incites any kind of violence! More proof of the WEF's replacement narrative being carried out in Canada!

Hey Pierre Poilievre, why is it that when Trudeau gores on about his lies to do with the climate change narrative used to rob Canadians of a future especially with this carbon tax scam do you not ask him to prove that 3% of the Earth's surface area occupied by humans raises the Earth's atmospheric temperature 0.000001 degree? He stands there lying about it, going on with the narrative that humans are the cause for the climate change crisis yet not one of these radicals has backed their lies fabricated as ideology by simply sharing proof that 3% of the Earth's surface area occupied by humans raises the Earth's atmospheric temperature 0.000001 degree! The climate change crisis is a hoax and instead of contesting it Pierre, you go along with the WEF's divide and conquer narrative and in this instance, just not the tax! You not standing against it by seeking them to back their claims of which not one of them is obviously capable Pierre is proof of you go along with the WEF's LGBT divide and conquer narrative while you attempt to deny directly interacting with them which accomplishes what, pulling the wool over some voters eyes? Snap out of it Pierre, you're not fooling me.

What kind of sick and deranged individual claims that a human fetus is not human? Oh right, a liberal! Gee that comes as a surprise.

I could go on and on about many issues but since this is getting a little lengthy, I just state in my 24 years of being in contact with the officials of Canada and fighting the good fight for the well being and sanity of current and future generations, I have never been so ashamed of what has become of our system as I have watched Canada soar into red flag danger under a bunch of lies and deceptions guised as ideology. These days that is what liars do, call their lies ideology to try and keep getting away with lying when not anything is ever justified with so much as a shred of validity. Justice would be tyrants and traitors rotting in prison and again with their wealth and assets stripped from them and their families so their families can suffer what they have done to Canada just like the rest of Canadians as they watch and rot from prison for this! Sickening! Inexcusable and unforgivable! Liars do not deserve to be respected with or without a federal title and are not any authority of mine and same goes with those catering to the WEF's dictatorship! If you respect liars, that is on you and shame on you for it!

Oh right I almost forgot, about safe supply. I wonder if Olivia Chow was offered a cut into Big Pharma Profits at tax payers expense since the federal Minister claims to be working with the requests of jurisdictions to keep making more and more tax funded dependent addicts out of Canadians and in this instance Torontonians at tax payers expense while Canada's debt grows even more under the guise of some radical ignoramuses claim that they cater to collaborative request of jurisdictions with her branch of the Federal excuse for government! Oh right, a Federal Minister who is kept in the dark as she tries to make it seem thus why have such a Minister at all?!! Oh right to scam tax payers while trying to make as many Canadians addicts as they can for the WEF's divide and conquer initiative as she tries to make herself appear unaccountable for what goes on under her watch! Shame!!!

MP Melissa Lantsman YouTube Vid:


View attachment 26594


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Burlington Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good, be strong!
replacement theory is real.

it's not a white thing tho. it's an every citizen thing.
replacement theory is real.

it's not a white thing tho. it's an every citizen thing.
It's like people that are already here are accustomed to our lifestyle, but they are flooding the country with people who are accustomed differently while they try and make us look like stupid pieces of shit to them like with liberals in Canada and Democrats in the USA thrusting sick and filthy lgbt lies upon everyone while they further deceive by trying to make it look like they have they have any significant support for such crap.

You might remember me sharing this one in the past Hat (the following text photo). It started to rain when I last responded and I am sitting outside so I had to cut it short in my previous response.

It's like people that are already here are accustomed to our lifestyle, but they are flooding the country with people who are accustomed differently while they try and make us look like stupid pieces of shit to them like with liberals in Canada and Democrats in the USA thrusting sick and filthy lgbt lies upon everyone while they further deceive by trying to make it look like they have they have any significant support for such crap.

You might remember me sharing this one in the past Hat (the following text photo). It started to rain when I last responded and I am sitting outside so I had to cut it short in my previous response.

View attachment 27362

they want a more desperate and politically ignorant workforce.

they want people who don't know their rights and will work for peanuts.

it's called labor market manipulation, and they don't give a fuck.