Election experts sound off on Acorn issue



"There's no evidence that any of these invalid registrations lead to any invalid votes," said David Becker, project director of the "Make Voting Work" initiative for the Pew Charitable Trusts.

Becker should know: he was a lawyer for the Bush administration until 2005, in the Justice Department's voting rights section, which was part of the administration's aggressive anti-vote-fraud effort.

"The Justice Department really made prosecution of voter fraud of this sort a big priority in the first half of this decade, and they really didn't come up with anything," he said.
Desh that will only be believable to some if talk radio pundits and that type of election "experts" say it.
I have to say that my initial post on ACORN was an over-reaction. After reading that ACORN is most cooperative with investigations and that they have been the ones to tell people about problems related to their workers, I am less skeptical about the organization itself and realize that this sort of work sometime attracts unscrupulous people. So I am not so concerned at this point.
I have to say that my initial post on ACORN was an over-reaction. After reading that ACORN is most cooperative with investigations and that they have been the ones to tell people about problems related to their workers, I am less skeptical about the organization itself and realize that this sort of work sometime attracts unscrupulous people. So I am not so concerned at this point.

Pretty much where I am on them too.

They seem to be trying to keep their house clean.
"We're chasing these ghosts of voter fraud, like chickens without a head," said Lorraine Minnite, a political science professor at Barnard College in New York who has researched voter fraud and fraud claims for most of the past decade. "I think it's completely overblown, I think it's meant to be a distraction."

"This stuff does not threaten the outcome of the election," said Minnite. "How many illegal ballots have been cast by people who are fraudulently registered to vote? By my count, it's zero. I just don't know of any, I've been looking for years for this stuff."