Election time is when you see who the true independents are


Abreast of the situations
In my world as a moderate right leaning independent i had noticed quite a bit of talk radio and news and even message boarding of people who were self described independents.

Since the election cycle has begun These so called moderates, libertarian, and independents have really thinned out in ranks.

now the same voices of moderation who criticized bush and for years suddenly have done a u-turn first when mccain was in fight for nomination, and now with the hate filled talk against the dem candidates.

As a true independent Mccain is a great candidate for the republican side who is more center then all the others who were running besides paul

As a true independent I still think Obama would be better for this country then Mccain right now because frankly we cant afford to continue chasing the dragon (oil) and need to move on.

If obama is a false profit after elected.. they Ill go for the pub in 2012.
In my world as a moderate right leaning independent i had noticed quite a bit of talk radio and news and even message boarding of people who were self described independents.

Since the election cycle has begun These so called moderates, libertarian, and independents have really thinned out in ranks.

now the same voices of moderation who criticized bush and for years suddenly have done a u-turn first when mccain was in fight for nomination, and now with the hate filled talk against the dem candidates.

As a true independent Mccain is a great candidate for the republican side who is more center then all the others who were running besides paul

As a true independent I still think Obama would be better for this country then Mccain right now because frankly we cant afford to continue chasing the dragon (oil) and need to move on.

If obama is a false profit after elected.. they Ill go for the pub in 2012.

In my limited experience on internet chat boards partisans from both sides seem to be the dominant norm with real independents being a very small minority.
In my limited experience on internet chat boards partisans from both sides seem to be the dominant norm with real independents being a very small minority.

Yes but, the number of Republicans pretending to be Independents has flourished during the bush years, and I think the point here is that…and now that the bush years are coming to a close, we find out they are as independent as their asses.
In other words, your nemesis usc has been right all along –they were nothing but embarrassed Republicans! And they were never, ever, going to vote for anybody but a Republican.
Good to see the fake Libertarians drop the colors and go back to being Rs.

We didn't need them anyway.

Well guess what - we all were able to discern the real ones from the fake ones anyway. Though I'll admit Damo put on a better show than say, SF. Eventually though, his slip was showing.
Well guess what - we all were able to discern the real ones from the fake ones anyway. Though I'll admit Damo put on a better show than say, SF. Eventually though, his slip was showing.

For a while I genuinely thought Damo was just a libertarian who loved playing Devil's Advocate, which is what I was during the early years.

I would defend Bush because it amused me to piss the liberals off, but I never agreed with conservative policies.

Damo and SF seem to genuinely have some psychological attachment to the R Party which I completely lack.

Its so true.

Even Dixie, as the glow from his "I love Bush" love letter faded with each successive failure of Bush, even dixie began proclaiming he wasn't a republican. That he was a registered independent who "sometimes voted for democrats"
In other words, your nemesis usc has been right all along –they were nothing but embarrassed Republicans! And they were never, ever, going to vote for anybody but a Republican.

As long as there are true Libertarians, and there are, then it doesn't matter what the war-mongerers and the welfare statists choose to call themselves.
As long as there are true Libertarians, and there are, then it doesn't matter what the war-mongerers and the welfare statists choose to call themselves.

We are a very small minority my friend. It's something to get used to. People just keep complaining about taxes being to high, or they are unfair, or this or that person in government has too much power.. blah blah blah. They don't care enough to actually put people in office with a viewpoint that we should downsize. They pretend to be libertarian then vote for McCain.
In other words, your nemesis usc has been right all along –they were nothing but embarrassed Republicans! And they were never, ever, going to vote for anybody but a Republican.

Hee hee, I am both tickled and saddened to be proven right (correct) yet again.