Electoral projections


Moderate Republican
Staff member
"On Tuesday, the Rasmussen Reports Balance of Power Calculator shows that Democrats continue to lead in states with 190 Electoral College Votes while Republicans are favored in states with 189 Votes. State with 104 Votes are “leaners,” and states with 55 Votes are Toss-Ups (see recent daily results). A month ago, the Democrats led 238-189. "

This poll has gotten closer ever since I started monitoring it this year. Do you think it has to do with the boxing match between Hillary and Obama? That's about all I can think of. I suspect that when the dems finally get to say Obama is their nominee he will start to widen the lead for the dems again.

I am not so sure the lead will widen if Obama gets the nod. Racism is a bigger issure than many realize.
You are unfortunately correct.

Racism is an issue that is not a question. But I also think it is an excuse in the making if he were to lose. "He would have won if weren't for the racists". Though I think he'll win the election it's not a guarantee that he will win.
I am not so sure the lead will widen if Obama gets the nod.

I agree.

Racism is a bigger issure than many realize.

Preparing your excuses for losing already, eh? :pke:

Liberalism is a much bigger issue than many (on the far left) realize. And Obama hasn't even BEGUN to be criticized for his extreme liberalism, and desire that government take over and run more and more things. Health care is only a start.

It's the one thing that Hillary can't use against him, since her own liberalism isn't far behind. But McCain won't have that problem. Much.
I am not so sure the lead will widen if Obama gets the nod. Racism is a bigger issure than many realize.

Yes. People are tired of the dishonest zionist monopoly on ethnic separatism. We all have a right to a strong identity and are right to defend our people.

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Its McSame is getting a free ride in the press.

He will crumble under the weight of standing next to Obama.

Think of a debate with Obama and McSame.

Young,Tall, healthy, bright, gracious,tanned, well spoken and handsome vs Old, short, creaky,pale, angry, terse,backward thinking and scared face.

McSame will suffer in comparison
It's just incredible watching neocons melt down trying to smear obama. Talk radio is nothing but obama bashing 24/7. So is Fox News.
This guy did a really good job of tracking the last election:

The current numbers he's pulled out of the polls a rather surprising to me. But then, I expected that both Clinton and Obama would have, each, a particular and significant hurdle to overcome in the presidential race.

The first, relating to Obama, has already been mentioned. Race is a big (and extremely unfortunate) hurdle for Obama to overcome should he make it to the general election. It is sad that our society still focusses so much attention on skin color.

As for Clinton, I personally believe Obama's lead is directly related to her hurdle, and also believe it is a bigger hurdle than race. And that is that while our society still retains a large modicum of racism, gender bias is an even stronger factor. There are many, many people, including hard core liberal democrats, who have stated flatly that they do not believe we are ready for a female president.

In either case, both the race hurdle and the gender hurdle are large obstacles for many voters to overlook when choosing their presidential choice. It is not a good thought, but I believe it to be a realistic thought.