Elena Kagan’s scathing Chevron dissent highlights US supreme court’s disregard for precedent


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“As if it did not have enough on its plate, the majority turns itself into the country’s administrative czar,” she wrote.

For 40 years, she wrote, the Chevron doctrine, set out by the same supreme court in a 1984 ruling, had supported regulatory efforts by the US government by granting federal experts the ability to make reasonable decisions where congressional law was ambiguous. She gave a few examples of the work that was facilitated as a result, such as “keeping air and water clean, food and drugs safe, and financial markets honest”.

The Repugs railed about the Supremes reaching too far and being activist. Now we see it is just when the reach is not in their benefit that they care. Roberts Court will go down in history as the most far-reaching and activist in modern history. It is already the, most pro-business anti-worker in history. The court will take many decades to regain public esteem.
The Repugs railed about the Supremes reaching too far and being activist. Now we see it is just when the reach is not in their benefit that they care. Roberts Court will go down in history as the most far-reaching and activist in modern history. It is already the, most pro-business anti-worker in history. The court will take many decades to regain public esteem.
Yes, telling business they can do whatever they want is disastrous.
“As if it did not have enough on its plate, the majority turns itself into the country’s administrative czar,” she wrote.

For 40 years, she wrote, the Chevron doctrine, set out by the same supreme court in a 1984 ruling, had supported regulatory efforts by the US government by granting federal experts the ability to make reasonable decisions where congressional law was ambiguous. She gave a few examples of the work that was facilitated as a result, such as “keeping air and water clean, food and drugs safe, and financial markets honest”.

Waaaaa waaaaaaa you need a diaper change like Joe?
I agree with SCOTUS. Fantastic decision!

SCOTUS just took away immunity for gov't bureaucrats. And returned rights back to American civilians.

No wonder democrat socialists hate it.