Email Kentucky Re. Tim Couch on his anit privacy measures!


Well...the right is right

This is a link to a site where you can send your thoughts to Rep. Tim Couch of Kentucky. Rep. Couch, recently proposed eliminating online privacy exposing anyone who posts online to ID thieves, and criminals, requiring posters to print their full name with that post... Send him your thoughts on his anti-privacy measures.

Kentucky Lawmaker Wants to Make Anonymous Internet Posting Illegal

Kentucky Representative Tim Couch filed a bill this week to make anonymous posting online illegal.
The bill would require anyone who contributes to a website to register their real name, address and e-mail address with that site.
Their full name would be used anytime a comment is posted.
If the bill becomes law, the website operator would have to pay if someone was allowed to post anonymously on their site. The fine would be five-hundred dollars for a first offense and one-thousand dollars for each offense after that.
I know their's already a thread about this, but I thought his actions deserved a direct response.

This is a link to a site where you can send your thoughts to Rep. Tim Couch of Kentucky. Rep. Couch, recently proposed eliminating online privacy exposing anyone who posts online to ID thieves, and criminals, requiring posters to print their full name with that post... Send him your thoughts on his anti-privacy measures.

I know their's already a thread about this, but I thought his actions deserved a direct response.
I find it almost hilarious that a rightwinger like you is concerned with privacy when your side tells us all the time there is no right to privacy. If it is not a right then why worry about this?
ID thieves, criminals could find many uses for this information, it will take 'bullying' to the next level. Why can't you just agree with me and send the man your opinion.
I find it almost hilarious that a rightwinger like you is concerned with privacy when your side tells us all the time there is no right to privacy. If it is not a right then why worry about this?

Requiring someone to post their personal info would be an infringement of their liberty. Not merely a repudiation of online privacy.
I support this republican. There is no right to privacy. We will be less safe without this. The terrorists will be able to attack us without this bill.

If you are against this you are a traitor.
Requiring someone to post their personal info would be an infringement of their liberty. Not merely a repudiation of online privacy.
As well as direct danger to many. There are nutjobs who have visited people's houses to grant them a gift of firebombs and other dangerous substances, as well as stalkers who just want to "show their love"...
I support this republican. There is no right to privacy. We will be less safe without this. The terrorists will be able to attack us without this bill.

If you are against this you are a traitor.

I agree. And I am wondering now...what does WRL have to hide??
I support this republican. There is no right to privacy. We will be less safe without this. The terrorists will be able to attack us without this bill.

If you are against this you are a traitor.

LOL, only criminals have to hide stuff , right ?
This isn't the same Tim Couch that played ball at KY is it?

I dunno but probably, we have an affinity for sports figures in politics, Kinda like actors in CA.
If we could just get rid of them... ie the stupid bush water carrying baseball senator...
I find it almost hilarious that a rightwinger like you is concerned with privacy when your side tells us all the time there is no right to privacy. If it is not a right then why worry about this?

No I'm just a realists that acknowledges certain steps have to be taken to ensure security in a period of heightened danger, or war, any President who doesn't, is abdicating their supreme responsibility as President. And quite frankly for all the BS. about all our lost rights in the fight on terrorism, they really pale in comparison to other war time measures taken in the past by our most famous Presidents, and are only temporary war time measures, weak ones at that, but had we Bush done nothing you'd all be screaming about all the attacks that happened under his watch. Also this has little to do with the particular bill in question, as this clearly has no National Security implications to it. Conservatives stand for smaller Government remember, I'd expect this from a Democrat, but as a fellow Republican I'm outraged, and calling him out on it.
No I'm just a realists that acknowledges certain steps have to be taken to ensure security in a period of heightened danger, or war, any President who doesn't, is abdicating their supreme responsibility as President. And quite frankly for all the BS. about all our lost rights in the fight on terrorism, they really pale in comparison to other war time measures taken in the past by our most famous Presidents, and are only temporary war time measures, weak ones at that, but had we Bush done nothing you'd all be screaming about all the attacks that happened under his watch. Also this has little to do with the particular bill in question, as this clearly has no National Security implications to it. Conservatives stand for smaller Government remember, I'd expect this from a Democrat, but as a fellow Republican I'm outraged, and calling him out on it.
well I was just pulling your chain a little and so you know I called him on it too.