Emo Meltdown on BillO


Hmmmm, if this doesn't sound as if our own resident bitter billy's sitting around on the O'Reilly set bashing women because they can't get dates...

I was going to point out that this is what I mean about misogyny, it's openly acceptable in a way that racism isn't...then I remembered Bill O reporting in amazement that he had been to a "black restaurant" and discovered that they eat like white people, sitting upright and using utensils, and now they even refrain from throwing their food! and I realized that the question really should be: WTF is FOX news doing still on the air in this country? A bunch of old men, soon to be dead, is their audience. And when they finally die off it's going to be like a breath of fresh air in this country.

Summary: On The O'Reilly Factor, Marc Rudov said men should boycott the Sex and the City movie and would not see it because "paying to hear women whine is as stupid as paying for cobwebs, because you can get them both at home for free." When Bill O'Reilly asked Margaret Hoover whether she believed "that most American women are as shallow as" the four main characters in the movie, Rudov interrupted: "I do."

HOOVER: I was forced, kicking and screaming. I got to tell you, the movie really redeemed itself from the series. I find the series to be sort of shallow and superficial, sort of women who really can't fill the holes in their soul with the materialistic items they buy every day and the new brands they wear. But the movie really redeemed itself. Suddenly, it's not about all the hoopla and the marriage and materialistic items. It's actually about, well, the marriage, rather than all the show.


HOOVER: So, the movie really redeems itself -- not as superficial as the series.

O'REILLY: Now, you just convinced me even more not to go to see it. I have no interest. If it were shallow, I definitely would have gone.

HOOVER: But there's plenty of --

O'REILLY: But if there is a social redeeming part of that film, Margaret, I want no part of it.

Now, Rudov, I just heard you with Cavuto a few hours ago say that the reason women go to see this movie is because they see themselves on the screen. I disagree.

RUDOV: Right.

O'REILLY: I believe the reason women go to see this movie -- and I'm not kidding around now -- are because of the clothes, the shoes, the gossiping about men and the overall tone of dish, D-I-S-H. That's why they go. I don't think very many American women identify with these four.

RUDOV: Oh, come on, Bill. You have to be kidding. That's exactly what women do, and that's why they would see themselves in this movie. And that's exactly why men would not go see it, because paying to hear women whine is as stupid as paying for cobwebs, because you can get them both at home for free. This movie to men --

O'REILLY: Depends where you live, Marc. Maybe in your house, but there's -- my house is a no-whining zone.

RUDOV: This is -- no, no, no. I don't tolerate this. This movie is the cinematic equivalent to ipecac. It's Woodstock for entitled princesses.

O'REILLY: But Marc, come on. You've got --

RUDOV: But instead of being about the blues, it's about the shoes. Come on.

O'REILLY: Look, most American women are not entitled princesses. They're not.

RUDOV: Oh, yes they are, Bill.

O'REILLY: This is -- no, no, no. This is an ur--

RUDOV: Oh, yes they are.

O'REILLY: Look -- where you live in San Francisco, that might be the case.

RUDOV: I don't live in San Francisco.

O'REILLY: Here in Manhattan where I am, there is a bi-- you get out with the real folks. These people are aliens, and that's another attraction for women. They see this kind of behavior that they never see, Margaret. They never see these crazy people --

RUDOV: Margaret, Margaret.

O'REILLY: -- in Jefferson, Missouri.

RUDOV: Margaret, how often -- Margaret -- when you go out a date with a man, Margaret, do you expect him to pay?

HOOVER: You know what, Marc? It goes both ways. Here's the catch. I unfortunately wish --

RUDOV: Do you expect him to pay, Margaret? I know you do.

O'REILLY: All right, Marc, she just asked -- she just answered it.

HOOVER: Sometimes I do. Sometimes I do. Sometimes I pay. Here's the bottom line, Marc. Women, unfortunately -- and Marc's right here, Bill -- a lot of women go to see this movie because they identify with these women, and that's unfortunate. Because these women in this series and in the movie to a certain extent are really sort of -- have low self-confidence, are looking to really fill their emotional lacking with materialistic items, and that's really unfortunate.


HOOVER: I wish these women were --

O'REILLY: If that were the case, then this on television -- this HBO series would have gotten 10 times as many viewers as it got. This is a niche --

HOOVER: But it got a lot of viewers. And there are a lot of women --

O'REILLY: No, it didn't get a lot of viewers.

HOOVER: -- that really like this movie. I'm with you. I don't like it.

O'REILLY: In the big scheme of things it did not. It did not.

RUDOV: Bill, that's not the reason.

HOOVER: The reason -- the reason --

RUDOV: The reason is because not all of Americans get HBO. But if you don't think that this movie accurately reflects the way most women behave, then your, you know, Long Island, there's something funny going on there because --


HOOVER: Most women don't go out and sleep around every night. This is not how women act.

O'REILLY: It's a certain urban segment of our society. It does not reflect the mainstream women in America. It doesn't.

HOOVER: And it's -- and Bill, even more than that, it's a glorification of a certain urban segment of American society, which is not how most Americans live and not how most women live. Look --

O'REILLY: Are you agreeing or disagreeing with me, Hoover? I can't tell what you're doing tonight.

HOOVER: I'm disagreeing with you, Bill. I'm disagreeing with you.

O'REILLY: You're disagreeing with me. All right.

HOOVER: I'm disagreeing with you.

O'REILLY: You believe that most American women are as shallow as those four?

HOOVER: No, no, no.

RUDOV: I do.

It's not a matter of boycotting its just a matter of having balls. For a guy to go to that movie he better be with a hot freakin chick and he MUST do this to get her in bed. Otherwise why the hell would a guy go see this movie??? Seriously.
It's not a matter of boycotting its just a matter of having balls. For a guy to go to that movie he better be with a hot freakin chick and he MUST do this to get her in bed. Otherwise why the hell would a guy go see this movie??? Seriously.

All of which has nothing to do with the piggish pig comments this pig made on your favorite television station Cawacko.

Now sit down, I’m going to let you in on some girl secrets. This will come as a big shock to you. WOMEN DON’T WANT TO SEE SITC WITH MEN.

Drop the long-suffering act as if “chicks” were clamoring to go see SITC with you.
There are movies that women like, there are movies that men like, and there are movies for both.

I have no interest in seeing SITC. If my wife wants to, we can do what we have done before and go to the movies together, but see different movies. Or we can drive a couple of hours and load my big kids into the car and my sons and I will see something and my wife and daughter will see something else.
All of which has nothing to do with the piggish pig comments this pig made on your favorite television station Cawacko.

Now sit down, I’m going to let you in on some girl secrets. This will come as a big shock to you. WOMEN DON’T WANT TO SEE SITC WITH MEN.

Drop the long-suffering act as if “chicks” were clamoring to go see SITC with you.

What do you mean 'long suffering act'? Do you want to know how many women want to see this with me? ZERO, ZIP, ZILCH, NADA, NONE! Nor would I go if one asked (which they wouldn't).

Your post was like Jollie's (yeah I said it), a million words and it was all jibberish. I'm not reading that crap. I just saw SATC and men, two words that should not go together.

And for your information, my favorite station is ESPN. I watch sports, not politics.
What do you mean 'long suffering act'? Do you want to know how many women want to see this with me? ZERO, ZIP, ZILCH, NADA, NONE! Nor would I go if one asked (which they wouldn't).

Your post was like Jollie's (yeah I said it), a million words and it was all jibberish. I'm not reading that crap. I just saw SATC and men, two words that should not go together.

And for your information, my favorite station is ESPN. I watch sports, not politics.

Alright, this means war. They are going to need your dental records to identify your cyber remains!
All of which has nothing to do with the piggish pig comments this pig made on your favorite television station Cawacko.

Now sit down, I’m going to let you in on some girl secrets. This will come as a big shock to you. WOMEN DON’T WANT TO SEE SITC WITH MEN.

Drop the long-suffering act as if “chicks” were clamoring to go see SITC with you.

We interupt this Fox bashing session for a correction to the first post...

Fox listeners are not just old men about to die. It is quite apparent that there are 2 billion liberals watching Fox non-stop so as to be able to instantly bitch about Fox every time they screw up.

Liberals are keeping Fox on the air.

Now back to our regularly scheduled Fox bashing.

We interupt this Fox bashing session for a correction to the first post...

Fox listeners are not just old men about to die. It is quite apparent that there are 2 billion liberals watching Fox non-stop so as to be able to instantly bitch about Fox every time they screw up.

Liberals are keeping Fox on the air.

Now back to our regularly scheduled Fox bashing.


No, I think their liberal audience is pretty much just Media Matters, where I got this, and Onceler.
I think fox's audience is mostly liberal. They present a J.R. Ewing and the turbo-libs set the VCR if they happen to be out getting a latte grande while it's on.
I thought I'd use this thread to gush over Olbermann.....hottest guy in the world.

Last night he did a great worst persons in the world.

Bill O'Liely interviewed McClellan and while McClellan kept trying to explain Iraq's alleged, Nuclear weaopons, einstein kept chiming in, "but what about the WMDs?"...."what about the WMDs", not only is the oldest 2 y/o in the world but apparently this 'political' pundit didn't know Nuclear weapons were included in WMDs! :p