Empire of Evil Empire of Lie

Alik Bahshi

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Alik Bakhshi

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“Lies are the embodiment of Evil”
Victor Marie Hugo

For Russia, Ronald Reagan gave in 1983 the expression "Evil Empire" firmly entrenched. Reagan also called Russia "the center of Evil in the modern world." I must say that today, despite the change in the political system, Russia continues to meet this definition. However, there is a very significant difference in the general appearance of Russia. During the Soviet period, Russia's actions were based on communist ideology, antagonistic to the principles of democracy and capitalism. The confrontation was open and the spirit of competition was present in literally all areas of social activity. In the end, democracy, the spirit of free creativity and entrepreneurship by the end of the 20th century proved the viciousness of the communist ideology. The systemic economic crisis led to the collapse of the Soviet empire. Life forced to rebuild the Russian economy in accordance with the requirements of modern times, which immediately affected the growth of the people's well-being. However, the idea associated with the willful introduction of democracy in Russia failed miserably due to weighty objective reasons, however, like all previous undertakings. Although the reasons are objective, they are essentially subjective, because they relate to such a subject as a people. Each nation has its own genetic background, which, in general, distinguishes one nation from another. Thus, the causes considered directly by us lie in the genetic area, which explains their stable constancy over time. As a result, two fatal factors returned Russia to its former place in the international community.

The first is the people's mentality. In my articles (1,2) I pointed out the pathological inability of the Russian people to self-organization and creative rational activity, lack of initiative in political and economic life, which is incompatible with democracy and leads to the emergence of oligarchs, more often than not of Russian nationality. Taken together, all of the above creates the conditions for the country to return to the authoritarian power familiar to the people, when everything is decided by one person, who is subsequently blamed for all the flaws and failures. That is why there was not a single leader in Russia who was not accused after he left office and, as usual, after his death.

Naturally, such attributes of democracy as a constitution, freedom and human rights, parliament, elections in Russia are superfluous and even harmful, they exist as a fig leaf covering autocracy and despotism, and not so much for the Russian people, accustomed to lies since the days of Communism and perceiving lies as a necessary daily routine, as much as for the international community.

Putin, realizing that the democracy of the Russian Empire is contraindicated (3), came up with a new definition of the social system in the country, calling it sovereign democracy, that is, democracy for the sovereign (4). If in democratic countries there is no special national idea - for all of them the common national idea is the desire for a prosperous life, then Russia needs a national idea to justify its aggressive nature (5). After all, Russia is an empire, and the Russian people, or, as they say today in Russia, the state that forms the people, is characterized by an imperial worldview with all the ensuing consequences. Having suffered a fiasco with the idea of Communism, consciously, but rather unconsciously, Russia began to frantically search for a national idea, not realizing that the lie, which is abundant in the country (6), being its hallmark, is the national idea of Russia. Fuhrer Putin loves to turn to the bonds of Russia, and so the Lie is now also the main bond of the Russian people. (7) He rallies around this bond, protecting it from the Truth, which the majority understands perfectly, but the imperial worldview and Great Russian chauvinism (8) do not allow this Accept the truth.

The second is the great-power worldview and Great Russian chauvinism (8), which I pointed out above, being the core of the empire, are firmly seated in the minds of the Russian people, who are ready for hardships and hardships for the sake of the empire. They are the reason for the aggressiveness of the "Russian world" (9) and it is in them that the power of Putin, who decided to restore the empire within the borders of the USSR, is supported.

1. People's fate or each cricket has its own hearth. http://www.proza.ru/2008/03/22/639
2. When the donkey dies. http://alikbahshi.livejournal.com/3702.html
3. Empire democracy is contraindicated. https://alikbahshi.livejournal.com/23826.html
4. Sovereign for sovereign democracy. https://alikbahshi.livejournal.com/11796.html
5. Russia is the most aggressive country. https://alikbahshi.livejournal.com/32531.html
6. The Empire of Lies, and its main liar. https://alikbahshi.livejournal.com/22317.html
7. Lies are the main bond of Russia. https://alikbahshi.livejournal.com/52550.html
8. Great Russian chauvinism, and Putin is his Fuhrer. https://alikbahshi.livejournal.com/21133.html