Enough Is Enough


New member
By John Griffing
Tyranny has sprung up from amongst us. President Obama has waged a blitzkrieg on American liberty, and, in only a short time, undercut the Constitution of the United States with a brazen arrogance that should shock Americans into action.

President Obama's unconstitutional salvo exceeds even the most intolerable indulgences of the Bush Administration. President Bush was often brash and improper in his use of certain mechanisms, but President Obama has moved quickly far beyond the realm of comparatively benign Presidential Signing Statements. When our new President can appoint "Czars" to rule entire sections of American life without electoral accountability or even Congressional confirmation, we have entered the unholy realm of Dictatorship.

Presidents have made special "czar" appointments in the past, to aid in addressing key social or policy issues. But President Obama has turned this capability into direct seizures of power, brazen and unchecked. Obama's czars have usurped the roles of elected officials, with power over an ever-increasing scope of society. Pay is decided by a Czar. What can or can't be said on the internet is decided by a Czar. And the power of regulating all aspects of American private life has been transferred from multiple congressionally audited regulatory agencies to the new Regulatory Czar, Cass Sunstein. The environment, healthcare, finance, and the economy will all fall under the control of this Regulatory Czar, a man who has stated,

A system of limitless individual choices, with respect to communications, is not necessarily in the interest of citizenship and self-government... Democratic efforts to reduce the resulting problems ought not be rejected in freedom's name.

read the whole article..
By John Griffing
Tyranny has sprung up from amongst us. President Obama has waged a blitzkrieg on American liberty, and, in only a short time, undercut the Constitution of the United States with a brazen arrogance that should shock Americans into action.

President Obama's unconstitutional salvo exceeds even the most intolerable indulgences of the Bush Administration. President Bush was often brash and improper in his use of certain mechanisms, but President Obama has moved quickly far beyond the realm of comparatively benign Presidential Signing Statements. When our new President can appoint "Czars" to rule entire sections of American life without electoral accountability or even Congressional confirmation, we have entered the unholy realm of Dictatorship.

Presidents have made special "czar" appointments in the past, to aid in addressing key social or policy issues. But President Obama has turned this capability into direct seizures of power, brazen and unchecked. Obama's czars have usurped the roles of elected officials, with power over an ever-increasing scope of society. Pay is decided by a Czar. What can or can't be said on the internet is decided by a Czar. And the power of regulating all aspects of American private life has been transferred from multiple congressionally audited regulatory agencies to the new Regulatory Czar, Cass Sunstein. The environment, healthcare, finance, and the economy will all fall under the control of this Regulatory Czar, a man who has stated,

A system of limitless individual choices, with respect to communications, is not necessarily in the interest of citizenship and self-government... Democratic efforts to reduce the resulting problems ought not be rejected in freedom's name.

read the whole article..

Sickening, isn't it? Thanks for posting.
people better wise up soon ..

I know the people who are old school Dems have to be as disgusted as the rest of us..Action is called for....NOW, even if it's just contacting your congresscritters...
what gets me is how all you libs don't see this take over of our freedoms by our government...

but don't worry, us adults who love our country and value our freedoms will take care of it..
what gets me is how all you libs don't see this take over of our freedoms by our government...

but don't worry, us adults who love our country and value our freedoms will take care of it..

Please note that there are three "czars" mention in the above linked piece. The "regulatory czar" which is a position that first appeared under Reagan, the "faith based czar" which first appeared under President Bush II and the "science czar" which first appeared (in another form) under president Eisenhower.

But when Obama appoints people to these positions (two of which, at least, require Senate confirmation) it is this huge expansion of presidential power and a "take over of our freedoms by the government" (whatever the fuck that means in this context).

Get a fucking grip, you d-bags.
Please note that there are three "czars" mention in the above linked piece. The "regulatory czar" which is a position that first appeared under Reagan, the "faith based czar" which first appeared under President Bush II and the "science czar" which first appeared (in another form) under president Eisenhower.

But when Obama appoints people to these positions (two of which, at least, require Senate confirmation) it is this huge expansion of presidential power and a "take over of our freedoms by the government" (whatever the fuck that means in this context).

Get a fucking grip, you d-bags.

how much different was the form....i really think calling them czars is stupid
Please note that there are three "czars" mention in the above linked piece. The "regulatory czar" which is a position that first appeared under Reagan, the "faith based czar" which first appeared under President Bush II and the "science czar" which first appeared (in another form) under president Eisenhower.

But when Obama appoints people to these positions (two of which, at least, require Senate confirmation) it is this huge expansion of presidential power and a "take over of our freedoms by the government" (whatever the fuck that means in this context).

Get a fucking grip, you d-bags.

he's appointed close to 30 czars..another one who should read and learn before they spew..
how much different was the form....i really think calling them czars is stupid

Not much different at all, actually. Eisenhower formalized the Presidential Science Advisory Committee. Nixon disbanded it. George Bush reconstituted it as the Presidential Council of Advisors on Science and Technology and George W. Bush formalized the PCAST in 2001.

And if you think calling them czars is stupid stop doing it. None of the three "czars" identified actually has a position called "czar." For example, the "Science Czar" actually holds three positions, none of which is called "czar": (1)Assistant to the President for Science and Technology, (2) Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, and (3) Co-Chair of the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology. Cass Sunstein is nominated (he's not been confirmed due to a Republican Senator's hissy-fit hold) for the position of "Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs." Again, not a "czar." Finally, the "faith based czar" is actually the "Director of the Office of Faith Based and Neighborhood Partnerships."

"Czar" was just adopted as a convenient shorthand but people suddenly decided to blow it all out of proportion and make is as though "czars" were hatching some nefarious plot to sap and impurify our precious bodily fluids.
he's appointed close to 30 czars..another one who should read and learn before they spew..

You should really stop reading works written by people that routinely lie to you because you end up looking like an idiot.

Stop being a tool.
odd that the equine rectum would post this phrase, "President Bush was often brash and improper" yet I can never recall any criticism of Bush that anywhere NEAR approached "often brash and improper" escaping from her "lips" when Bush was president.

Why IS that, do ya think?
why don't you just go FOAD fake preacher..put yourself out of having to be your miserable self would be a kind thing..

why don't you just go FOAD fake preacher..put yourself out of having to be your miserable self would be a kind thing..


so you can't explain that failure to castigage Bush while he was in office?

I didn't think so.

move along...
you can move along without ever replying to me and I wouldn't give one shit about it...go spew your hate at someone else..

move along is right
so you can't explain that failure to castigage Bush while he was in office?

I didn't think so.

move along...

Castigage? WTF is "castigage"?

If you want to come across as knowing shit from shinola, then know shit from shinola.

Oh, I know. Using the edit function makes you look like you HAVE to edit your stuff.

News Flash!

YOU DO! :readit: