Envirnonmental Whackos True Agenda Finally Revealed

Up until the 19th century, the transatlantic slave trade was justified by saying that the practice was biblical and therefore morally redeemable in nature, despite the fact that no such bible passage exists.

I love how christians re-write their own history. Biblical literacy my ass
Cool, I can tell from the bracelets that brain damage has already occured.

Actually elemental mercury is not that toxic and it doesn't absorb through skin. If you swallowed it would burn the hell out of your insides passing through but it wouldn't poison you.

The problem with mercury, from an environmental standpoint, is that when in the ecosystem the combination of sunlight and aerobic bacteria form methyl mercury and that is nasty shit. It's one of the most toxic compounds known to man (toxic in parts per trillion level) and it's a bio accumulator. So a little mercury in the environment can be a big, big problem.
I get sooooooo tired of hearing people so completely ignornat on environmental issues like Southern man pop off about shit they don't know that first fucking thing about. I despair to ever have an intelligent conversation on the topic.
Actually elemental mercury is not that toxic and it doesn't absorb through skin. If you swallowed it would burn the hell out of your insides passing through but it wouldn't poison you.

Are you smoking crack? Does anyone else see this?

Elemental mercury is not that toxic? I'm assuming you never graduated from high school.
Are you smoking crack? Does anyone else see this?

Elemental mercury is not that toxic? I'm assuming you never graduated from high school.

I'm a Certified Hazmat manager. I work with the shit for a living. Look at the DOT Hazmat table and see for your self. Elemental mercury is a class 8 (Corrosive) hazard and not a class 6.1 (Toxic).

Do your homework before you pop off.
I'm a Certified Hazmat manager. I work with the shit for a living. Look at the DOT Hazmat table and see for your self. Elemental mercury is a class 8 (Corrosive) hazard and not a class 6.1 (Toxic).

Do your homework before you pop off.

Elemental mercury (pure mercury) is readily absorbed through the skin. However, because mercury has a very high surface tension at room temperature, [14] it does not wet the skin (as water would) and the contact area is therefore limited (reducing absorption rates). Materials with high surface tensions tend to form near spherical droplets which do not conform fully to topologically complex surfaces like skin (the mercury touches the papillary ridges, not the grooves). Nonetheless, handling mercury with unprotected hands has resulted in cases of severe mercury poisoning.[2]

Mercury vapour is rapidly absorbed into the body through the respiratory tract during inhalation. Chronic exposure, even at low concentrations in the range 0.7–42 μg/m3, has been shown in case control studies to cause effects such as tremors, impaired cognitive skills, and sleep disturbance in workers.[15][16] Mercury is only poorly absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract.

Francis Weston Sears and Mark W Zemanski (1955). University Physics, 2nd ed., Addison Wesley.

ToxFAQs: Mercury. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (1999-04).

Ngim CH, Foo SC, Boey KW, and Keyaratnam J (1992). "Chronic neurobehavioral effects of elemental mercury in dentists". British Journal of Industrial Medicine 49: 782-790.

Liang YX, Sun RK, Chen ZQ, and Li LH. "Psychological effects of low exposure to mercury vapor: Application of computer-administered neurobehavioral evaluation system". Environmental Research 60: 320-327.
I get sooooooo tired of hearing people so completely ignornat on environmental issues like Southern man pop off about shit they don't know that first fucking thing about. I despair to ever have an intelligent conversation on the topic.
It appears that you have made an incorrect assumption.