Enviromental whackos get the government they deserve.


New member
The environmental nutcases have long been demanding that government put their ideas into law, so they can force the rest of us to drive green, think green, turn green, etc. And if we didn't like it, that was just too bad for us - their concern for the environment trumps any antiquated desire for freedom we might have had.

And now this from granola country: They apparently forgot what the rest of us have known all along. Heavy-handed Big Government makes no distinctions between enviro-nuts and sensible people when it comes to prosecuting its citizens.



In a case with statewide significance, the Santa Clara County District Attorney's Office is pursuing a Sunnyvale couple under a little-known California law because redwood trees in their backyard cast a shadow over their neighbor's solar panels.

Richard Treanor and Carolynn Bissett own a Prius and consider themselves environmentalists. But they refuse to cut down any of the trees behind their house on Benton Street, saying they've done nothing wrong.

"We're just living here in peace. We want to be left alone," said Bissett, who with her husband has spent $25,000 defending themselves against criminal charges. "We support solar power, but we thought common sense would prevail."


You're so naive Mrs. Bissett, there's no common sense in the green movement, that's your first misconception.

Yes, you read that right, they faced "criminal charges" in this case and the judge still ordered them to go all Lorax on the cherished redwoods, trees that were planted before the electric car-driving plaintiff installed the solar cells.

The environmental movement is turning on itself and it should be an enjoyable slap fight to say the least. I know I'll enjoy watching them try to out green one another and also witness the California judiciary rule on arcane Jerry Brown-era environmental regulations.
Like I said--laws that are not inforced are still lasw that can be broken if somebody in power wants to dig up that law and persue it.

Little-Acorn---you are a rational thinker in a state full if irrational herion induced thinking. How do you do it?

Don't worry about the green lier movement much---the globe is cooling, and they are running out of time to push their fachist commie movement.

Did you know the gree movement in the USA came directly from the hippies on Haight/Asberry stret--after their new society failed misurably? The first green movement was a group that started "Earth Day"---straight off of heroin and methadone.

The greens are insane---and widly responsible for much of our energy dependance.