Environment Man Rules

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    Votes: 7 77.8%
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    Votes: 2 22.2%

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Environment Man

In a time of global climate change, inner city murder and terrorism, a superhero has emerged to mitigate the corrosion. Nuclear powered and photovoltaically tanned, Environment Man is friend to the poor, enemy of the evil doers, and dangerous to those ruining the Earth. Wind propelled and mobile via plug-in hydrogen fuel cell hybrid electric environmentmobile, E-Man wants the public to know this: "It is now, it is always, it will be.....Environment Man."

Environment Man is the epitome of the post-ironic 21st century American cultural attitude who combines environmentalism with capitalism and melds it into a character that is completely contemporary.

My name is Environment Man, commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Green Legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, God Almighty. Father to a great son, husband to a future wife. And I will have my justice, in this life or the next.

Born in the wilderness, spawn of lightning and the darkness of night. Raised by wolves on ice flows too cold for polar bears. I'm half eagle and half shark. I can lick my weight in bobcats. I've plowed virgin lands with tornadoes and emptied rivers and lakes with my thirst. Once while sailing around the world, I discovered a short cut and my passport requires no photo. As a young man, I taught sailors how to drink, cuss and love their women. I once brought a knife to a gunfight just to even the odds. I teach German Shepards how to bark in Russian. I have won the lifetime achievement award...twice. I am Environment Man.
lay the facts on the science haters

they hate sceince

they hate math

they hate history

they hate schools and seek to defund them