Envy Begets Ugly


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Tucker Carlson is so right about the new cult he frightened me to death:



After listening to Carlson’s monologue I realized there is so much envy in the Left’s cult members the day must come when they would scar the faces of attractive individuals who refuse to conform. ‘You must be ugly like me if I cannot be beautiful like you’ makes perfect sense to sick, twisted, minds.

Before anyone accuses me of going off the deep end keep in mind that Communist governments slaughtered tens of millions of their own citizens since 1917. Clearly, killing comes easy to Communism ideology; so it follows that Communist priests punishing physically attractive men and women by scarring their faces with knives, acid, and every other horrible method they can think up is right up Communism’s governing philosophy alley. In short: Physically ugly in the name of conformity is the logical next step. Go back and listen to the video again and pay attention to the things Communists did to date if you doubt my warning.

Finally, I have talked about beauty and Communism on every message board I posted on in 20 years. This morning I realized that I barely scratched the surface. Carlson opened my eyes to something I never saw coming —— Communists are well on their way to actually mutilating physical beauty. In the future I will have to include mutilating physical beauty to my previous observations:

Beauty commands a higher price in every field where sex is sold ——— from high-priced call girls to streetwalkers. How bad can any economy be when competent working girls make a thousand dollars an hour?

After listening to Stella By Starlight, that beautiful melody written for a 1944 ghost movie The Uninvited, I was reminded of an old message of mine from May of 2002 that I update and post from time to time.

When the girls compete in a knocking shop like a bar or a cathouse you will find Stella by Starlight on the payroll. Stella is only trotted out if a prospective buyer refuses to pay for the charms offered by lesser lights. Even in those tart shops where all of the working girls possess physical beauty there is a Stella in attendance who shines just a little brighter than her sisters. Stella is like the shiniest used car on the lot; she may not perform all that well, but she still commands the highest price.

I must say that I neither condone nor condemn the Stella Principle. It is a fact of life. I suspect that if we went back to the first cave of ill repute we would find a Stella who commanded more colored pebbles than her sisters got for putting their heels behind their ears. In truth, prostitution invented money eons ago regardless of every economic system that came and went.

Sales techniques in almost every field are predicated on the Stella by Starlight Principle. Of course there are some areas where Stella is not required. For example: One does not buy a pill because it is more beautiful than all of the other pills; nevertheless, beauty (packaging) is a sales aid in most realms of commerce. Beautiful women sell cosmetics to plain Janes, not the other way around. Magazine publishers feature young men and women of beautiful face and form in order to sell their magazines. Mags would not attempt to sell their publications by featuring unbecoming subjects in various stages of undress.

In effect, Socialists always denied the existence of physical beauty. At the very least, Socialism denies the value of beauty when it comes to selling. That explains the drab, unattractive, world Socialists/Communists have in store for everyone except themselves.

Socialism is driven by envy; so it is reasonable to say that tax-dollar wealthy Socialists get sick with envy when they have to pay for it while a beautiful hustling girl screws a working class nobody for free.

NOTE: Most of the abuse women experience at the hands of people like Harvey Weinstein looking for free sex. Basically, they have tons of money, but they resent paying for it out of their own pockets when they can force themselves on respectable women.

Socialism’s sick insistence that inner-beauty is the only beauty that means anything is evident in almost every touchy-feely issue that Socialists promote. By denying physical beauty its due it then becomes easier for Socialists to denounce excellence in everything else.

Socialists denying the importance of external beauty face the consequences of eventual defeat followed by certain ridicule. Or perhaps Communist moralists think they can do away with prostitution while using the Stella Principle to further Communism? If that is what they are up to lately they obviously do not understand the Stella Principle. An immutable rationale that will always contradict Communism whether or not prostitution is involved in financial transactions.

The Communist hogwash that says “Prostitution is the cornerstone of capitalism” makes me think that Socialists have to do away with all selling if their religion is to survive. How can a Socialist/Communist system of government allow sales of any kind to exist if one of Communism’s basic tenets is true?

Oddly enough, prostitution is the last outpost of collective bargaining left untouched by Big Brother’s intrusion into every aspect of private sector life. The irony is that Communism unwittingly guaranties prostitution’s growth because it leaves freedom of choice to the individual in that one realm while denying it everywhere else.

If capitalism is dependent upon prostitution, which I doubt, it is the premium that prostitution places on beauty. Beauty commands a higher price in every venue that allows women to sell their sexual wares; that is in hotels, bars, cathouses, cribs, and call girl services. Even the incomes of freelance streetwalkers is determined by beauty.​

After listening to Carlson’s monologue I realized there is so much envy in the Left’s cult members the day must come when they would scar the faces of attractive individuals who refuse to conform. ‘You must be ugly like me if I cannot be beautiful like you’ makes perfect sense to sick, twisted, minds.

Abe Lincoln was the only really ugly president this country ever had, and he started a war that killed more Americans than did all of the other wars combined. Nobody this ugly should get close to the presidency:



See the video:

Congressional Black Caucus chair Karen Bass being vetted to be Biden running mate
By Bo Erickson
June 24, 2020 / 7:10 AM / CBS News


Senile Joe knows his V.P. pick is so close to the Oval Office he is pricing boxes:

Abe Lincoln was the only really ugly president this country ever had, and he started a war that killed more Americans than did all of the other wars combined. Nobody this ugly should get close to the presidency:

Wrong. Lincoln's election started a backlash by his opposition--much like Trump's election did the exact same thing-- and they started a civil war because that's how they chose to oppose Lincoln being in office.
This seems like overthinking....what we have are spoiled brats who dont know anything because the chruches are dying and the former education system was repurposed onto an indoctrination center for UTOPIA and because their parents deeply sucked as parents.....who expect everything to be easy because easy is all they know and have ever heard about.....and they want what they want......NOW!
This seems like overthinking....what we have are spoiled brats who dont know anything because the chruches are dying and the former education system was repurposed onto an indoctrination center for UTOPIA and because their parents deeply sucked as parents.....who expect everything to be easy because easy is all they know and have ever heard about.....and they want what they want......NOW!
You really are the typical “get off my lawn” kind of guy. Grumble, grumble
This seems like overthinking....what we have are spoiled brats who dont know anything because the chruches are dying and the former education system was repurposed onto an indoctrination center for UTOPIA and because their parents deeply sucked as parents.....who expect everything to be easy because easy is all they know and have ever heard about.....and they want what they want......NOW!

Relax, before you work yourself into a frenzy.

Yes, there are problems in the world, and our little experiment with democracy here in America is not immune to them.

I suggest you look at a glass as being half full instead of half empty, and that the good always wins in the end.

SO many people shouting everything smells like shit, but yet they refuse to take their nose out of the stink pile!

Sometimes you actually do have to just go and get yourself a breath of fresh air.
Relax, before you work yourself into a frenzy.

Yes, there are problems in the world, and our little experiment with democracy here in America is not immune to them.

I suggest you look at a glass as being half full instead of half empty, and that the good always wins in the end.

SO many people shouting everything smells like shit, but yet they refuse to take their nose out of the stink pile!

Sometimes you actually do have to just go and get yourself a breath of fresh air.

I have all my life resisted using the rose colored glasses, I am not going to change tack this late in the game of life.
lol, you mean your perception of true/not true.

Exactly, and the quality of the perception is everything....quality perception is usually difficult to learn how to do as the ego needs to be tamed and a humongous amount of education must take place.....this is a Pure Zen Statement.