Ethanol! Saving the world from Global Warming

Aww come on US, you're a global warmer, you should have some strong argument to convince us all that trading lives of the starving for a slightly cooler climate is a perfectly reasonable endeavor.
Just put out thousands of acres of solar cells, make electricity and decrease the suns impact on the earths climate.
Not a peep from the global warmers. It figures. when they're shown how stupid their enviro ideas are they simply ignore it. If the whole fight against global warming and greenhouse gasses is about saving human lives, this must make their heads hurt. Noi wonder they stay away

Laughing out fucking loud!!
Makes economic sense in world trade, get food priced up to where we can trade it for oil.

ohh sorry lost it there for a second...
Makes economic sense in world trade, get food priced up to where we can trade it for oil.

ohh sorry lost it there for a second...

Gee now you've exposed the global capitalists plan. The whole green movement is probably designed to convince the populace to pay more for new technologies and feel good about it. Carbon credits will do nothing to curb emissions. Hell curbing emissions won't do a damn thing either considering the human contribution to the CO2 concentration is less than 5% and that's being generous. And as time will bear out, CO2 is not even the climate driver the populace has been led to believe. All just a scheme to get your dollars extracted from your wallet. Future generations will ask how we let it happen. How did we allow a handful of politicians to hijack science?
5%, would have a big effect. Also note that the contribution from humans would grow as a piece of the pie over time, and the rest of the sources won't.