Evangelist Claims Second Amendment Is ‘In The Bible’

Guno צְבִי

Am Yisrael Chai

In his deranged rant Feuerstein declares:

… if some bad guy tries to do something, he’s gonna get filled full of a bunch of .45 caliber freedom seeds.

Now, for all of you people that are telling me, “Josh, I thought you were a Christian! Why are you condoning violence? I mean, why are you carrying a gun? How can you be pro-Second Amendment?”

Well, let me tell you, the Second Amendment’s actually in the Bible. Yeah. Think about it. Even God understood that He had to give His angels weapons because you don’t defeat evil with tolerance and understanding. So for all of you people that are saying we need peace, well peace only prevails when the good guy has the bigger weapons.

I don't think the 2nd. Amendment is mentioned in the Bible, but it is mentioned in our Constitution. That's good enough for me.
...and you know this how?

Well, you appear to be an illiterate halfwit who is paying someone to write down his babblings, so it seemed obvious. Still, some of the concentration camp guards loved good music, so perhaps it is just your senility! :)
Well, you appear to be an illiterate halfwit who is paying someone to write down his babblings, so it seemed obvious. Still, some of the concentration camp guards loved good music, so perhaps it is just your senility! :)

Not an answer, not one with any sense of intelligence, anyway.
The face of today's white christinsanity in America

Previously the Facebook evangelist urged Christians to take up arms so they could protect the police from “a godless and a disgusting generation.”
In addition, Feuerstein once issued a horrifying call to arms via Facebook, asking Christians to join him in fighting gay rights with guns. In a video rant Feuerstein can be seen brandishing a semiautomatic assault rifle and calling on his followers to fight for their supposed right to discriminate against LGBT people by invoking their Second Amendment right to bear arms.

Last year he led a social media campaign demanding that a Christian cross emoji be added to the list of possible Facebook reactions. That demand was denied.

However, Feuerstein is probably most famous for a viral Facebook post claiming that Starbucks removed Christmas from their cups “because they hate Jesus.”

We're working on that!

You've been "working on that" since Longshanks fastened the iron collar of vassaldom onto your sad little slag-heap.

The evidence suggests that Wales is only fit for dirty weekends, second homers, stag dos, hen parties, and littering.