Every FBI Director In American History Has Been a Republican


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Since J. Edgar Hoover took over the then "Bureau of Investigation" almost a hundred years ago, every Director of the FBI has been a Republican. The current one, Wray, is the trump appointee after he fired the previous Republican Comey for investigating him too closely.

Hoover was director for 48 years, so no surprise only one party was in control for those 48 years, but what about the last 51 years? We have had 8 directors in 51 years, all Republican.
Most of the FBI and CIA are repubs. The Trumpys turned on them because they were unable to be 100 percent pro-Trump. It seems Trump keeps breaking the laws and regulations. That is why enforcement looks like they are against Trump. But they are actually just doing their jobs and Trump is a crook.
Most of the FBI and CIA are repubs. The Trumpys turned on them because they were unable to be 100 percent pro-Trump. It seems Trump keeps breaking the laws and regulations. That is why enforcement looks like they are against Trump. But they are actually just doing their jobs and Trump is a crook.

They may be Republicans, but they fail to put party before country, so according to the alt right must all be killed.
Since J. Edgar Hoover took over the then "Bureau of Investigation" almost a hundred years ago, every Director of the FBI has been a Republican. The current one, Wray, is the trump appointee after he fired the previous Republican Comey for investigating him too closely.

Hoover was director for 48 years, so no surprise only one party was in control for those 48 years, but what about the last 51 years? We have had 8 directors in 51 years, all Republican.

....and now the Trumpers want to abolish the FBI.
....and now the Trumpers want to abolish the FBI.

Yes, because FBI usually puts country before party, and to the alt right that is treason. They also want to abolish any political opposition to trump, because they consider that treason too.
Since J. Edgar Hoover took over the then "Bureau of Investigation" almost a hundred years ago, every Director of the FBI has been a Republican. The current one, Wray, is the trump appointee after he fired the previous Republican Comey for investigating him too closely.

Hoover was director for 48 years, so no surprise only one party was in control for those 48 years, but what about the last 51 years? We have had 8 directors in 51 years, all Republican.

lol. Think about what you just said.
Yes, because FBI usually puts country before party, and to the alt right that is treason. They also want to abolish any political opposition to trump, because they consider that treason too.

Agreed. The Alt-Right is never original which makes them easy to figure out. They are simply borrowing the same strategies as those used by fascists in the 1930s.

Yet the Trumpers want to abolish the FBI. Is it because they are too honest, loyal and trustworthy?

It's more a kneejerk reaction to the corruption at the top of the service. They want to topple the giant and kill it where what needs to be done is remove the cancer and replace it with fresh blood that isn't tainted by politics.
It's more a kneejerk reaction to the corruption at the top of the service. They want to topple the giant and kill it where what needs to be done is remove the cancer and replace it with fresh blood that isn't tainted by politics.

I have no doubt they are truly that fucking stupid to want to dissolve the entire service because they think the Republican Directors are corrupt.