Everybody In America Knows What Trump Meant


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There they go again. Democrats twisting Donald Trump's words into some straw man entity, that they can attack and disparage Trump with, in their never-ending quest to portray him as unfit to be president. Obviously (to any objective person), Trump was being his usual sarcastic self, and saying in a figurative sense, that Obama founded ISIS.

Well, in both a figurative and literal sense both, Obama DID partially participate in getting ISIS to become the powerful, destructive force that they are. With all the power of the US presidency, US presidents can create changes throughout the world in 2 ways. By action, and by inaction. When Roosevelt and Chamberlain did not act to stop Hitler in the late 1930,s did they help to create (found) the Nazi regime ? It's pretty hard to answer that with a no. If they had acted to stop Hitler, early on, just maybe 400,000 Americans wouldn't have lost their lives in the massive struggle to stop him, after he had grown to major imperialistic/militarist strength.

Same thing with ISIS. There was no mystery here. ISIS grew out of al Qaeda in Iraq, which was very weakened from their horrific al Zarqawi led days, just a few years earlier. But when they resurged (when Obama pulled US toops out of Iraq) and were driving their gun-mounted vehicles on wide-open, Iraqi highways in long convoys, slaughtering Christians and Muslims both, and bragging about coming to New York, and raising their black flag over the White House, just like with Hitler, this was the time to stomp these butchers out. As former US generals (McInerney, Keane, et al) repeatedly testified, on Fox News, they should have been hit with hundreds of airstrikes a day, and they would have been decimated easily. And Obama just sat and watched (or played golf).

Instead of taking ISIS out, Obama referred to them as a Jay-Vee team (junior varsity) implying that they were harmless and no threat. He was either lying (because he supported them) or he was the dumbest bunny that ever sat in the White House. Anyone could see that Iraq's Sunni army wouldn't fight for the Shiite Maliki govt, and that most of Syria was in disarray, both countries ripe for takeovers of cities and large sections of land. And ever since then, Obama has only pretended to be fighting ISIS, with MINIMAL airstrikes (what the generals call "pin-pricks"), and a resolute rejection of even the notion of sending any significant number of US ground troops.

He also has come up with some military policies that have left US military leaders dumbfounded. Like ordering fighter pilots to not strike targets until its fully ascertained that there is no possibility of civilian casualties. Guess what. There NEVER is that situation. Sheeesh! Could anyone imagine Eisenhower being told to refrain from bombing if a civilian might get hit ? Eisenhower ordered the CARPET BOMBING of major German cities for 3 years, which undoubtedly killed thousands of German innocent civilians. That just happens to be what WAR is like. Anybody want to take what the results might have been if Ike had NOT done that carpet bombing ? This is what happens when you put a guy with zero military background (not even having attended a military school as did Trump) in the White House, and make him Commander in Chief of the military.

So, did Obama at least partially participate in the "founding" of ISIS, and their growth to what they are today ? Absolutely, he did. He did just that by acting with inaction.